Books and Publications :

Unser Wien: "Arisierung" auf Österreichisch (Our Vienna: "Aryanisation" the Austrian Way)

Unser Wien: Arisierung auf Österreichisch  (Our Vienna: "Aryanisation" the Austrian Way)


Tina Walzer & Stephan Templ

The book has sparked debate in Austria and is a useful resource for looted property research. It is divided into two sections.

In the first section, Tina Walzer describes the processes of confiscation and persecution in Vienna. She details the various methods of looting employed by the Nazis and the fate of the victims, with frequent reference to specific cases and examples. Walzer also turns her gaze on the post-war situation and is strongly critical of post-war attitudes and the restitution process in Austria. In the final chapter of this section, she focuses on confiscated Schiele paintings in Austrian museums and collections, describing the seizure of the Grünbaum, Steiner, Heinrich Rieger, and Lea Jaray collections which all included works by the artist, and their return (or not) in post-war Austria.

Walzer's text provides the historical and political context for the second section of the book, a 'topography of looting' compiled by her co-author, the architectural historian Stephan Templ. To illustrate the scope and impact of Nazi confiscations, Templ organises his documentation by professional categories, which range from pharmacies to theatre and dance. Within each profession, the entries are organised by district, and alphabetically by address within each district. Templ typically provides the name and address of a business or organisation, the former owner(s), and the "aryaniser", as well as listing the sources. There is a brief introductory text to each section (profession) and many entries include a couple of sentences of background information. The documentation works like a guided tour, exposing the extent of property confiscations in Vienna under Nazism by dint of its buildings and the stories attached to them. The format chosen lays open a wealth of archival sources and makes them 'speak'.

In the appendix, the authors provide a useful guide to Viennese archival resources on looted property. The volume also includes an index of primary sources, a bibliography and a register of all names mentioned in the book.

Part of the book's appeal lies in its direct and clear language, so different from the cautious tone employed by museums, restitution commissions and other official bodies. Its accusatory stance has provoked debate, while the information it provides on archival sources has inspired further research.

The book's contents page

Vorwort 7
Einleitung 9

Tina Walzer  'Unser Wien'

Identität zwischen Vergangenheitsnostalgie und Rassismus 17
"Arisierung" - Verfolgung, Beraubung, Bereicherung 26
Das Schicksal der Opfer in Wien 27
Methoden des Raubens 38
Argumente der Täter 51
Exkurs: Säuberungsaktionen 60
"Neue Sozialpolitik" - Umverteilung 63
"Restitution" - eine Worthülse 74
Ein Fall für Spezialisten: Egon Schiele in österreichischen Museen - Kunstraub, Kunsthandel und verhinderte Restitution 96

Stephan Templ 'Topographie des Raubes'

Topographie des Raubes. Ein Katalog 109
Apotheken 110
Architektur 23
Buch- und Verlagsgewerbe 139
Cafés und Gastronomie 143
Gewerbe, Industrie, Handel und Dienstleistungen 149
Geschäfte 152
Hotels und Pensionen 155
Juweliere 156
Kaufhäuser 157
Kinos 159
Kunsthandel und Museen 171
Geraubte Kunstsammlungen 178
Lebensmittelproduktion 180
Literatur 181
Musik 187
Medien 192
Mobilität 195
Politik 197
Rechtsanwälte 204
Sanatorien, Bäder, Gärten 206
Synagogen, Bethäuser und soziale Einrichtungen 211
Theater, Tanz 212
Exkurs: Das Rathausviertel 218


Recherchewege zu Enteignung und Restitution in Wien 227
Abkürzungen 233
Quellen und Literatur 235
Anmerkungen 249
Bildnachweis 274
Register 275

Tina Walzer & Stephan Templ, Unser Wien: "Arisierung" auf Österreichisch, Aufbau-Verlag, Berlin 2001(Our Vienna: "Aryanisation" the Austrian Way).