Archival Records :

The Warburg Institute: University of London, School of Advanced Study


The Warburg Institute: University of London, School of Advanced Study

The Warburg Institute of the University of London exists principally to further the study of the classical tradition, that is of those elements of European thought, literature, art and institutions which derives from the ancient world. It houses an archive, library, and a photographic collection.

The Warburg Institute library's approximately 350,000 volumes are classified into four sections: social and political history (fourth floor); religion, history of science and philosophy (third and fourth floors); literature, books, libraries and education (second floor and basement); history of art (first floor, with classical art and archaeology in the basement). There are c.2,500 runs of periodicals, about half of them are current and these are kept on mobile stacks in the basement. Readers have free access to the Library Holdings.

The Warburg's Photographic Collection consists of about 300,000 photographs of sculptures, painting, prints, tapestries and other forms of imagery. Most of the works depicted are European and range in date from classical antiquity to c.1800. The collection also has small, expanding sections on various kinds of non-European art.

The Library has free access but a letter of introduction is required. PhD/MPhil students at UK universities; MA and undergraduate students of the University of London (whose letter should state specific needs); visiting postgraduate students from abroad; and private scholars will require letters.

Contact Information
The Warburg Institute
Woburn Square
London WC1H OAB
United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 (0)20 7862 8949
Fax: +44 (0)20 7862 8955
Opening Times:
Monday and Friday 10.00-18.00
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 10.00-20.00
Saturday 10.00-16.00

The Warburg Institute
<>, accessed 8 December 2003.