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The ‘Return of Beauty’? New Perspectives on Looted Art during Fascism, Lecture, Online and in person, Deutsches Studienzentrum, Venice, 25 September 2023, 18.00pm

In April 2023, the working group „AG Italien“ was founded within the Arbeitskreis Provenienzforschung e.V. with the aim of establishing research on the provenance of unlawfully seized cultural objects during the Nazi-Fascist Era and Colonialism in Italy.

The working group is intended as a central forum for Italian-specific provenance research and as an international working network that wishes to promote exchange of knowledge and to establish both scientific and praxis related collaborations, particularly between Italy and Germany. 

On September 25th 2023, the “AG Italien” will host its first event at the Deutsches Studienzentrum in Venice. The kick-off meeting of the members of the international working group will consist of a workshop with invited guests from German and Italian research institutions and a public evening lecture by Dr. Bianca Gaudenzi (German Historical Institute in Rome) and Prof. Dr. Christian Fuhrmeister (Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte in Munich). 

The evening lecture “The ‘Return of Beauty’? New Perspectives on Looted Art during Fascism”  will be introduced by Dr. Richard Erkens, director of the Deutsches Studienzentrum in Venedig. The lecture will be held at 18:00 both in German and Italian and can be followed online through the following link:

The event has been organised in cooperation with Arbeitskreis Provenienzforschung e.V.Deutsches Zentrum Kulturgutverluste; Deutsches Historische Institut RomDeutsches Studienzentrum in Venedig
