Post-War Reports:

Tentative List of Jewish Cultural Treasures in Axis-Occupied Countries, 1946

Events and Conferences
International Conferences





affiliated with

Conference on Jewish Relations

New York





Columbia University

Yeshiva College

Labor Standards Assn.

N.Y. Public Library

College of Jewish Studies

Netherlands Jewish Committee

American Ass'n. For
Jewish Education



Jewish Education Committee

American Ass'n. for
Jewish Education


World Jewish Congress

University of Chicago

American Friends of the
Hebrew University

St. John's University

Formerly Director
Frankfort Municipal Library


Library of Congress

Hebrew Teachers College

American Jewish Committee

Jewish Publication Society

Formerly Rabbi of Mannheim

College of the City of N.Y.

Joint Distribution Committee

Joint Distribution Committee

New School for Social Research

World Jewish Congress

Formerly Rabbi of Cologne

Jewish Telegraphic Agency

Rabbi, Ass'n Pour le
Retablissement Israelite en France

Carnegie Foundation for
International Peace

Formerly Reichsvertretung
Deutscher Juden


Hebrew Union College



American Jewish Committee

Hebrew Union College

University of Chicago

Jewish Theological Seminary

American Jewish Historical

Columbia University

Hebrew Union College


New School for Social Research

Queens College

St. John's University


Joint Distribution Committee

World Jewish Congress

American Friends of
the Hebrew University

Johns Hopkins University


Hillel Foundations

Hebrew Union College

New York University

Harvard University

Yiddish Scientific Institute

Hebrew Teachers College

American Federation of Jews
from Central Europe

Hebrew Union College

American Federation for Polish

Wisconsin State Teachers College

Yiddish Scientific Institute

Jewish Teachers Seminary

Formerly Secretary-General
Hilfsverin der Deutschen Juden

Formerly Curator, Jewish
Museum of Berlin

[p. 6]

INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT......................................................Salo W. Baron 5

ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................................11


Germany ..................................................................................................................... 12
Austria ..........................................................................................................................27
Belgium .......................................................................................................................30
Bulgaria .......................................................................................................................30
Czechoslovakia ..........................................................................................................31
Denmark ......................................................................................................................33
Estonia .........................................................................................................................33
Finland ..........................................................................................................................34
France ...........................................................................................................................34
Greece ..........................................................................................................................36
Hungary ........................................................................................................................36
Italy .................................................................................................................................37
Latvia .............................................................................................................................40
Lithuania ...................................................................................................................... 41
Netherlands .................................................................................................................42
Norway ..........................................................................................................................44
Poland ...........................................................................................................................44
Rumania .......................................................................................................................61
Soviet Union .................................................................................................................64
Yugoslavia ................................................................................................................... 66

Appendix : Jewish Cultural Treasures in Non-Jewish Institutions
Germany ........................................................................................................................67
Austria ............................................................................................................................78
Belgium .........................................................................................................................80
Czechoslovakia ........................................................................................................... 80
Denmark ....................................................................................................................... 81
Estonia .......................................................................................................................... 82
France. ............................................................................................................................82
Hungary ..........................................................................................................................85
Italy ...................................................................................................................................92
Latvia ................................................................................................................................92
Lithuania ..........................................................................................................................92
Netherlands .....................................................................................................................93
Poland ............................................................................................................................100
Rumania ........................................................................................................................100
Yugoslavia .................................................................................................................... 100
INDEX .............................................................................................................................101




Introductory Statement

After preliminary negotiations extending over a number of years the Conference on Jewish Relations took the initiative in setting up a commission of leading Jewish scholars and educators in America to investigate the manifold, complex problems of the cultural reconstruction of European Jewry after the devastation of the Second World War. In the spring of 1945 this Commission secured the active collaboration of the Cultural Committee of the Joint Distribution Committee and of the American Association for Jewish Education. More recently it obtained a grant from the American Jewish Committee. Representatives of many other national Jewish organizations have likewise become actively associated with its work.

It is planned to have the Commission serve as the central research and co-ordinating body for all American activities in the field of European Jewish cultural reconstruction and work in close co-operation with the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, the Committee on Restoration of Continental Jewish Museums, Libraries and Archives of the Jewish Historical Society in England and other national and international organizations. According to its original "Terms of Reference" it proposes to accomplish the following purposes :

1. To constitute, together with similar bodies, an Advisory Council to the United Nations in the restoration and/or reconstruction of the cultural aspects of European Jewish life and in the rehabilitation or redistribution of such Jewish cultural institutions (libraries, museums, schools, archives, etc.) as have been destroyed or confiscated.

[p. 6]

2. To serve, in collaboration with governmental or intergovernmental agencies, as a board of Trustees to take charge of and administer Jewish cultural institutions and properties formerly owned by communities now dispersed or by agencies now liquidated.
3. To serve as assessors in the presentation of claims for indemnities in respect of Jewish cultural properties.
4. To prepare plans for the redistribution and re-allocation of Jewish cultural material, where desirable.
5. To assist in the reconstitution of the Jewish school system and in the re-establishment of centers of Jewish higher education (seminaries, university courses, etc.)
6. To serve as an advisory body to see that Jewish needs and interests are properly represented in any more comprehensive educational programs that the United Nations may introduce into former Axis or Axis-occupied countries.
7. To supervise the presentation of material relating to Jews in any educational programs (textbooks, college curricula, etc.) which the United Nations may introduce into former Axis or Axis-occupied countries.
8. To undertake or assist in the training of personnel for Jewish cultural reconstruction in Europe.
9. To take such other measures as may be deemed desirable for the advancement of European Jewish cultural life in the postwar period.

The term "cultural reconstruction" is not to be interpreted in any too narrow a sense. The work of the Commission will of necessity impinge upon the wider fields of communal reconstruction. The Commission wishes to concentrate its attention, however, upon such institutions as libraries, museums and archives and upon all phases of Jewish education. In view of the wholesale destruction of Jewish life and property by the Nazis reconstruction of Jewish cultural institutions cannot possibly mean mechanical restoration in their original form or, in all cases, to their previous location. The Commission intends, in collaboration with other agencies of good will, to devise if necessary some new forms better accommodated to the emergent patterns of postwar Europe. Ultimately it may also seek to help redistribute the Jewish cultural treasures in accordance with the new needs created by the new situation of world Jewry.

While never losing sight of these ultimate major aims, the Commission has decided to concentrate first upon certain immediate tasks of research so as to ascertain the necessary basic facts for its own guidance

[p. 7]

and for that of other Jewish and non-Jewish organizations. The lack of readily available, reliable data concerning Jewish cultural treasures in the European countries before they were overrun by the Nazis has long been felt as a serious obstacle to intelligent action. Certainly only such data, supported by documentary evidence, may enable the agencies of the United Nations and Jewish communal leadership to identify and to ascertain the present location of those treasures which had been looted by the Nazis and to evaluate the complex problems of restoration and reparation. By maintaining direct contact with several hundred former rabbis, educators, social workers and communal leaders of the formerly Axis-occupied countries who now reside in the United States and by securing whatever information could thus far be obtained from Jewish army chaplains, press correspondents, the personnel of the Joint Distribution Committee and others now active in the European countries, the staff of the Commission has been able to accumulate a considerable body of valuable materials concerning both the former and the present status of these cultural treasures. Information on the present state of these treasures, however, is as yet insufficient to warrant publication.

Even in submitting to the public the following List of these cultural treasures known to have existed before the Nazi occupation, the Commission fully realizes its tentative nature. There undoubtedly are many serious omissions and despite all genuine attempts at avoiding them, some inaccuracies in detail. But it is felt that the publication of such a list may in itself serve as a vehicle for implementing the information on both the conditions before the war and the present state of affairs. It is hoped that additions and corrections of this List will be forthcoming from readers here and abroad and incorporated in a supplement to be published before very long.

The List includes only movable treasures, such as books, documents or museum pieces. Such important antiquities as synagogues and cemeteries, though indubitably among the most characteristic Jewish communal and cultural institutions in all ages, have not been listed, for their location and present fate are easily ascertainable on the spot. Much information on these institutions, however, has been gathered by the staff of the Commission and will soon be made available to interested agencies.

This List has originated from a brief compilation prepared by the

[p. 8]

Staff of the Hebrew University. The Research Fellows of the Commission, Dr. Hannah Arendt (in charge of the entire project and especially of the West-European areas), Dr. Adolf Kober (Central Europe), and Dr. Raphael Mahler and Dr. Jacob Shatzky (Eastern Europe), working under the guidance of a special subcommittee of the Committee on Research, headed by Prof. Alexander Marx,1 completely revised that compilation and amplified it greatly by both additional data and fuller documentation. They were aided greatly not only by the magnificent resources of the large New York libraries but also by some valuable information accumulated in the offices of the American Jewish Committee, the World Jewish Congress, The Joint Distribution Committee, The Federation of Jews from Central Europe and other organizations. Certain significant data have also been secured from former officials of the institutions here listed. Some of these persons have taken considerable pains in fully answering pertinent questionnaires. Working under great pressure to complete this undertaking in time for immediate use the research staff of the Commission and the members of its subcommittee have earned the gratitude of all groups and persons interested in this project.

In the presentation of this List the authors have decided to begin with the German collections and to enumerate the collections outside of Germany in the alphabetical order of the countries involved. This division suggested itself because of Germany's position as the main enemy country, the great importance of its collections and the fact that ultimately much of the looted treasures from other countries will doubtless be located in some of its caches.

The principal collections of each country are placed at the head and are followed by local collections arranged by communities in alphabetical order, while smaller libraries and other minor collections are grouped separately at the end of the enumeration for each country. Some outstanding private collections, marked by an asterisk (*) are also listed. All other collections were publicly owned by either the Jewish community

1 [Footnote] Prof. Freimann, in particular has proved very helpful in supplying new and reliable data from his own unmatched knowledge of European libraries. Mrs. Rachel Wischnitzer has lent her expert assistance in verifying the data concerning museums and art collections. The Research Fellows were also aided by certain directives emerging from the work of the Committee on Legal Problems, headed by Prof. Jerome Michael, and the Committee on Co-operation (also concerned with educational problems), headed by Prof. Horace M. Kallen.

[p. 9]

as a whole or by a Jewish association or foundation. Details as to the latter type of ownership, however, are given only for Germany and Austria, where they are likely to prove very useful in connection with claims for restoration and reparation. Names of institutions are, with few exceptions, given in the original language. Such exceptions proved unavoidable wherever the literature available in New York failed to mention the original name.

The Appendix is devoted to the important collections of Jewish books, art objects, documents, etc. known to have been included in some of the larger general libraries, museums or archives. The arrangement here follows the classification of the main list. Some scattered collections of Hebrew manuscripts, archival documents, books or antiquities, are likewise listed separately at the end of each country included in the Appendix, while details concerning the previous owners are again supplied for Germany and Austria alone. The List concludes with a full index of place-names. With the aid of this index, it is hoped, any reader will be in a position to ascertain all the cultural treasures of a particular locality recorded under the respective subdivisions.

Since, as is well known, the Nazis transferred many Jewish book and art treasures from public and private collections to the various institutes organized for anti-Semitic research, it was deemed advisable to compile a special list of some of the major institutes of this type established in various countries. This list of Nazi institutes follows below.


a. Reichsinstitut für Geschichte des neuen Deutschlands, Forschungsabteilung Judenfrage in MUNICH.
Owned by the State.
Founded in 1936, headed by Walter Frank, the Reichsinstitut established the Jewish division under the direction of Karl Alexander von Mueller.
Publication : Forschungen zur Judenfrage, 6 vols. 1936-1941.
b. Institut zur Erforschung der Judenfrage in FRANKFORT-on-the-Main.
Owned by the Party.
Founded in 1939, opened in 1941 as "Aussenstelle" of the Hohe Schule. The Hohe Schule was planned as an international "central institute of National Socialist research, teaching and education."
In 1941 : 350,000 volumes which included among other collections the Hebraica and Judaica of the Municipal Library of Frankfort, the Archives of the House of Rothschild and the Archives of the Alliance Israelite Universelle.
Director : Alfred Rosenberg. Chief of the Research Division : Dr. Wilhelm Grau.
Publication : Der Weltkampf (quarterly). (Die bisherige politische Montasschrift "Der Weltkampf" ist von...dem Verlag der Hohen Schule erworben...worden. Sie erscheint hinfort...als wissenschaftliche Viertelsjahresschrift.) First issue April-September 1941.

[p. 10]

Source : Wilhelm Grau, "Das Institut zur Erfoschung der Judenfrage," in Der Weltkampf, no. 1, 1941.
c. Institut zum Studium der Judenfrage (formerly Institut zur Erforschung von Judentum und Bolschewismus) in BERLIN.
Founded in 1934.
Director : Eugen Freiherr von Engelhardt.
Various publications under the heading : Herausgegehen im Auftrage des Instituts zum Studium der Judenfrage, Berlin.
d. Institut zur Erforschung und Besitigung des jüdischen Einflusses auf das kirchliche Leben in WEIMAR.
e. Institut zur Erforschung des jüdischen Einflusses auf das kirchliche Leben in EISENACH.
Source : Der Weltkampf, no. 1, 1941, Vorrede.


f. Institut für Rassenforschung in INNSBRUCK.
Affiliated with the University.
Director : A. Drexel, Rektor der Missionwissenschaftlichen Anstalt in Innsbruck.
Publication : Monographien zur Rassenkunde.


g. National Anti-Jewish Center in BRUSSELS.
Founded in 1941.
Source : American Jewish Yearbook, vol. 44, p. 210.


h. Institute for Studies of the Jewish Question in PARIS.
Affiliated with the Department of Jewish Affairs.
Founded in 1941.
Director : Louis Darquier de Pellepoix.
Source : Contemporary Jewish Record, vol. 5, p. 425.


i. Hochschule für Rassenschutz in BUDAPEST.
German institution.
Founded in 1943.
Source : Donau-Zeitung, November 1943.
j. Hungarian Institute for Research on the Jewish Question in BUDAPEST.
Hungarian institution.
Founded in 1944.
Source : New York Times, July 9, 1944.


k. Institutes for research on the Jewish Question were established at all major universities.
In 1942 : in Florence, Bologna, Milan, Trieste.


l. Office to Investigate Racial Jewish and Dutch Indies Problems in AMSTERDAM.
Founded in 1941.
Director : Dr. T. Goedewagen.
Source : American Jewish Yearbook, vol . 43, p. 181.

