Laws :

Royal Decree 19 March 1999

Royal Decree 19 March 1999

19 March 1999

Royal Decree permitting the Study Commission on Jewish Assets to have access to the State Register of natural persons and to use the identification number of this register.

Royal Decree 19 March, 1999 Services of the Prime Minister, Department of Interior and Department of Justice

Article 1. The Study Commission into the fate of the Belgian Jewish Community's assets, plundered, surrendered or abandoned during the war 1940-1945, shall be granted - within the boundaries described in articles 2 to 4: 1° admission to the data as meant in article 3 concerning the State Register of natural persons. 2° permission to use the identification number of this register. The admission and the use of this register is allowed : a) to the president and to the members of the commission appointed by him; b) to the historians and the civil servants of level 1 that were supplied by the Services of the Prime Minister and other departments.

Article 2. The data acquired can only be used within the activities of the Study Commission. They can not be announced to others. Are not defined as others: 1° those individuals these data relate to, as well as their legal representatives and their heirs; 2° the assigned Government and institutions.

Article 3. The individuals meant by Article 1, Part 1, can only use the identification number of the State Register of natural persons as a number of identification: 1° for internal purposes; 2° in their relation with the assigned Government and institutions.

Article 4. A list of individuals, as meant in Article 1, Part 2, with mention of their grade and function, will be handed over to the Commission for the protection of personal life.
The identification number of the State Register of natural persons is not to be reproduced on documents that might be passed on to other than the assigned government and institutions.

Article 5. The Prime Minister, the Minister of Internal Affairs and the Minister of Justice will be in charge of the enforcement of this decision.

Buysse Commission Website <>, accessed 27 November 2002
Published in Moniteur Belge 30 April 1999