Archival Records :

The Central State Archive of the Highest Organs of Governmant and Administration of Ukraine (Ts DAVO)

The Central State Archive of the Highest Organs of Government and Administration of Ukraine (TsDAVO)

TsDAVO contains important information about the Nazi removal of Ukrainian cultural property. The majority of record groups in TsDAVO are now open to researchers although access is still limited with regard to some documents in top-secret files. The collection most relevant to looted art research are the files detailing the operations of the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR) (record groups 3674 and 3676) on the territory of Ukraine. Researchers interested in access to TsDAVO should present an official letter from a sponsoring institution in Ukraine.

Contact Information
Central State Archive of the Highest Organs of Government and Administration of Ukraine (TsDAVO)
vul. Solom'ians'ka 24
03110 Kyiv
Tel: +380 (0) 44 2772777 or 2773666

Opening Times:
Monday and Thursday 08.30-16.30
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 08.30-19.00
Saturday 09.00-16.00 (closed during summer)

N. Yeide, K. Akinsha, A. Walsh, The AAM Guide to Provenance Research (Washington; American Association of Museums, 2001), p.134.

ArcheoBiblioBase, Ukrainian Research Institute, Harvard University
<>, accessed 27 January 2004.