[p. 11]


m. Institut für deutsche Ostarbeit in CRACOW.
Founded in 1940 by the German Government (Protektorat).
Research Division for Eastern European Jewry.
Publication : Der Bund (quarterly).
Sources : National-Sozialistische Monatshefte, February, 1941, p. 127. Der
Weltkampf, no. 1, 1941, Vorrede.
n. Branch of the Institut zur Erforschung der Judenfrage of Frankfort in LODZ
(cf. b; above).
Founded in 1941.
Director : A. Wendel.
Sources : Frankfurter Zeitung, March 3, 1941; P. Carstens, in National-Sozialistische.
o. Reichsuniversität in POZNAN.
Founded by the German Government in 1941 with a professorship for Jewish history and Jewish languages and a special library of Judaica with about 400,000 volumes from confiscated Jewish libraries.
Sources : Frankfurter Zeitung, March 3, 1941; P. Carstens, in National-Socialistisch Monatshefte, Nov./Dec. 1942; Black Book of Polish Jewry (1943) p. 300.

In conclusion, we reiterate our request to all informed readers, here and abroad, to communicate all pertinent information they may possess about the past and present state of these cultural treasures to the Commission's offices at 1841 Broadway, New York 23, N. Y.

SALO W. BARON, Chairman
Commission on European Jewish Cultural Reconstruction


BZ Bibliologisher Zamlbuch
Cat. Cod. Cataloghi dei codici orientali di alcune bibliotechi d’Italia
Cat. General Auguste Molinier,Le Catalogue general des manuscrits des
biblioteques publiques de France
Enc. Jud. Encyclopaedia Judaica
GSAI Giornale della Società Asiatica Italiana
JDB Jahrbuch der deutschen Bibliotheken
JGJC Jahrbuch fuer Geschichte der Juden in der Cechoslovakischen
JJLG Jahrbuch der Juedisch-Literarischen Gesellschaft
JJO Juedisches Jahrbuch fuer Oesterreich
Mitt. Mitteilungen des Gesamtarchivs der deutschen Juden
MGWJ Monatsschrift fuer Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums
MZL Magyar Zsido Lexikon
REJ Revue des etudes juives
Riv. Isr. Rivista Israelitica
ZGJD Zeitschrift fuer die Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland
ZGJT Zeitschrift fuer die Geschichte der Juden in der Tschechoslovakei
ZHB Zeitschrift fuer hebräische Bibliographie

[p. 12]




1. Bibliothek des Juedisch-Theologischen Seminars in BRESLAU, owned by the Fraenkel'sche Siftung.
In 1937 : 38,143 vols., 433 mss., 54 incunables (Minerva, 1937), 3 ed. on parchment, Included the Saraval collection and part of the Bernhard Beer collection, see no. 475. This was the most valuable Jewish-owned collection in Germany for ancient literature, Judaica and Orientalia.
Catalogues : L.V. Saraval, Catalogue de la bibliothèque de littéature hébraique et orientale et d'auteurs, hébreux du feu M. Léon V. Saraval (Trieste 1853).
G. Wolf, Katalog der Bibliothek des Herrn Bernard Beer in Dreseden (1863). Supplements in the Jahresberichte des Seminars.
B. Zuckerman, Catalog der Bibliothek des Breslauer Juedisch-Theologischen Seminars von 190 seltenen hebraeischen Handschriften und 263 verschiedenen Ausgaben der Bibel ( Breslau 1876). 2nd ed.
S. Loevinger and B. Weinryb, Handschriften-Katalog der Bibliothek des Juedisch-Theologischen Seminars (1932). (Typescript; copy in the possession of Dr. B. Weinryb, New York.)
M. Brann, Incunabeln und interessante Drucke (Schlesische Buchdrucks-Austellung. Katalog.) (Breslau 1900).
Other sources : Minerva, 1937. Aron Freimann, "Die hebraeischen Pergamentdrucke," in ZHB, vol. 15, 1911.

2. Lehranstalt fuer die Wissenschaft des Judentums in BERLIN, an independent corporation supported by endowments and donations.
In 1940 : 58,590 vols., 40 mss, some incunables.
Included the collections of Abraham Geiger, J. Flatau, Wassermann, M. A. Levy. A very valuable, comprehensive library of scientific and rabbinic literature.
Catalogues : No printed catalogue of the whole library.
Buecherverzeichnis de Bibliothek M.A. Levy (1872).
New acquisitions in Berichte der Lehranstal, 1876-1936.
ZHB, vol. 17, p. 11 (mss. of the Geiger collection).
Isaak Markon, "The mss. of the Geiger collection," (Hebrew) in Essays in Honor of Dr. J.H. Hertz (London 1934).
Other sources : JDB, vol. 25, p.18.

3. Bibliothek des Rabbiner-Seminars in BERLIN, owned by the Seminary.
In 1937 : 20-25,000 vols. (including 1,805 in the Reading Room), 139 mss., 2 incunables. A large collection of rabbinic literature, commentaries, Bibles, responsa, Orientalia.
Catalogues : No printed catalogue of the whole library.
Katalog der Lesesall Bibliothek des Rabbiner-Seminars zu Berlin (Berlin 1933) (mimeographed); 600 entires.
Other sources : Minerva. 1937. JDB, vol. 21-22, p. 19; vol. 25, p. 17.

4. Bibliothek der Juedischen Gemeinde, Oranienburger Strasse, in BERLIN, owned by the Jewish Community, Berlin.
In 1937 : 64,000 books and pamphlets, 562 mss., 36 Genizah fragments, incunables, 340 files of clippings.
Many valuable prints of the 15th , 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. Large collection of Judaica and Hebraica; many books in other languages; fiction.
Catalogues : None. New acquisitions in Berliner Gemeindeblatt. Vorstandberichte, passim.
Other sources : J. Schirmann, "Die poetischen Genizafragmente in der juedischen
Gemeindebibliothek,"in MGWJ, vol.76, 1932; 36 entries.
Moritz Stern, in Berliner Gemeindeblatt, 1925. no. 11; 1926, no. 3.


JDB, vol. 22, 1931, p. 29; vol. 25, 1934. p.29.

5. Kunstsammlung der Juedischen Gemeinde in BERLIN, owned by the Jewish Community.
Included the collection of Albert Wolf; antiquities; collection of coins and medals; photographs and
slides; ceremonial objects; ancient and modern Jewish art.
Catalogues : Moritz Stern, Die vierte Ausstellung der juedischen Kunstsammlung (Berlin 1927).
Rachel Wischnitzer-Bernstein. Juedisches Museum in Berlin (Gedenkausstellung Don Jizchak Abrabanel) (Berlin 1937).
idem, Juedisches Museum Berlin (Akiba Eger Ausstellung 1937) Ausstellung im Juedischen Museum Berlin. 1937/1938: 116 entries.
Other sources : Moritz Stern, Die Kunstsammlung der Juedischen Gemeinde zu Berlin (1917).
Lotte Loose, Das Juedische Museum in Berlin (Forum Bratislava, 1934).
Moritz Stern, Aus dem Berliner juedischen Museum (Berlin 1937).
Karl Schwarz, in Juedische Liberale Zeitung, vol. 8, no. 11; idem, in Gemeindeblatt Berlin, vol. 20, 1930.

6. Museum juedischer Altertuemer (Rothschildmuseum) in FRANKFURT/M., owned by the Gesellschaft zur Erforschung juedischer Kunstdenkmaeler and by the Jewish Community. Many objects were on loan from private owners.
About 18,000 objects. Included the S. Nauheim collection. A very valuable collection of furniture, paintings, silver and early prints; 200 Menoroth and gold cups of the 17th century.
Catalogues : Ausstellung von juedischen Bauten und Kultusgegenstaenden fuer Synagoge und Haus in Duesseldorf (1908) : 1,505 entries.
"Katalog der Ausstellung des Museums juedischer Altertuemer in Frankfurter Kunstverein, April 1925,"in Die Entwicklung der juedischen Gemeinde Frankfurt/Main.
H. Gundersheimer and G. Schoenberger, Katalog (1937).
"Das von Rothschild-Museum. Katalog der Bestaende. 1931", in Notizblaetter, 27-28.
Other sources : Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft zur Erforschung juedischer Kunstdenkmaeler (Frankfurt/M. 1900-1915). Notizblaetter, 1902-1937, passim, Erich Toeplitz, Das Museum juedischer Altertuemer in Frankfurt/M.
Information from Dr. R. Geiger and Dr. H. Gundersheimer, New York.

7. Museum und Archiv der Israelitischen Gemeinde in WORMS.
Very valuable collection of old ceremonial objects, such as silver-cups and Torah-plates of the 16th and 17th centuries; curtains, the oldest dated 1678; pictures, Menoroth, the great Menorah of 1656; 600 Wimpeln (since 1570).
Outstanding are : the Mahzor of 1272, 2 vols.; the prayerbook of Simon Eggenfelder, 1452. Maase Nissim book Gruenes Buch of 1563 Minhag-books : Liwa Kirchheim, 1625; Juspa Schammas, 1648.
Imperial privileges, 1551-1766, on parchment. Schutzbriefe, 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. General Jewish Regulations (Judenordnungen), the oldest dated 1552. Communial regulations, 1641, 1728. Registers of deaths, 1679, 1687, 1765-1829.
Sources : Minerva, 1937.
J. Kiefer, "Das Museum der Israelitischen Gemeide Worms ", in ZGJD, vol. 5, 1934.
Zivier, in MGWJ, vol. 49, 1905.
A. Epstein, "Die Wormser Minhag-Buecher," in Gedenkbuch zur Erinnerung an
David Kaufmann
(Breslau 1900).
J. Rothschild, Aus Vergangenheit und Gegenwart der Israelitischen Gemeinde Worms (Frankfurt/M. 1926).
A. Kober, "Die Deutschen Kaiser und die Wormser Juden", in ZGJD, vol. 5, 1934.
Information from I. Kiefer, founder of the Museum, now in New York. Mr. Kiefer possesses a list and photographs of all valuable pieces.

8. Gesamtarchiv der deutschen Juden in BERLIN, owned by the Jewish Community.

[p. 14]

Founded in 1905; housed in the building of the Jewish Community, Oranienburger Strasse, since 1926.

Records of 344 communities were placed in the Central Archives until 1926. Among these were : Memor-books, Protocol-books (such as those of the Jews of Hessen-Cassel beginning with the end of the 17th century; of the Jews of Cleve; of the Jews of Paderborn beginning in 1730; the death register of the Jews of Krotoschin beginning in 1675); the oldest community-book is that of Ostrowo, 1724; documents of a number of communities in Saxony and Westphalia from the 18th century. Copies from State and City Archives.

The Verband de deutschen Juden, the Verband der oberschlesischen Synagogen-Gemeinden, der Allgemeine Rabbiner-Verband in Deutschland, the Verband westpreussischer Rabbiner, the Verband der juedischen Lehrervereine im deutschen Reich and the Hilfsverein der Juden in Deutschland had placed their records in the Central Archives since 1920.
The contents of the archives of the following communities have been published In the Mitteilungen des Gesamtarchivs : Aurich, Bromberg, Deutsch-Krone, Krotoschin, Landsberg/W., Maerkisch-Friedland, Neuenkirchen/Westf., Offenbach/M., Wandsbeck.
Catalogues : See Mitteilungen des Gesamtarchivs der deutschen Juden, vols. 1-6, 1909-1926.
Sitzungsberichte (not printed).
A. Freimann, Geschichte der Israelitischen Gemeinde Ostrowo (Ostrowo 1896).
Dr. Guggenheim ed., Akteniventar der Israelitischen Religionsgemeinde Offenbach a.M. Aus der Vergangenheit der isr. Gemeinde zu Offenbach a.M. (1915), p. 17-37.
Other sources : Ezechiel Zivier, in MGWJ , vol. 49, 1905, p. 209-254.
Guido Kisch in ZGJD, vol. 2, 1930, p. 168.


Documentary material of varying importance was deposited in the archives of numerous German-Jewish communities. This material consisted chiefly of Memorbücher, pinkasim, and protocol-books. See the following works :
M. Steinschneider, Die Geschichtsliteratur der Juden (Frankfurt/M. 1905), vol.1, p. 36-39, 175 (with addenda by A. Freimann).
M. Weinberg, Die Memorbuecher der juedischen Gemeinden in Bayern (Frankfurt/M. 1937-38) 52 Memorbücher.
A. Kober, in Rheinischer Verein fuer Denkmalpflege und Heimatschutz, vol. 1, 1931, p. 69.
Siegmund Salfeld, Quellen zur Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland (Berlin 1898), vol. 3.


9. Beth ha-Midrasch Chacham Zebi Klaus, owned by the Klausvereinigung.
About 4,00 Hebrew vols.
Catalogue : S.A. Goldschmidt, Reshimat ha-sefarim (Altona 1904).
Other sources : Information supplied by Dr. M. Plaut, Tel Aviv, and Samuel Frank, Tel Aviv, son of the former head of the community.


10. Juedisches Gemeinde Archiv, owned by the Jewish Community.
Documents of all branches of communal administration during the 19th century. Account-books of Pfersee. Register of Pfersee, 1782. Records of the registry-office, 1850-75, kept by the Rabbi. For the Memorbuch of Pfersee in the central archives, see no. 8.


11. Bibliothek der Juedischen Gemeinde, Fasanenstrasse. Branch library. cf. no. 4.
Popular library of about 14,000 vols.; many periodicals.

[p. 15]

Sources : Minerva, 1937.
JDB, p. 29 (11,000 vols.).
Juedisches Jahrbuch fuer Gross-Berlin, 1926, p. 152.

12. Archiv der Juedischen Gemeinde, owned by the Jewish Community and
housed in the Central Archives : cf. no. 8.
Oldest document : Book of the Hevra Kadisha, 1676. Privilege granted in 1714. Population statistics, tax-books, etc., of the second half of the 18th century.
Sources : Mitt., vol.3, 1911, p. 61.
M. Stern, "Das Vereinsbuch des Berliner Beth Hamidrasch, 1743-1788", in JJLG, vol. 22, 1931-32,
p. 401-20, I - XII.
Enc. Jud., vol. 3, p. 257.

12a. Bibliothek und Archiv des Central-Vereins deutscher Staatsbuerger
juedischen Glaubens
, owned by the Central-Verein.
Coll. of about 6,000 vols. of recent Judaica and Antisemitica. Archives comprising 7,600 folders of documents pertaining to recent Jewish history and anti-Semitism in Germany. Files of 55 periodicals and a large coll. of newspaper clippings. Catalogue arranged in 29 main divisions.
Catalogue : New acquisitions in Central-Vereins-Dienst, 1924 ff.
Other sources : Geschaeftsbericht. Zwei Jahre Arbeit im Central-Verein...(1928).

13. Bibliothek und Zentralarchiv des Ordens Bne Brith, owned by the Bnai Brith.
An important collection of Judaica and popular books.
Catalogue : Buecherei der Berliner Logen U.O.B.B. Neuanschaffungen.

14. Bibliothek des Rabbinats der Israelitischen Synagogengemeinde, owned by
the Congregation Adass Jisroel.
About 1,500 vols. of rabbinic literature.

15. Bibliothek des Juedischen Kulturbundes, owned by Juedischer Kulturbund,
Important popular library of Judaica and fiction, founded after 1933. Included many collections of the Verein fuer juedische Geschichte und Litteratur.

16. Zentralsammelstelle der Gesellschaft der Freunde der Jerusalemer
Bibliothek, owned by Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
About 50,000 vols., Jewish and general, to be shipped to the library of the Hebrew University.
Source : Information from A. Hofmann, Jessurun Library, Jerusalem.

17. Archiv der Zentralwohlfahrtsstelle der deutschen Juden, owned by the
Specialized collection of about 3,500 vols. on social work.
Many periodicals. Historical parts of the Archives transferred to the Central Archives; see no. 8.
Source : Fuehrer durch die juedische Gemeindeverwaltung, 1932-1933.

18. Archiv und Bibliothek der Zionistischen Organisation, owned by the Zionist
About 3,500 Zionistica. Important newspaper collection.

19. Spinoza-Loge U.O.B.B., owned by the Bnai Brith.
Collection of photographs of Jewish antiquities.


20. Archiv der juedischen Gemeinde im Gemeindehaus, owned by the Jewish
Coll. of ceremonial objects such as Torah-silver, curtains, etc. from the 18th century.

[p. 16]

Memor-book of 1784. Account-books of the country-Jewry in the district of the archbishopric of Cologne during the 18th century.
Sources : A. Levy, Aus Bonner Archiven, 1929.
A. Kober, "Jewish Names in the Era of Enlightenment,"Historia Judaica, vol. 5, 1943, p. 164.


21. Museum der israelitischen Gemeinde, owned by the Jewish Community.
Founded by Alexander David (1685-1765).
Valuable collection of ceremonial objects, curtains, Mahzorim, Esther-scrolls, etc.
Source : G. Ruelf, in Mitteilungen zur juedischen Volkskunde, vol. 19, 1906, p. 89-94.


22. Bibliothek der Synagogen-Gemeinde, owned by the Jewish Community.
About 12,000 vols., Hebraica and Judaica.
Catalogue : M.A. Levy, Catalog der Bibliothek der Synagogen-Gemeinde Breslau (1861). Nachtraege, 1-6 (1865-1908).
Other sources : Fuehrer durch die juedische Gemeindeverwaltung, 1932-1933.
Bernhard Weinryb, in Juedisches Gemeindeblatt, Breslau, 1932.

23. Schlesisches Museum fuer Kunstgewerbe und Altertuemer. Jewish Division
owned by the Verein Juedisches Museum, E. V.
Collection of Jewish arts and crafts as well as documents of historical value.
Source: E. Hintze, Katalog der vom Verein "Juedisches Museum" Breslau veranstalteten Ausstellung "Das Judentum in der Geschichte Schlesiens" (Breslau 1929).

24. Archiv der Synagogen-Gemeinde, owned by the Jewish Community.
Documents on communal administration since the 18th century.
Records and statutes of the Hevra Kadisha since 1727; statutes of 1761. Many documents from other communities.
Sources : Louis Lewin, Geschichte der Israelitischen Kranken-Verpflegungs-Anstalt und Beerdigungsgesellschaft zu Breslau (Breslau 1926).
Max Freudenthal, "Die ersten Emanzipationsbestrebungen der Juden in Breslau", in MGWJ, vol. 37, 1893, p. 43 ff.
M. Brann, "Geschichte des Landrabbinats in Schlesien," in Jubelschrift wzum siebzigsten Geburtstag von H. Graetz (Breslau 1887).
Minerva, 1937.


25. Archive des Bezirksrabbinat, owned by the Jewish Community.
Statutes; documents on relations with the bishop of Speyer; Schutzbriefe; Geleitsgeld; privileges; cemetery; name-lists; school-reports.
The oldest document is dated 1685.
Source : E. Zivier, in MGWJ, vol. 49, 1905, p. 228.

BUCHAU am Federsee (Würtemberg)

26. Juedisches Altertums-Museum, owned by the Jewish Community.
Objects of the 17th century.
Source : Juedische Gotteshaeuser und Friedhoefe Würtembergs (Stuttgart 1902).
Publ. By Oberrat der Israelitischen Religionsgemeinden Würtembergs.


27. Jewish Community (formerly Hessisches Landesmuseum), owned by the
association Juedisches Museum. The collection formed a special division in the

[p. 17]

Hessisches Landesmuseum until 1939, when it was returned to the Jewish Community.
Collection of Jewish ritual objects of Hessen; arts and crafts.
Sources : Rudolph Hallo, "Juedische Kult- und Kunstdenkmaeler im Hessischen Landesmuseum, Kassel," in Der Morgen, 1928.
Information from Dr. Rahel Wischnitzer-Bernstein, New York.

28. Jewish Community Archives, owned by the Jewish Community.
Coll. of documents of the beginning of the 18th-19th centuries, including records of the Westphalian Consistory.
Source : S. Steinberg, in ZGJD, vol. 2, 1930, p. 242.
R. Hallo, Geschichte der juedische Gemeinde Kassel (Kassel 1931) vol. 1.

29.* Alexander Fiorino.
Valuable collection of portrait miniatures by the famed Jewish artist, J.D.A. Fiorino, 1797.
Source : A. Fiorino, Der Miniaturmaler J.D.A. Fiorino und seine Familie (Kassel 1926).




30. Bibliothek der Synagogengemeinde, owned by the Jewish Community.
Good collection of about 3,000 vols., Judaica and Hebraica.
Source : Fuehrer durch die juedische Gemeindeverwaltung, 1932-1933.
31. Archiv der Synagogengemeinde, owned by the Jewish Community.
Memorbücher of Cologne, Deutz 1581-1784, Muelheim. Account-books in Hebrew and German, 18th century, from Deutz.
Communal administration documents since 1798. Protocols of the communal administration since 1857. Collection of ceremonial objects, 18th century, from Deutz.
Register of the Archives.
Source : Adolf Kober, Cologne (Philadelphia 1940).




32. Juedisches Gemeinde-Archiv, owned by the Jewish Community.
Documents for Jewish history in the Rhineland, especially for the time of the Napoleonic Wars.
Source : Information from Dr. Bluhm, former Rabbi of Crefeld, now Amerillo, Texas.



33. Archiv der Juedischen Gemeinde und der Landjudenschaft Hessen, owned by
the Jewish Community.
With Frankfurt/M. the most important Jewish archive in Germany.
Rich material for the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries.
Documents on : Jewish diets in the 18th century; taxes for the 18th and 19th centuries; the Landjudenschaft from 1831 to 1851. Ordinances concerning the legal position of the Israelitisch-Hessischen Religionsgemeinden since the 17th century. Complaints of the town Jewry, 1780-1790. 25 facsimiles on taxes and accounts beginning 1770.
Religious services and education since the end of the 18th century.
Cemetery since 1709.
Donations, construction, privileges.
200 vols. of communal bills since 1776, etc..
30 vols. of account books in Hebrew and German since the 18th century.
Part of the older documents was placed in the Central Archives, Berlin; see no. 8.
Source : Zivier, in MGWJ, vol. 49, 1905.


[p. 18]




34. Archiv der juedischen Gemeinde, owned by the Jewish Community.
Documents since 1685.
Source : Enc. Jud., vol. 3, p. 352.




35. Buecherei der Israelitischen Religionsgemeinde, owned by the Jewish
Valuable collection of Judaica, including the Wuensche collection.
Catalogue : B. Isaak, Katalog der Buecherei des Israelitischen Religionsgemeinde zu Dresden (1927).




36. Archiv der juedischen Gemeinde, owned by the Jewish Community.
Documents on communal administration; Memorbuch; protocols of the
Juelich-Bergischen Landjudenschaft. Coll. of Torah-silver and curtains.
Sources : A Wedell, "Geschichte der juedischen Gemeinde Duesseldorf," in
Festschrift zum 600 jaehrigen Jubilaeum der Stadt (Duesseldorf 1888).
David Kaufmann, Aus Heinrich Heine's Ahnensaal (Breslau 1896),
M. Eschelbacher, Die Synagogengemeinde Duesseldorf 1904-1929
(Duesseldorf 1929).


37.* Karl W. Simons.

Valuable ceremonial objects, 17th and 18th centuries.
Source : Kober-Moses, in Rhein. Verein f. Denkmalspflege (Duesseldorf 1931)
p. 159, 160, 172.



38. Gemeindebibliothek, owned by the Jewish Community.
In 1937 : 15,384 vols.
Founded on the library of the Israelitische Religionsschule and Hermann
Cohen collection (mostly philosophy).
Included the collections : R. Kirchheim; Salomon Geiger; part of the
Rothschild library; part of the coll. of Abraham Berliner (see no. 433; library
of the Verein zu Abwehr des Antisemitismus [sic]; and the library of the Vereinigung Israelitischer Religionslehrer und-lehrerinnen.
Catalogues : A. Freimann, Katalog der Bibliothek der Israelitischen Religionsschule (Frankfurt/M. 1909); lists 946 Judaica, 3,118 Hebraica. Ernst Blau, Katalog der Gemeindebibliothek (Frankfurt/M. 1932) Verzeichnis der Buecherei der Vereinigung Israelitischer Religionslehrer und -lehrerinnen (1912); Nachtraege, 1913-1915. Katalog der Bibliothek des Vereins zur Abwehr des Anitsemitismus (1908) (mimeographed).
Other sources : Information from Prof. A. Freimann, New York.


39. Israelitische Religionsgesellschaft, owned by the Orthodox Congregation.
Founded on the duplicates of Willi von Rothschild's library.
Catalogue : Chaim Meir Horowitz, Standortskatalog der der [sic] Israelitischen Reli-
gionsgesellschaft ueberwiesenen Buecher aus der Bibliothek des Baron W. v.
(Frankfurt/M. 1910).


40. Bibliothek der Frankfurt Loge, owned by the Bnai Brith.
Popular library of about 5,000 vols.
Cataloque : Katalog der drei Bnei-Briss Logen zu Frankfurt/Main (Frankfurt/M. 1927).

40a. Professor Aron Freimann.
Coll. of about 6,000 vols., including a number of incunables.




Hebraica and Judaica pertaining to bibliography, history, Halakah, liturgy, etc.
Information from Prof. A. Freimann, New York.


41.*Rabbi Dr. Jacob Horovitz .
Great rabbinic library of Rabbi Mordechai Horovitz (his father).


42.* Hugo Bondi.
Important rabbinic collection.


43. Gemeinde- Archiv, owned by the Jewish Community.
Current material was housed in archives on Fahrgasse.
Material from 1826-1900 was housed in the Boernestrasse Synagogue.
The old documents and the archives of the Verein zur Abwehr des .Antisemitismus were housed in the Boerneplatz Synagogue.
Oldest document, 1473 : 2 guelten for the synagogue.
The Great Community- Book begins with the year 1540.
13 imperial privileges for the Jews in Frankfurt of the 17th and 18th centuries.
The oldest document entered is dated 1551.
44 vols. Of notarial material, 1645-1798.
Memorbuch, 1629-1862, on parchment; Memorbuch, 1630-1898, on parchment; 536 folio sheets; 2 old funeral books.
Laws on residence and register of persons applying for residence, 1618-1740.
Register of deaths from 1709 to the end of the 18th century and from the beginning of the 19th century to the present time.
Midwife book 1748-85; register of births, 1808-1876 :
Account books; ledger and 14 vols. of cash- books, 1741-1804.
Protocols of the Jewish administrative authorities, 1808-1839.
Bills of the community since 1808.
Many documents on relations with non-Jewish authorities.
This was a very important and valuable archive, second only to the Gesamtarchiv in Berlin.
Sources : Zivier, in MGWJ, vol. 49, 1905, p. 240-243. I. Kracauer, Geschichte der Juden in Frankfurt/Main, 2 vols. (Frankfurt/M.,1925, 1927).
Information from Prof. A. Freimann, New York.



44. Archiv der juedischen Gemeinde, owned by the Jewish Community.
4 Memorbuecher : 1. the Altschul, 1592-1828 ; 2. the Neushul, first entry, 1592;
3 the Verein zur Erziehung von Waisen since 1767 ; 4. the Klaus, first entry1635.
Privileges of 1719 : ordinances of 1722, 1767, 1786, 1793.
Dress regulation of 1770; minutes of communal meetings, 1772-1819.
Docoments : (a) general; (b) state law and statistics since 1798; (c)organisation and personnel since 1815 : (d) general management ; (e) budget and bookkeeping since 1798; (f) income of the community since 1803 ; (g) taxes since 1829; (h) cult since 1820; (i) charity since 1819; (j) hospital since 1822; (k) endowments since 1822.
In possession of the rabbi : register of births, 1698-1875 : midwife book, 1787-1804; register of deaths, 1812-1875, register of marriages, 1781-1875; certificates granted by the Kahal, 1804-1830; pawn-books, 1784-1812.
Register of new members of the community.
Sources : E. Zivier, in MGWJ, vol. 49, 1905, p. 236-240.
M. Brann, IN Kaufmann-Gedenkbuch, p. 385-450.
Loewenstein, in JJLG, 1909,1911, 1913.


GLOGAU (Silesia)

45. Gemeinde-Archiv, owned by the Jewish Community.
Hevra Kadisha, 2 death lists, beginning 1796.
Death-lists, 1710-1850.
Source : M. Brann, Geschichte der Juden in Schliesen, vol. 6 (1917).


[p. 20]




46.* Max Hahn.
Judaica and coll. of about 250 ceremonial objects.
Catalogue : Ms. in possession of Dr. S. Lasch., New York.
Other sources : E. Toeplitz, in Israelitisches Familienblatt Hamburg, vol. 2, p. 276 f.




47. Bibliothek der Deutsch-Israelitschen Gemeinde, owned by the Jewish Community.
In 1937: 30,000 vols. (Minerva)
In 1933 : 20,000 vols. (Fuehrer durch die jued. Gem. Verwaltung).
Remarkable library, very much enlarged in recent times : Included the collections Wallich Klaus (see No. 90), Sol Levine Klaus (see No. 88), Rabbi Nobel and others which were presented by emigrants during Nazi rule. Collection of popular literature and Judaica.
Catalogue : Salomon Goldschmidt, Bibliothek der deutsch-Israelitischen Gemeinde in Hamburg (1907).
Other sources : Minerva, 1937.-Fuehrer durch die juedische Gemeinde- Verwaltung, 1932-1933.
I. Marcon, in Gemeindeblatt der juedischen Gemeinde Hamburg, vol. 6, nos. 1, 2, 4, 6.
Information from Professor I. Marcon, England, former head of the library.


48. Talmud Tora Realschule, owned by the association.
Great students' library of about 10,000 vols. in 1905.
Source : J. Goldschmidt, Geschichte der Talmud Tora Realschule in Hamburg (1905).


49. Museum und Buecherei fuer juedische Volkskunde, owned by the Gesellschaft fuer juedische Volkskunde. Housed in the Community-house.
Museum and library with a special division on the history of the Jews in Hamburg.
Coll. of Jewish folklore.
Catalogue : Verzeichnis der Sammlungen der Gesellschaft fuer juedische Volkskunde (1900).
Other sources : Jahrbuch fuer juedische Volkskunde, vol. 1-2, 1923-1925.
Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft fuer juedische Volkskunde, ed. by Grunwald, M. (1897-1922), passim.


50.* Leo Lessner.
Valuable art collection.
Source : Information from Leo Lessner, Tel Aviv.


51. Gemeinde-Archiv, owned by the Jewish Community.
Documents from the second half of the 17th century.Books and documents concerning the community.Copies of privileges.
Sources : M. Grunwald, Hamburgs deutsche Juden bis zur Aufloesung der drei Gemeinden, 1811 (1904). idem, "Die Statuten der Hamburg- Altonaer Gemeinden vor 1726," in MGJV, vol. 11, 1903, p. 28, 69.


52. Archiv der Portugiesisch-Juedischen Gemeinde, owned by the Portuguese Community.
Oldest document : Protocol book of the Portuguese community; first entry : 1652.
Coll. of books and mss.
Sources : J. Cassuto, Aus dem aeltesten Protokolbuch der Portugiesisch-Juedischen Gemeinde in Hamburg," in JJLG, vol. 6 ff.
idem, Neue Funde zur aelteren Geschichte der portugiesischen Juden in Hamburg," in ZGJD, 1930-1931.


[p. 21]




53. Bibliothek der Synagogen-Gemeinde, owned by the Jewish Community. Good collection of Judaica, about 5,000 vols.
Catalogue : M. Zuckermann, Katalog der Israelitischen Gemeinde Bibliothek zu Hannover (Hannover 1901). Nachtraege, 1, 2 (1911-1914).
Other sources : Handbuch dere juedischen Gemeindeverwaltung, 1914-1925.







54. Gemeinde-Archiv, owned by the Jewish Community. Memorbuch, 1781-1893; parchment documents, 1717, 1734. Deeds 1822-1831. Income and bills 1811-1818; 1833 - 1904. The oldest document : 1717.
Source : Zivier, in MGWJ, vol. 49, 1905, p. 224 f.




55. Bibliothek des Oberrates der Israeliten Badens, owned by the Association of the Jewish Communities, Baden.
About 4,000 vols., Judaica, Hebraica and popular literature. Archives with mss. and documents concerning the "Oberrat" and the Jewish communities in Baden. Also collection of ceremonial objects.
Catalogue : Else Salomon, Katalog der Buecherei des Oberrrats der Israeliten Badens. 1929-1932. 3 vols. Lists : 457 Hebraica; 2,438 Judaica; 870 general works.
Other sources : Information from Else Salomon, France, former librarian of the library.






56. Bibliothek der Synagogen-Gemeinde[sic] and Verein fuer juedische Geschichte und Literatur, owned by the Jewish Community.
Coll. of Judaica, Hebraica and popular literature. Old and precious Torah-silver, scrolls, curtains. Catalogue : Katalog der Bibliothek der Synagogen-Gemeinde zu Koenigsberg (Koenigsberg 1893). Lists 633 Hebraica, 742 Judaica.
Other sources : Information from the Federation of Jews from Central Europe, New York.
R. Cohn, in Koenigsberger Israelitisches Gemeindeblatt, vol. 9.


57. Archiv der Synagogen-Gemeinde, owned by the Jewish Community.
Documents since the 18th century on communal administration and funeral societies.
Sources : H. Jolowicz, Geschichte der Juden in Koenigsberg (Posen 1867).
Festschrift zum 200 jaehrigen Bestehen der . . . Chewrah Kadisha, 1704-1904 (Koenigsberg 1904).




58. Laemle-Klaus Stiftung, owned by the Stiftung.
Valuable collection of old prints, incunables, editions on parchment. 2,000 Hebraica,; coll. of Judaica in various languages.
Source : Information from H.W. Unna, Palestine, son of Rabbi Unna, formerly Mannheim.
V. Unna, in Israelitisches Gemeindeblatt Mannheim, vol. 7, no. 12.


59. Gemeinde-Archiv, owned by the Jewish Community.
9 privileges on parchment : 2 of 1690, 1710, 1717, 1722, 1734, 1711, 1765. Last will of Moses Lemle (1723); Memorbücher on parchment, 1673-1851. Protocol-books 1740-1820 ; 2 Mahzorim on parchment, 18th century.


[p. 22]


Register on births, deaths, marriages, 1810-1870.
Account books, 18th and 19th centuries. Complete registry since 1877.
Part of these archives was palced in the Central Archives, Berlin, see no. 8.
Sources : Zivier, in MGWJ, vol. 49, 1905, p. 223. Mannheimer Geschichtsblaetter, vol. 25, 1922. Information from B. Rosenthal, New York.




60. Bibliothek der Israelitischen Religionsgemeinschaft, owned by the Jewish Community. Valuable library with rare documents and some mss.
Outstanding is the Nuernberger Memorbuch; first entry : 1296.
Included collection of Rabbi Dr. M. Lehmann.
Sources : Menorah (Vienna), 1927.
Siegmund Salfeld, "Das Martyrologium des Nuernberger Memorbuchs," in Quellen zur Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland (Berlin 1898), vol. 3.


61. Gemeinde-Archiv, owned by the Jewish Community.
Oldest documents, 1583.
The greatest Memorbuch of the community, 1583-1837. Protocol-book of the Hevra Kadisha since 1661. Protocols and account books since 1758; membership-list since 1817. Memorbuch of Kastel (near Mayence) sine 1785; Memorbuch of Mayence since 1837; documents from the time of the French occupation under Napoleon. Debts of the community, 18th century. Statutes of the funeral society, 1832.
Sources : Zivier, in MGWJ, vol. 49, 1905, p. 218-220. Sali Levi, "Magenza", in Menorah (Vienna), 1927.


62. Historische Sammlung der Israelitischen Gemeinde, owned by the Verein zur Pflege der juedischen Altertuemer in Mainz, housed in the community building. Documents, megillot, haftara-rolls, Torah-silver, Memorbuch, ceremonial objects, Torah-curtains (the oldest of 1761).
Valuable collections of objects from the 17th to the 19th century.
Sources : Peter Metz, "Ein Gang durch das Museum juedischer Altertuemer, Magenza", in Menorah, (Vienna), 1927.
Ida Posen, "Die Mainzer Torahschreinvorhaenge", in Notizblatt der Ges. zur Pflege juedischer Altertuemer in Mainz, no. 29, 1932.




63. Cosman Werner Bibliothek, owned by the Jewish Community.
Small collection of Judaica and Hebraica; 2,500 vols. In 1924. Coll. of about 10,000 pamphlets.
Source : Handbuch der juedischen Gemeindeverwaltung, 1924-1925.


64. Juedischer Museumsverein, owned by the association.
Small collection of about 100 ceremonial objects.


65. Gemeinde-Archiv, owned by the Jewish Community.
19th-century documents on all branches of communal administration. Membership list of 1827; statutes after 1815; communal statutes 1828-1834; residence permits, 1815, 1817; educational matters; 1815-1865; budget since 1819, etc.
In the hands of the rabbi were placed documents concerning relations with state and municipal authorities; register of deaths (1816-1875), births, (1812-1875); marriages (1826-1875).
Source : Zivier, in MGWJ, vol. 49, 1905, p. 233-235..


66. Verband Bayrischer Israelitischer Gemeinden, owned by the Jewish Community, Munich.

[p. 23]
Coll. of documents, ceremonial objects, Torah-scrolls.
Torah-silver from dissolved Bavarian Jewish communities.
Source : Information from Rabbi Dr. Baerwald, New York.




67. Gemeinde-Archiv, owned by the Jewish Community.
Minutes of administration and executive board from 1864 to present time.
In the hands of the rabbi were placed the register of births, deaths, marriages, since 1857.
Source : Zivier, in MGWJ, vol. 49, 1905, p. 236.





68. Archiv der Israelitsichen Gemeinde, owned by the Jewish Community. Documents on communal administration since 1830.
Source : Zivier, in MGWJ, vol. 49, 1905, p. 236.


SCHWERIN a. d. Warthe


69. Gemeinde-Archiv, owned by the Jewish Community.
Privileges issued by King Wladislaus IV (17th century).
Several community records of the 18th century.
Source : Enc. Jud., vol. 3, p. 351.




70. Gemeinde-Archiv, owned by the Jewish Community.
Documents of the 19th century.
Bills, etc., 1820-1830; negotiations with the authorities : 1829, 1830, 1831; protocols and various documents; community statutes, 1829.
Sources : Zivier, in MGWJ, vol. 49, 1905, p. 225-226.
Berthold Herz, Gedenkschrift zum hundertjaehrigen Bestehen der Synagoge zu Speyer (Speyer 1937).




71. Bibliothek und Archiv des Iraelistischen Oberrats Würtembers [sic], owned by the Federation of Jewish Communities in Wüertemberg [sic].
Collection of Judaica and Hebraica; books on philosophy, education, and religion.
Archives, 1828-1924.
Catalogue : Leo Adler, Bibliothek des Israelitischen Oberrats Würtembergs [sic]. Judaica (1929). Supplements, 1932,1933.
Other sources : E. Zivier, in MGWJ, vol. 49, 1905, p. 230 f. A. Tänzer, DieGeschichte der Juden in Wüertemberg [sic] (1937).


72. Archiv des Stadtrabbinats, owned by the Jewish Community.
Documents dated 1830 and later.
Source : Zivier, in MGWJ, vol. 49, 1905, p. 230 f.





73. Gemeinde-Archiv, owned by the Jewish Community.
Memorbuch of Trier, beginning 1664.
Source : A. Lewin, "Das Trier Memorbuch", in Juedisches Literatur-Blatt, 1881, no. 40, 41.


[p. 24]




74. Archiv der Israelitischen Gemeinde, owned by the Jewish Community. Documents of the 19th century.
Bills since 1853; family register, register of deaths, marriages, births. Protocols since 1856.
Source : Zivier, in MGWJ, vol. 49, 1905.




75. Archiv der Israelitischen Gemeinde, owned by the Jewish Community.
19th century documents, partly placed in the Central Archives, Berlin. Register since 1893.




76. Bibliothek der Israelitischen Lehrerbildungsanstalt, owned by the Teachers' Seminary (Vereinigte Stiftungen der Rabbiner S. B. Bamberger und Hoechberg).
Included coll. of B. Jeiteles, M. J. Landau, and S. L. Rapoport.
Some rare prints.
Source : Information from Rabbi J. Hanover, former Rabbi of Wuerzburg, and R. M. Eschwege, former secretary of the community.




Smaller collections of Judaica and Hebraica existed in all Jewish communities. Of some importance are also the numerous branches of the Bnai Brith Lodges and of the "Verein fuer juedische Geschichte und Literatur" (see no. 15), with their collections of popular literature and fiction. (Information from the Federation of Jews from Central Europe.)




77. Bibliothek der Juedischen Gemeinde, owned by the Jewish Community.
In addition to the main libraries on Oranienburgerstrasse and Fasanenstrasse, the Library had eight branches throughout Berlin.


78. Bibliothek des Talmudvereins, owned by the association.
About 1,500 vols. of rabbinic literature.


79. Bibliothek des Beth-ha-Midrash, Heidereuthergasse, owned by the orthodox Congregation. About 1,500 vols. of rabbinic literature.


80. Synagoge in der Heidereuthergasse, owned by the orthodox Congregation.
Coll. of old Torah-silver and curtains since 1718.
Source : Enc. Jud., vol. 4, p. 23.




81. Lehrbibliothek der Israelitischen Gemeinde mit Archiv, owned by the Jewish Community.
Over 1,000 vols. of Judaica, Talmudica, religious literature ; deeds and documents. 20 Torah- and Esther scrolls.
Source : Max Markreich, New York, former President of the Jewish Community.




82. Bibliothek der Synagogengemeinde, owned by the Jewish Community. Collection of Judaica and Hebraica, including 2 vols. of a photostatic copy of the Munich ms. of the Talmud.
Source : U. S. Army Paper, XIX Corps Scroll, no. 3, June 24, 1945.


[p. 25]





83. Bibliothek des Bnai Brith, owned by B'nai Brith.
Good collection of Judaica and general literature.
Source : Information from Dr. Arthur Bluhm ( former Rabbi of Crefeld), Amerillo, Texas.


84. Main Synagogue, owned by the jewish Community.
12 stained-glass windows by the Dutch artist John Thorn-Prikker. Mohel-bench, 18th century.
Sources : See above. Kober-Moses, in Rheinischer Verein fuer Denkmalspflege, 1931, p. 164.






84a. Philanthropin, Realschule und Hoehere Maedchenschule der Israelitsichen Gemeinde, owned by the School.
Coll. of several thousand vols.
Source : Information from Prof. A. Freimann, New York.


84b. Realschule der Israelitischen Religionsgesellschaft, owned by the School.
Coll. of several thousands vols.
Source : See above.




85. Israelitische Gemeinde, owned by the Jewish Community.
Mahzor, ms. of 1287, in 2 vols.
Collection of Torah-silver and ceremonial objects, 16th-18th centuries.
Sources : Enc. Jud., vol. 6, p.1,173. Kober-Moses, l. c., p. 151 ff. 171.


GOCH (Rhineland)


86. Synagogue, owned by the Jewish Community.
Menorah, 18th century.
Source : Kober-Moses, l.c., p. 157.




87. Synagogue am Bornplatz, owned by the Jewish Community.
About 4,000 vols., including the Amram Hirsch coll.


88. Beth-ha-Midrasch Loeb ben Rabbi Saul, owned by the Association.
Rabbinic literature.
Catalogue : Salomon Goldschmidt, Reshimat ha-sefarim ha-omedim be-bet ha-midrash...(Hamburg 1921).


89. Vereinigte Klaus, owned by the Association.


90. Wallich Klaus, owned by the Association.
Valuable rabbinic library with many first editions, mss., Judaica and Hebraica.
Catalogue : In the possession of Mr. Moses Wagner, Tel Aviv, grandson of the founder.
Other Sources : Information from Prof. I. Marcon, England.





91. Beth-ha-Midrash, owned by the Michael David'sche Stiftung.
Collection of rabbinic literature.




[p. 26]


INGERHEIN a. d. Saale


92. Bibliothek der Israelitischen Volksschule, owned by the Association.
Coll. of Judaica and general literature.
Source : Information from the Federation of Jews from Central Europe, New York.




93. Bibliothek der Synagogen-Gemeinde, owned by the Jewish Community.
About 1,800 vols. Judaica and Hebraica. Coll. of Hebrew prints of the 18th century.
Source : Information from the Federation of Jews from Central Europe.




94. Kantloge U.O.B.B., owned by Bnai Brith.
Popular library.
Source : Information from Herbert Perlmann, Alexandria, Va.




95. Juedische Lesehalle und Bibliothek, owned by the Jewish Community.
About 2,000 vols., Judaica and general literature.
Source : Fuehrer durch die juedische Gemeindeverwaltung, 1932-1933.




96. Bibliothek der Israelitischen Gemeinde, owned by the Jewish Community. Popular collection of about 3,500 vols.
Source : Information from the Federation of Jews from Central Europe.




97. Synagogue, owned by the Jewish Community.
Torah-silver and curtains of the 17th and 18th centuries.
1 golden cup of the 16th century.
Source : Kober-Moses, in Rhein. Verein f. Denkmalspflege, 1931, p. 157.






98. Bibliothek der Rhenus-Loge, owned by Bnai Brith.
In 1929 more then 1,500 vols., scientific and popular literature.
Source : M. Hertz, Vierzig Jahre Rhenusloge (Mainz 1929).





99. Bibliothek des Juedischen Lehrer-Seminars, owned by the Marks-Haindorf'sche Stiftung. Catalogue : Catalog (Muenster 1906), with 1,110 entries.


NEUSTADT a. d. Saale


100. Bibliothek der Israelitischen Volksschule, owned by the Jewish Community.
Source : Information from the Federation of Jews from Central Europe.




101. Israelitische Gemeinde-Bibliothek, owned by the Jewish Community.
About 2,500 vols. in 1924.


[p. 27]


1 edition on parchment.
Source : Handbuch der juedischen Gemeindeverwaltung, 1924.


102. Verein fuer juedische Geschichte und Literatur, owned by the Verein. About 2,500 vols.
Source : Gemeindefuehrer, 1919.


103. Synagogue, owned by the Jewish Community.
Fragment of the Aron ha-Kodesh of the medieval synagogue.







104. Buecherei der Synagogengemeinde, owned by the Jewish Community.
Good collection of Judaica.
Catalogue : Katalog der Buecherei der Synagogengemeinde zu Stettin. Mit Nachtraegen (Stettin 1930-1933).




105. Verein fuer juedische Geschichte und Literatur, owned by the Verein.
About 3,700 vols.
Source : Information from the Federation of Jews from Central Europe.




106. Frankenloge, owned by the B'nai Brith and the Jewish Community.
Good popular collection.
Source : Information from A. W. Schwabacher, New York, former president of Frankenloge.


107. Bibliothek der Juedischen Volksschule, owned by the Jewish Community. School library for teachers and pupils.
Source : Information from R. M. Eschwege, New York, former secretary of the community.


108. Bibliothek des Vereins Mechol Chajim, owned by Verein.
Small coll. of Hebraica and Judaica.
Source : See above.


109. Bibliothek des Vereins Ohawe Emeth, owned by Verein.
Small coll. of Hebraica and Judaica.
Source : See above.






110. Bibiliothek der Israelitischen Kultusgemeinde, in VIENNA, owned by the Jewish Community. In 1938 : 33,800 vols. mostly Hebraica, with hundreds of rare books and a thousand very valuable books. 3,000 vols. of some 600 periodicals. 645 mss., 300 of which are very valuable. 41 incunables. Coll. of autographs of Hebrew writers and scholars.
A very important collection of Hebraica and Judaica, founded on the collections of Nachum Beer Friedmann of Sadgora and S.J. Halberstamm. Catalogues : B. Wachstein, Bibliothek der Israelitischen Kultusgemeinde, Wien. Katalog der Salo Cohn'schen Schenkungen. (Vienna 1913-1914), 2 vols. : 923 + 415 entries.
Zuwachsverzeichnisse fuer die Jahre 1909-1935, Vienna (1911-1937).


[p. 28]


Verzeichnis, 1908-1910 (mimeographed).
Verzeichnisse, 1909-1929 : 4,541 entries.
Other sources : Minerva, 1937. JDB, 1931, p. 159. Saul Chajes, "Die Sammlungen der juedischen Gemeinde in Wien, "in JJO, 5693 (1932). Information from Prof. Moses Rath, Tel Aviv, former head of the library.
B. Wachstein, "Hebraeische Autographen . . . "in Menorah (Vienna), vol. 5.


111. Bibliothek der Israelitischen-theologischen Lehranstalt, in VIENNA, owned by the Seminary. About 23,000 vols., some mss. and incunables, 1 ed. on parchment.
An excellent collection of rabbinic and scientific literature, based on the J. H. Schorr (Brody) collection.
Sources : Jahresberichte der Lehranstalt, passim.
, 1934.
Information from Prof. Moses Rath, Tel Aviv.


112. Juedisches Museum, in VIENNA, owned by the Gesellschaft fuer Sammlunf und Konservierung von Kunst und historischen Denkmaelern des Judentums in Wien.
Some Hebrew mss.; Hebraica, Judaica.
6,474 objects, historical and art collection. Exhibition of sculptures and graphics; coll. of ceremonial objects, coins, medals; ketubbot, megillot.
Catalogues : Fuehrer durch das Juedische Museum, hrsg. Vom Curatorium (Vienna 1906).
Erster Jahresbericht fuer das Jahr 1895 und 1896 (1897). S. Weissenberg, "Juedische Museen und Juedisches in Museen," in Mitt. zur juedischen Volkskunde, vol. 23, 1907, p. 86 ff.
Other sources : Moritz Stern, in Juedische Presse, 1901, no. 34.
idem, in Jewish Messenger (New York), October 4, 1901.






113.* Sandor Wolf, Library and Museum of Sandor Wolf, Palestine.
31,000 vols. of Judaica and a coll. on the history and art of Hungary.
Museum with the following divisions : archaeology, art, history.
Sources : Sandor Wolf, Die Kunst in Eisenstadter Ghetto (Budapest 1919).
JJO, 5693 (1932), p. 87.
Information from Sandor Wolf, Palestine.


114. Archiv der Israelitischen Kultusgemeinde, owned by the Jewish Community. Pinax (Black Book); protocol-books for Jewish history in Eisenstadt and the seven communities in Burgenland, 1689-1867.
Sources : B. Wachstein, Urkunden und Akten zur Geschichte der Juden in Eisenstadt und den sieben Gemeinden (Vienna 1926). Max Grunwald, in Jahrbuch fuer juedische Volkskunde, 1924-1925, p. 404-536.




115. Archiv der Israelitischen Kultusgemeinde, owned by the Jewish Community. Coll. of documents, the oldest dated 1508.
Sources : Kalender fuer Israeliten, 5672 (1911-1912).
Fuehrer durch die Kultusgemeinde der oesterreichischen Monarchie (Vienna 1911), p. 308.




116. Beth ha-Midrash der Kultusgemeinde, owned by the Jewish Community.
Coll. of Hebraica, scientific and rabbinic literature, based on the Jellinek library.


[p. 29]


Valuable and rare prints were transferred to the local Jewish Theological Seminary : see no. 111.
Source : Information from Chaim Bloch, New York.


117. Bibliothek der Schiffschule, owned by Adath Jisroel.
Coll. of rabbinic literature and Torah-scrolls.
Source : Information from Rose Fuerst, New York, daughter of Rabbi S. Fuerst of the Adath Jisroel in Vienna.


118. Bibliothek des B'nai Brith, owned by B'nai Brith.
Popular library of about 10,000 vols.
Source : Information from Dr. Elias, New York, former president of B'nai Brith.


119.* Anton Lourie.
Large coll. of Judaica with many unique items of special interest for Jewish history. Family-Archives.
Source : Information from Anton Lourie, Los Angeles, and Prof. N. M. Gelber, Jerusalem.


120.* Leo Goldhammer.
Good library of Judaica and Zionistica.
Source : JJO, 1932.


121.* Samuel Krauss.
Coll. of the former rector of the Jewish Theological Seminary. Coll. of Judaica, about 4,000 vols.
Source : Information from Prof. Moses Rath, Tel Aviv.


122.* Chaim Bloch.
Coll. of old Hebraica; responsa; 2,000 letters of three centuries.
Source : Information from Chaim Bloch, New York.


123. Archiv der Israelitischen Kultusgemeinde, owned by the Jewish Community.
Founded in 1840 with 4,000 documents, to which thousands of items were added later. Includes the collection of Joseph Benedikt Veith (1827).
Oldest document, 1670; privileges, family lists, protocol-books, correspondence of the 18th and 19th centuries.
Collection of about 50 portraits of the 18th century.
Current material since 1890.
Sources : Enc. Jud., vol. 3, p. 257.
Saul Chajes, "The First Protocol of the Vienna Jewish Community, 1784", (Yiddish) in Historishe [sic] Shriften, vol. 1, 1929, p. 707-716, XL f. Information from Prof. M. Rath, Tel Aviv, former director of the archives.






124. Juedische Volksbibliothek "Zion", owned by the Zionist Organisation; affiliated with the Community library.
Zionist coll. of 4,600 vols.
Source : JJO, 1932.
Information from Prof. Moses Rath, Tel Aviv.


125. Lese-und Redehalle juedischer Hochschueler, owned by the association Kadimah.
Zionist students' library of 1,800 vols., in 1912.
Source : Kalender fuer Israeliten, vol. 20, 1911-1912, vol. 25, 1916.


126. Arbeiterbibliothek B. Borochow, owned by Poale Zion.
Youth library; coll. of Yiddish pamphlets.
Source : JJO, 1932.


[p. 30]


127. Bibliothek der Jugendgruppe Agudas Jisroel, owned by Agudas Israel. Religious youth library.
Source : JJO, 1932.


128. Bibliothek der Jugendzentrale Misrachi, owned by the Mizrachi. Religious-Zionist youth library.
Source : JJO, 1932.


129. Alliance Iraélite Universelle, owned by Austrian branch of AIU. Small coll. of Judaica and Hebraica.
Source : Information from Chaim Bloch, New York.


130. Union Oesterreichischer Juden.
Small coll. of books on Jewish history in Austria.
Source : Information from Chaim Bloch, New York.






131. Agudath Zion.
Zionist collection of several thousand volumes.
Catalogue : Reshimat ha-sefarim shel ha-biblioteka ha-zionit be-Antwerpen (1913).
Other sources : Information from Wendel Haber, New York, the former librarian.


132. Joodsche Gemeende van Antwerpen.
Small rabbinic collection housed in the synagogue. Documents of the Community since 1830.
Source : Information from Numar Torcziner, New York, and Simon Aptroot, New York, former secretary of the Community.


133. Beth Zion (Book club).
Small popular collection.
Source : Information from Simon Aptroot, New York.




134. Consistoire Iraélite Central de Belgique.
Small coll. of religious books. Documents since 1830.
Sources : S. Ullmann, Histoire des juifs en Belgique jusqu'au 18e siècle (Anvers 1909), p.86 ff. Information from Numar Torcziner, New York.


135. Organisation Sioniste de Belgique.
Coll. of books and periodicals. Circulating library.
Source : Information from Numar Torcziner, New York.






136. Bibliteka Isak i Mazal Bali. Library of the Bnai Brith Lodge (Rusenskaya Beneberitska Lozka "Zigmund Bergel") founded in 1915. About 4,000 vols.
Source : Kratka istoriya, ed. by Bnai Brith Lodge (Ruse 1936), p. 28.




137. Bibliothèque du Consistoire Israélite.
General coll. of the Jewish Community.


[p. 31]


138.* Salomon Abraham Rosanes.
Important coll. of Jewish history in Bulgaria and Turkey. The library was housed in the Bnai Brith Building.
Source : Information from H. Warman, Jerusalem.






139. Knihovna zidovské nabrozenske obce v Praze ( Library of the jewish Community), in PRAGUE. 25, 000 vols., 38 mss ( the oldest of the 12th century, many from the 14th and 15th centuries.) Included coll. of B. Jeiteles, M. J. Landau, and S. L. Rapoport. 250 early prints, including 16 Prager Drucke. Comprehensive collection of Hebraica and Judaica, and periodicals.
Catalogue : M. Brody, Die Handschriften der Prager juedischen Gemeindebibliothek (Prague 1911-1914).
Other sources : T. Jacobovitz, Die Entstehungsgeschichte der Bibliothek der Israelitischen Kultusgemeinde in Prag. (Prague 1927). Idem, "Zidoyska knihovná a prazske tisky," in Zidovski Kalendar, 1938-1939, p.81-88.


140. Zidovske Museum (Jewish Museum) in PRAGUE.
Collection of 600 objects; art and history. 7 documents on parchment pertaining to David Oppenheim. Catalogues : Juedisches Museum in Prag. Katalog (1913). S. H. Lieben, "Oppenheimiana" in JGJC, 1935, p. 437 ff.
Other sources : J. Flesch, Das juedische Museum in Prag (Prague 1928). S. H. Lieben, Das juedische Museum in Prag (Prague 1925). Antiquitates judaicae pragenses, und Erlaeuterungen. M. Balaban, Zabytki Historyczne (Warsaw 1935), p. 23. Minerva, 1937.


141. Central Jewish Museum of Moravia and Silesia, in MIKULOV ( Nikolsburg). Coll. of 700 objects : art and history.Archives with 2,000 documents.
Source : Alfred Engel, Gedenkbuch in Auftrage der Kuratorium (Nikolsburg 1936).


142. Archiv zidovske nabozenske obce prazske (Archives of the Jewish Community), in PRAGUE.
1,020 bound volumes, the oldest of 1681; included 42 vols. of judiciary protocols,1682-1779.
Over 250,000 documents and deeds. Almost complete for the period 1747-1914. The Archives consisted of 9 divisions : (a) 1625-1780 ; (b) 1781-1790, (c)1791-1840) ; (d) 1840-1918) ; (e) foundations ; (f) documents on liquidated synagogues ; (g) material on Libna and Smichnov ; (h) family-archives ; (i) copies of documents from other archives and Memorbücher.
Sources : Simon Adler, Das juedischer Prag (1917). idem, "Das aelteste Judicial-Protokoll des juedischen Gemeinde-Archivs in Prag (1682)," in JGJC, vol. 3, 1931, p. 217-256. idem, "Archiv zidovske nabrozenske obce v Praze," in Zidovski Kalendar, 1938-1939, p. 76-80.






143. Archives of the Hevra Kadisha (Burial Society).
Founded in 1711; records date back to 1689. Book of protocols of the Society.
Source ; JGJC, vol. 2, 1930, p. 286.


[p. 32]






144. Archives of the Hevra Kadisha [sic] (Burial Society).
Resolutions of the Society, 1751-1841 ; 2 books with membership lists.
Source : Max Schay, Die Protokolle der Chewra Kadischa der juedischen Gemeinde in Pressburg," in ZGJT, vol. 3. 1933, p. 71-88, 152-165.


145. Jewish Community.
Coll. of antiquities and large library with about 25,000 vols.
Sources : Vystavka stare umeni na slovenska v Praze, 1937 (Catalogue of the Prague exhibition).
" Deutsche Kultur im Leben der Voelker," in Mitteilungen der . . . . . Deutschen Akademie. Muenchen, vol. 15, 1940. Heft 1, p. 110.




146. Archives of the Moravia Lodge, B.B.
Most valuable items : the protocol-book of the Hevra Kadisha of the community of Kanitz with its statues protocols, minutes, budgets, etc ; the pinax of the community of Tobitchan, 1645-1695.
Sources : Heinrich Flesch, "Aus juedischen Handschriften in Maehren," in JGJC, vol. 2, 1930, p. 289. Idem, "2Aus dem Pinax von Tobitschan," in JGJC, vol. 3, 1931, p. 257-273.





147. Archives of the Jewish Community.
Memorbuch on parchment ; first entry May 23, 1709.
Source : JGJC, vol. 2, 1930, p. 286.


MIKULOV (Nikolsburg)


148. Jewish Community Library.
Coll. of 20 kabbalistic mss. and coll. Judaica and Hebraica.
Catalogue : A. Z. Schwarz, "Nikolsburger hebraeische Handschriften," in Studies in Jewish Bibliography and related subjects in memory of A. S. Freidus (New York 1929).




149. Beth Ha-Midrash ha-gadol.
Large library of rabbinic literature.
Catalogue : Luah ha-sefarim debeth ha-midrash ha-gadol depo Munkacs (Prague 1929).


PREROV (Moravia)


150. Archives of the Hevra Kadisha (Burial Society).
Memorbuch with miniatures ; first entry 1765.
Source : JGJC, vol. 2, 1930, p. 288.


PRESOV (Slovakia)


151. Jewish Museum of the Jewish Museum Society.
Historic documents ; manuscripts ; pictures, autographs, objects of art, illustrated ketubbot; megillot; menorot; silver-hands and other ceremonial objects.
Sources : Theodor Austerlitz, "Das juedische Museum in Presov," in ZGJT, vol. 1, 1930, p. 127-128. idem, "Ein Rundgang durch das juedische Museum in Presov," l.c., p. 225-228. Vystavka stare umeni na slovenska v Praze, 1937 (Catalogue of the Prague exhibition).


[p. 33]





152. Archives of the Jewish Community.
Protocol-book, 1722-1792.
Source : J. Freimann, "Geschichte der Juden in Prossnitz," in JJLG, vol. 15, 1923, p. 31.


TREBIC (Moravia)


153. Archives of the Jewish Community.
Memorbuch of the time of Emperor Charles VI (first entry April 25, 1732) with artistic illustrations ; Memorbuch of the time of Joseph II, with artistic initials.
Source : JGJC, vol. 2, 1930, p. 286-289.

* * *

Smaller libraries were found in all the larger Jewish communities; of some importance were those in BOHUMIN ( Silesia), HODONIN (Moravia), and HOLESOV (or Holleschau). See Statistika zidovskych obci Zidovsky Kalendar, 1921-1922.







154. Library of the Jewish Community.

The oldest Jewish library in the Scandinavian region , with many Judaica, few Hebraica.
Sources : Enc. Jud., vol. 10, p. 303.
Information from Rabbi Dr. Simon Federbusch, New York.


155. Yiddish Library.
Political literature in Yiddish and Danish; small collection.
Source : Information from Dr. Simon Federbusch, New York.


156. Jewish Museum.
Small collection of the Jewish Community.
Source : Enc. Jud., vol. 10, p. 303.







157. Jewish Community Library.
Small collection.
Source : Information from Dr. Max Laserson, New York, formerly professor at the University of Riga.

158. Society of the Friends of the Yiddish Scientific Institute, in Vilna.
Book collection.
Source : See above.


TARTU (Dorpat)

159 Academic Society for the Study of Jewish History and Literature.
Judaica in several languages. In 1937 : over 2,000 volumes.
Sources : Reports of the society, 1904-1936.
Catalogue of the Exhibition in commemoration of 50 years of its existence. Tartu 1934. Juudi kunst trükis ja pildis.


160. Jewish Community.
Minute books of the 19th century.
Catalogue : Nosson Genss, Bibliograafija judaica Eestis (Tallinn 1937), p. 72-76.


[p. 34].


161.*Nosson Genss.
Collection of Judaica and printed material published in Estonial in Hebrew and Yiddish.
Source : Genss, Bibliograafia, . . . op. cit.


162. Julius Genss.
Library of over 20,000 vols. rich in Judaica.
Source : A privately published catalogue in the Russian language, 1932.






163. Jewish Community Library.
Coll. of a few thousand vols. of Hebraica and of Judaica in Yiddish. The library is about 30 years old.
Source : Information from Rabbi Dr. Simon Federbusch, New York, former Rabbi of Helsinki.






164. Alliance Israélite Universelle, in PARIS.
50,000 vols. 300mss.; 20 incunables; 1 ed. on parchment; 1,500 Genizah fragments. Largest collection of Judaica and Hebraica in France; founded on the S. Munk collection. Includes Crémieux Archives, S. D. Luzzatto coll.
Catalogue : M. Schwab, "Les manuscripts et incunables hébreux de la bibliothèque de l'Alliance Iraélite Universelle," in REJ, vol. 49, 1904, p. 74 ff, 270 ff. (130 + 13 entries).
Other sources : M. Schwab, "Un Mahzor illustré," in REJ, vol. 48, p. 230 ff.
idem, "Un rituel cabbalistique”, in REJ, vol 34, p. 127. Minerva, 1937.
Narcisse Leven, Cinquante ans de l'histoire. 2 vols. (1911, 1920).

165. Ecole Rabbinique de France, in PARIS.
25,000 vols.; 150 mss.; Coll. of incunables.
Comprehensive library of scientific and rabbinic literature.
Catalogue : M. Abraham, "Catalogue des manuscrits et incunables de l'Ecole Rabbinique de France," in REJ, 1924 (129 + 24 entries).






166. Consistoire Iraélite, Archives.
Documents since ca. 1808.
Source : Zivier, in MGWJ, vol. 49, 1905.




167. Archives du Consistoire Israélite.
The oldest Memorbuch of an Alsatian community, from the end of the 16th century to 1754.
Documents of the Consistoire since 1808.
Sources : Zivier, in MGWJ, vol. 49, 1905. M. Ginsburger, "Les Mémoriaux alsaciens," in REJ, vol. 40, 41.


[p. 35]




168. Bibliothèque et Archives du Consistoire Israélite.
Mss., incunables and Genizah fragments.
Coll. of Judaica and Hebraica. Archives founded in 1808.
Catalogue : M. Schwab, "Les manuscrits du Consistoire Israélite de Paris provenant de la Guéniza du Caire," in REJ, vol. 63, 64,66 (1911-1913).
Other sources : R. Anchel, Napoléon et les juifs (1928).
Narcisse Leven, Cinquante ans de l'histoire.

169. Pernikow Bibliotek, library of the Fédération des Sociétés Juives.
About 6,200 vols., with special Hebrew division.
Many Judaica in Russian.
Source : E. Tscherikover, Yidn in Frankreich (New York, 1942).


170. Nomberg Bibliotek, library of the Medem Farband (Bund).
Yiddish coll. of about 3,300 vols.
Source : idem.


171. Yiddishe Folks-Bibliotek fun Shalom Aleichem "Zapho."
Library of the Kultur-Liga.
Yiddish collection of about 3,800 vols., with many editions from Soviet Russia.
Source : idem.


172.* Collection Edmond de Rothschild.
Large collection of books and valuable art-objects.


173. Congrès Juif Mondial.
Coll. of documents on the progroms in the Ukraine, 1919-1921, for about 800 communities.
These archives were transferred to Paris from Berlin were they were known as Ostjuedisches Historisches Archiv.
Source : Enc. Jud. Vol. 3, p. 287.




174. Bibliothèque et Archives de la Société pour l'Histoire des Israélites.
Collection of books and documents related to Jewish history in Alsace.
Source : Minerva, 1937.


175. Archives du Consistoire Israélites.

Documents since 1806 on relations with French authorities and the Central Consistory in Paris. Documents from other Alsatian communities.
Minutes , registry and decisions since 1812.
Source : E. Zivier, in MGWJ, vol. 49, 1905, p. 229.


176. Musée Juif pour l'Alsace-Lorraine, of the Société pour l’Histoire des Israélites.
Section of Musée Alsacien, Strasbourg.
Coll. of about 200 objects (in 1908).
Source : M. Ginsburger, Das juedische Museum fuer Elsass-Lotheringen (Gebweiler i.e. 1909).




177. Archives of the Jewish Community.

Register of names concerning the cemetery in Jungholz, 1779; protocol-book and account-book in Hebrew concerning the cemetery; mohel-book, 1783; Wimpeln 17th and 18th centuries. Excerpts from the Metz Memorbuch.
Oldest document from the 17th century.
Source : E. Zivier, in MGWJ, vol. 49, 1905, p. 229.


[p. 36]


Smaller Jewish libraries were found in almost all Jewish communities. Of some importance were the collections in NANCY, LILLE and in the Ecole Israélite Orientale in PARIS, which possessed an illuminated mahzor; see Hebraica, documents d'art juif (1930). Scattered documentary material was kept in the archives of almost all Jewish communities in France; see Enc. Jud., vol. 3, p. 290 ff. R. Anchel, Napoléon et les juifs, p. XIII-XIV. M. Ginsburger, "Les mémoriaux Alsaciens", in REJ, vol. 40, p. 231-247; vol. 41, p. 118-143.




178. Jewish Community Library.
Collection at least 300 years old, with valuable material.
Source : Information from Dr. Alcalay, New York, former Chief Rabbi of Yugoslavia.


179. Bibliothèque Bene Brith.
Small collection of books; Judaica in French.
Source : See above.





180. Orszagos rabbiképzö intézet (Rabbinical Seminary) in BUDAPEST.
About 30-40,000 vols., including the Della Torre coll.
Outstanding scientific and rabbinic library.
Catalogue : Catalogue de la bibliothèque hébraico-judaique du feu Lelio della Torre (Padua 1872) : 794 + 611 entries.
Other sources : Minerva, 1937. Information from Dr. G. Lanyi, New York.


181. Orszagos Magyar Zsido Museum (Jewish Museum) in BUDAPEST.
Founded by the Hungarian Jewish Literary Society; opened in 1916. 2,200 objects : art and crafts. Also coll. of books and documents, letters, mss. of Goldziher. Religious objects; plans and pictures of synagogues, arts, almemors. Coll. of ceremonial objects from synagogues and homes. Symbols and amulets; signets, seal-rings, gems, coins, artistic and graphic objects. Old costumes, Family-relics.
Sources : MZL, p. 566. Minerva, 1937.





182. A Pesti Izraelita Hitközség Könyvtára ( Jewish Communtiy of Pest-Library).
About 10,000 vols., Hebraica and Judaica.
Rich coll. of historical documents, including coll. on Jews in the Hungarian revolution of 1848.
Coll. of periodicals in defense against antisemitism.
Source : MZL, p. 703.

183. A Buda Izraelita Hitközség Könytára ( Jewish Community of Buda-Library).
About 15,000 vols. Hebraica and Judaica.
Important coll. of historical documents.
Source : MZL, p. 150


184.* Baracs Karoly (former President of the Community; died around 1935).
5,000 vols. on general subjects.
Source : MZL, p. 150.

[p. 37]


185.* Dr. Ignaz Friedmann
Coll. of antiquities.





186. Community Archives.
Source : Enc. Jud. Vol. 3, p. 271.


OBUDA (Old Buda)


187. Community Archives.
Coll. of important historical documents.
Source : MZL, p. 659.




188. Community Library for Teachers.
Valuable collection.
Source : MZL.


189.* Rabbi Immanuel Loew (died in 1944).
Coll. of 6,000 vols., Judaica.
Source : MZL, p. 830.






190. Biblioteca del Collegio Rabbinico, in ROME.
Very old and very valuable collection.
16 incunables. Many mss.
Catalogue : Umberto Cassuto, "Gl' incunaboli ebraici del Collegio Rabbinico italiano," in Riv. Isr., vol. 5, 1908 (16 entries).
Other sources : Umberto Cassuto, "Manoscritti e incunaboli ebraici nelle biblioteche italiani," in Atti di [sic] primo Congresso mondiale delle biblioteche e di bibliografia, vol. 3 (Rome 1931). Giuseppe Gabrieli, Italia Judaica (Rome 1924).


191. Biblioteca del Talmud Tora, in LEGHORN (Livorno).
129 mss. 1 edition on parchment. Many incunables and rare prints.
Very valuable collection.
Catalogue : Carlo Bernheimer, Catalogue des manuscrits et livres hébraiques de la bibliothèque du Talmud Tora de Livourne (Livorno 1914).
Other sources : idem, "La Bibliothèque du Talmud Tora de Livourne", in REJ, 1913, p. 301-309. Giuseppe Gabrieli, Manoscritti e carte orientali nelle biblioteche e negli archivi d'Italia (1930). ..Carlo Bernheimer, “The Library of the Talmud Torah at Leghorn," in Studies in Jewish memory of A. S. Freidus (New York 1929).


192. Biblioteca della Comunità Israelitica, in MANTUA.
84 (or 170) mss. Valuable prints.
Catalogue : Marco Mortava, Catalogo dei mss. ebraici della Bibl. Della comunità Israelitica di Mantova (Livorno 1872) : 84 entries.
Other sources : Giuseppe Gabrieli, op. cit. Marco Mortava, "Die Gemeindebibliothek zu Mantua,"in ZHB, vol. 4, 1861, p. 48 ff., 74-79.


193. Archivi della Università Israelitica, in ROME.
Founded in 1929. Four divisions : (a) Documents of the community since 1590; administration, taxes, statistics. (b) Synagogues and charitable institutions since 1553. (c) Inter-


[p. 38]


course with the authorities since 1240; papal bulls and edicts; treaties and negotiations with governments. (d) Various documents, wills (since 1682), correspondence, etc.
Source : Attilio Milano and Roberti Bachi, Storia e Riordinamento dell'  Archivio della Univeristà Israelitica di Roma (1929), p.29-37. Erm. Loevinson, Roma Israelitica. Frankfurt 1927.






194. Archivi della Comunità Israelitica.
Minerbi collection with very old and valuable documents.
Source : Enc. Jud., vol. 6, p. 958.




195. Archivi della Comunità Israelitica.
Small book collection, including the Biblioteca della Confraternità (Ets Chaim veohave Tora) with Montefiore coll.; religious literature.
Documents relating to Jewish history in Florence, Pisa and Leghorn (Livorno) from the 16th to the 19th century. The oldest document is a copy of the privileges granted by Cosmo di Medici in 1591.
Sources : Richard Gottheil, "Les Archives juives de Florence,"  in REJ, vol. 60, p.303-317; vol. 62, p. 114-128.
Umberto Cassuto, in Riv. Isr., vol. 3, p. 133-136, 171-176.
S. H. Margulies, in Riv. Isr., vol. 5, p. 70-73.




196. Museo della Comunità Israelitica, founded 1930 as Central Jewish Museum by the Jewish Community.
Rich collection of ceremonial objects, ketubbot, Torah-scrolls, ad artistic objects; coll. of documents and prints important for Jewish history in Leghorn.
Sources : A. Toaff, Il museo della comunità Israelitica Liburni civitas (Livorno 1931) (Illustrated). Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, vol. 7, p. 148-149.




197. Archivio della Comunità Israelitica.
11 vols. with 6,000 pages. A detailed register (1782-1810) was compiled by Bonaiuolo Isaac Levi.
Sources : Vittore Colorni, "Le magistrature maggiori della comunità ebraica di Mantova (sec. XV-XIX)," in Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, vol. 11, 1938, p. 57-126. See also no. 198.




198. Archivio del Consorzio degli Israeliti di Milano.
Communal documents since 1840.
Source : Cenni storici ed amministrativi delle comunità Israelitiche italiane (Rome 1914), p. 42-45.


1On the Italian-ruled colony of RHODES the library of the Collegio Rabbinico contained about 2,500 vols., including several hundred rare books, chiefly of rabbinic literature; see The Hebrew University News Bulletin (published by the American Friends of the Hebrew University), vol. 9, no. 2.


[p. 39]




199. Archivio della Comunione Israelitica.
Important material for Jewish history in Venetia.
Source : E. Morpurgo, "Bibliographia della storia degli ebrei nel Veneto," in Riv. Isr., vol. 7-9 (1910-1912), esp. vol. 7, p. 14 ff.
200.* Raccoltà [sic] Morpurgo
Family archives.
Source : ibid.




201. Archivio dell' Unversità Israelitica.
Interesting material for Jewish history in Italy in the 16th and 17th centuries.
Source : S. H. Margulies, "Dall" Archivio dell' Università Israelitica di Pisa," in Riv. Isr., vol. 5, 1908,


p. 70-73.




202. Archivio della Comunità Israelitica.
Archives of the Bassani family.
Source : U. Dallari, Gli Archivi della storia d'Italia (1910), ser. 2, vol. 1, p. 153-156. Enc. Jud., vol. 3, P. 292-293.




203. Biblioteca della Comunità Ebraica.
Rich collection, including the old and very valuable libraries of the local synagogues and bate-ha-midrash.
Many mss. and incunables.
Catalogue : Richard Gottheil, "Bible Manuscripts in the Rome Synagogues", in ZHB, 1905 (14 entries).





204. Archivio della Comunione Israelitica.
Documents since the 17th century.
Source : E. Morpurgo, in Riv. Isr., vol. 7, 1910, p. 181; vol. 8, 1911, p. 20 ff.




205. Archivio della Università Israelitica.
Documents on Jewish history in Siena.
Source : I. Zoller, "Per la storia del 28 giugno 1799 Siena," in Riv. Isr., vol. 7, 1910, p. 138 ff.




206. Biblioteca Unione Israeltica (Comunità ebraica).
Good collection of religious literature. 1 Hebrew ms.
Sources : Umberto Cassuto, "Manoscritti e incunaboli ebraici nelle biblioteche italiane," in Congr. Mondiale delle Biblioteche e di Bibliografia, vol. 3 (1931). Giuseppe Gabriele, Manoscritti, op. cit.


[p. 40]






207. Bibliteca della Scuola Ebraica.
Small book collection with a few Hebrew mss.
Source : Cassuto, l.c., p. 71.


208. Biblioteca della Talmud Tora.
Small religious collection with a few mss.




209. Biblioteca della Comunità Israelitica.




210. Biblioteca della Scuola Ebraica.
Small book collection with 6 Hebrew mss.
Sources : Cassuto, l.c. F. Morpurgo, Inchiesta sui monumenti e documenti del Veneto interessanti la storia . . . degli ebrei (Udine 1912), p. 23-25.




DAUGAPOLIS (Dvinsk, Dinaburg)


211. Zidu Izglitibas Biedriba (Society for Enlightment of Jews).
Coll. of about 2,000 vols. in Hebrew, Yiddish and Russian.
Source : Information from Dr. Max Laserson, New York.




212.* Dr. Katznelson
Private collection of about 3,000 vols. of Judaica.
Source : See above.


LUCIN (Laizen; province Letgalia)


213. *Rabbi Benzion Donchin
Collection of archivalia pertaining to the Jews of Lucin.
Source : Evreiskaya Starina, 1912, p. 263-273.
In the province of LETAGLIA there existed several large rabbinic collections. Outstanding wrer the libraries of Rabbi Meir Simha and of the rabbi of Rogatshev.




214. Zidu Izglitibas Biedriba (Society for Enlightment of Jews).
Collection of about 8-10,000 vols. in Hebrew, Yiddish, German and Russian.
Source : Information from Dr. Max Laserson, New York.


215.* Prof. Simon Dubnow.
Coll. of Judaica and personal archives.
Source : Kirjath Sepher, vol. 20, 1943, p. 177-179.


216.* Polotskoy Wolf.
Coll. of about 5-600 vols. Talmudica, rabbinica, biblical literature.
Source : Information from Dr. M. Laserson, New York.
[p. 41]


217.* Dr. I. Joffe.
Private coll. of about 2-3,000 vols. on Jewish history.
Source : See above.


218.* Jacob Zhagorski.
Complete coll. of Yiddish books, periodicals, leaflets and ephemeral material printed in Latvia.
Source : M. Gertz, 25 Yor Yidishe Presse in Letland (Riga 1933).




219. Jewish Community Library.
Small coll. with a pinax of the Hevra Kadisha of the 18th century.
Source : Information from Dr. M. Laserson, New York.




KAUNAS (Kovno)


220. Mapu-Biblioteka (Library of the Mapu Library Society)
Founded in 1908. In 1939 : about 15,000 vols. and a gallery of portraits of Jewish writers.
Coll. of Hebraica, including rabbinica and periodicals of the Haskala period; many Judaica in Yiddish.
Source : Information from Dr. Mendel Sudarsky, New York, (in Kaunas until 1937), and Yudl Mark, New York (in Kaunas until 1936).

221. Zidu Historius Etnografius Draugija namo Simon Dubnow (Historical and ethnographical Society named in honor of Simon Dubnow).
Founded in 1926, the Museum housed the coll. of Rabbi Isaac Elhahan; coll. of Torah-curtains and - mantles; menorot, lamps, etc. Coll. of portraits of Jewish personalities; photographs of towns and synagogue. Archives : Coll. of old books, including old Talmud editions; the pinkassim of the towns of Kejdanie, Wilkowiszki; mss. of rabbis, scholars and writers, including some of Abraham Mapu; coll. of letters; the archives of former Jewish National Council of Lithuania; archives of Jewish Communities which had been dissolved by the authorities. The private documentary collections of Dr. Simon Chorazyeki, Dr. Abba Lapin, and others.
Source : Yor ein-yor ois. Jarbuch Kalendar (Report and Inventory) (Kaunas 1939).


222. Mokslo Miletojn Draugija Biblioteka (Library of the Friends of Knowledge Society).
Coll. of 8-10,000 vols., mostly in Yiddish, but also in Russian, Polish and other languages. This library is the former library of the "Kultur-Liga" which had been dissolved by the Lithuanian Government. It included large quantities of textbooks and other publications of the same Society.
Source : Information from Dr. Mendel Sudarsky.


223.* Baloserio-Biblioteka (Lending Library; private property of Abba Balosa).
Coll. of about 20,000 vols. in Russian, Yiddish, Hebrew, and German.
Source : See above.


224.* Simon Chorazycki.
Private coll. of several thousand vols. of Hebraica, Judaica and Yiddish books.
Source : See above.


225.* M. Janusevic.
Private coll. of Judaica, Hebraica and Yiddish books. This collection included mss.
Source : See above.


[p. 42]


226.* Jacob Robinson.
Coll. of literature on national minorities and related legal problems, belonging to Dr. J. Robinson, New York.
Important collections of rabbinica were in the libraries of the Yeshivot and Bateha-Midrash in the following cities : KELME, TELSE, KEJDANIE, WILAMPOLE (Slobodska). Mokslo Miletojn Draugija (Society of the Friends of Knowledge) maintained libraries in the following cities (in addition to no. 222):


227. UKMERGE (Wilkomir) : about 4-5,000 vols.


228. SIAULIAI (Shavel) : 3-4,000 vols.


229. PANEVEZYS (Ponieviez) : about 3-4,000 vols.
To these must be added smaller collections in 10 other towns. Zidu Svietimo Draugija (Jewish Society for Enlightment) maintained libraries in the following cities : YURBURKAS : Mendele Library; ALYTUS, ANYKSCIAI, and several other towns.






230. Bibliotheek van het Portugeesch Israelietisch Seminarium "Ets Haim," (Bibliotheca Montezinos), in AMSTERDAM.
About 25,000 vols. 12 incunables, 4 editions on parchment. 1,000 old pamphlets. This library consisted chiefly of the very rich and valuable coll. of David Montezinos, whose main divisions are the following : (1) Spanish and Portuguese Judaica; (2) incunables; (3) Hebrew poems and prayers; (4) Purim-literature; (5) rabbinic decisions; (6) rare prints; (7) coll. of copper-plates and graphic prints. The archives contain documents since 1616 or 1637.
Catalogues : Alfei Menasche, Catalogus der tentoonstelling in het portugeesch Israelietisch Seminarium "Ets Haim" te Amsterdam ter herinnering aan het driehonderd jarig jubileum van het eerste door Menasseh ben Israel gedrukte boek (Amsterdam 1927). J. S. da Silva Rosa, "Die spanischen und portugiesischen gedruckten Judaica in der Bibliothek des jued portugieschen Seminars "Ets Haim" in Amsterdam," in Bijdragen en Mededeelingen van het Genootschap voor de joodsche Wetenschap, 1933. idem, Catalogus van de tentoonstelling de Bibliotheek van het Port. Isr. Seminarium (Amsterdam 1917). Rafael Montezinos and Jacob Pereira, Reshima mekol sifre beth midrashenn Ets Hayyim (Amsterdam 1843). Anonymous, Reshimah shel sifre beth ha-midrash Ets Hayyim (Amsterdam 1858); supplement (Amsterdam 1864).
Other souces : Minerva, 1937. J. S. de Silva Rosa, "David Montezinos," in Centraal Blaad voor Israelieten, 1914. M. C. Pereira and Silva Rosa, Gedenkschrift...driehondert jarig Bestaan...Talmud Tora en Ets Haim (1916). J. S. da Silva Rosa, Geschiedenis der Portugeesche Jooden to Amsterdam (1925).






231. Beth ha-Midrasch Ets Haim (Ashkenazim).
About 4,000 vols.; good rabbinic collection.
Catalogue : Reshima misifre beth ha-midrasch Ets Hayyim Ashkenazim (Amsterdam 1825).
Other sources : Minerva, 1937.


[p. 43]


232. Bibliotheek van het Nederlandsch Israelietisch Seminarium.
About 3,400 Hebraica. 300 books in other languages, rabbinic literature.
Source : Minerva, 1937.


233. Oosteligke Federatie (Zionist Organization), owned by its youth organization Sichron Jaakow. Extensive coll. of Zionistica and Judaica.
Catalogue : Catalogus van de Bibliotheek der oosteligke federatie van den Nederlandschen Zionistenbond (1905). Supplement, 1-2.


234. Museum en Archief van het Portugeesch Israelietische Gemeente.
Coll. of old books from Spain and Portugal. Rich coll. of ceremonial objects, old wrappers for Torah-scrolls, candlesticks, etc. Documents since 1614.
Sources : Enc. Jud., vol. 3, 293-295. da Silva Rosa, Geschiedenis der Porugeeschen Jooden te Amsterdam (1925). Jaarboek van 5674 (1913-1914). Henriques de Castro, De Synagoge der Portugeesch-Israelietisch Gemeente te Amsterdam (1875). Mendes da Costa , "Kort Overzicht van de Portugeesch-Israelietisch Gemeente der Port. Isr. Gemeente te Amsterdam," in Feestelijke...van het 250 jarig Bestaan (1925).


235. Nederlandsch Israelietische Hoofdsynagoge.
Coll. of Hebrew mss.; Mahzorim. Coll. of ceremonial objects. Documents since 1640; valuable historical material.
Sources : David Sluys, in Nieuw Israelietisch Weekblad. 1925, no. 1. Jaarboek van 5674. Verslagvan den Toestand der Nederl. Isr. Hoofdsynagoge (Amsterdam 1923). Zigmund Seeligmann, "Losse Bydregen tot de Geschiedenis der Jooden in Amsterdam, " in Centraalblad voor Israelieten in Nederland, vol. 15, no. 47 ff.


236. Joodsch Historisch Museum, Waaggebouw.
Founded in 1931; contains a good collection of Jewish folklore in Holland.
Source : Gids voor het Joodsch Historisch Museum (1931).


237. Portugeesch Synagoge.
Coll. of beautiful curtains, silver, ornaments, Torah-scrolls.
Sources : J.S. da Silva Rosa, Geschiedenis der Portugeesche Jooden te Amsterdam, p. 95 ff. D. H. de Castro, De Synagoge der Portugeesch-Israelietische Gemeente te Amsterdam (s'Gravenhage 1875).


238*. Sigmund Seeligmann.
Important collection of ancient literature, Judaica and valuable prints.
Source : Enc. Jud. vol. 2, p. 731.


239.* J. L. Palache.
Important coll. of Orientalia.


240.* Friedmann-Bibliotheek.
Important coll. of Hebraica and Judaica.
Source : I. M. Hillesum, "De Friedmann-Bibliotheek te Amsterdam," in Vrydagavond, 1926, no. 12.




241. Gemeente-Archief.
Documenst since the 18th century.
Source : Verslag over den toestand van het Gemeente Archief te Leiden (1919). Enc. Jud., vol. 3, p. 295.


[p. 44]




242. Gemeente-Archief.
Placed in the Rijks-Archief of the province of Zeeland. Documents since 1705.
Source : A. Felix, in Rijksarchief of the Province Zeeland, vol. 2, 1923, p. 137-153.




243. Gemeente Archief.
Documents since the 17th century.
Source : Jaarboek van 5674, p. 163.




244. Rijks-Archief.
Contains valuable documents on the Jewish Community in Surinam, which were placed in the Rijks-Archief for safekeeping. Oldest documents of the 17th century.
Sources : Verslag von het Rijksarchief (Haag 1920). Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, vol. 10, p. 108. Enc. Jud., vol. 3, p. 295.


245. Gemeente Archief in de Hoogduitsche Gemeente.
Documents of the 18th and 19th centuries.
Source : D. S. van Zuiden, De Hoogduitsche Jooden in's Gravenhagen (Gravenhagen 1913), p. 5 and passim.




Almost all the Jewish communities had small book-collections which are not separately listed. Apart from these the Joodsche Boekerij in Amsterdam and the libraries mentioned. See Jaarboek 5674; Statuten...der Vereenigung (Amsterdam 1908). Since the beginning of the 19th century, the Jewish communities had placed their death-registers, mohel-books and family-lists in the municipal archives of the respective cities. All the archives of Jewish communities are listed in the Jaarboek, 1913-1914. See also : Centraale Organisatie voor de Religieuse en Moreele Verheffing der Jooden in Nederland (Amsterdam 1913). The archives of the following communities date back to the 18th century : DEVENTER, DORDRECHT, HAARLEM, HERTOGENBOSCH, KEMPEN, MEPPEL.






246. Jewish Community Library.
Small coll. of Judaica in all languages with a few Hebraica and some Yiddish books.
Source : Information from Dr. Simon Federbusch, New York.






247. Biblioteka Judaistyczna przy Wielkiej Synagodze na Tlomackiem in WARSAW (Library for Jewish Studies of the Great Synagogue on Tlomackie Street).
In 1940 : more than 40,000 vols. (in 1937 : 35,200 vols. according to Minerva, 1937); 150 mss. (in 1938); 10 incunables; many pinkassim; an Amsterdam Haggadah of the 17th century.
[p. 45.]
Included the collection of Szymon Rodzyn, M. Moszkowski, and Ch. J. Bornstein. Very valuable scientific and rabbinic library.
Sources : M. Balaban, Zabytki historyczne Zydów w Polsce (Warsaw 1929) p. 33. idem, Yidn in Poilen (Vilna 1930) p. 286-287. A. Gawza, "Di yudaistishe hoiptbibliotek in Varshe," in "Haint" Yovel Buch (1938) p. 300-304. Nauka Polska, vol. 7, 1927, p. 216. Wajsberg, M., in Literarishe Bleter, 1925, p. 35; 1929, p. 749 ff. idem, in Przeglad Biblioteczny, vol. 2, 1928, p. 169-171.


248. Biblioteka im. M. Straszuna in VILNA (M. Straszun Library).
In 1937 : 35,000 vols.; 150 mss.; 5 incunables; many rare prints. Included the collections of Straszun, Fin, Markon, Baer Ratner, M. Epstein. This library of the Jewish Community was very valuable for all branches of rabbinic literature and Jewish scholarship.
Catalogue : Likkute Shoshanim (Catalogue of the coll. of Mathias Straszun) ( Berlin 1889).
Other sources : M. Balaban, Zabytki, p. 34, idem, Yidn in Poilen, p. 287-288. D. Magid, in Fun noenten ovar (Vilna 1937), vol. 1. Ch. Lunski, Bichervelt (1922) p. 263-268.


249. Yiddisher Visenshaftlecher Institut (YIVO) in VILNA (Yiddish Scientific Institute).
At the outbreak of the war the headquarters of the Yiddish Scientific Institute were transferred to New York City.
In 1939 : 85,000 vols., of which only 20,000 were catalogued. 75,000 handwritten documents and mss.; over 100,000 items of Jewish folklore. The library was outstanding for Jewish history and included Judaica in all languages. The archives included documentary material of the former rabbinical school in Vilna, of several liquidated Jewish communities in the district of Poznan, scores of pinkassim; the collection of over 2,000 books on folklore and ethnology of the late folklorist Judah Leib Cahan, besides Cahan's own manuscript archives (contained material for six volumes and only one volume was published) : the manuscript of Alfred Landau's Yiddish dictionary, compiled over a period of sixty years; thousands of documents relating to Jewish history in Eastern and Central Europe; the collection of 600 life-histories of Jewish youth (over 70,000 handwritten pages); many manuscripts of a religious character; over thirty manuscripts of Toledot Yeshu; thousands of letters of Yiddish and Hebrew authors and many of their manuscripts ; a great part of the archives of Simon Dubnow; very large collections on the history of the Jewish labor movement in Eastern Europe and America; the archives of J. Dinesohn; a great part of the archives of Rabbi E. Gutmacher from Grodziec; material on the history of Jewish colonization in Argentina and on Jews in the Ukraine during the pogroms of 1918-1919. The press division contained over 14,000 volumes of Jewish periodicals in may languages; over 400 current periodicals were received regularly. The Esther Rachel Kaminski Theater Museum, founded in1927, contained tens of thousands of objects concerning the history of the Jewish theater. The Art Museum of the Yivo, founded in 1935, contained a good collection of paintings and etchings, by Marc Chagall, Mane Katz, etc. figures by Ryback.
Sources : Max Weinreich, "Der Yiddisher Visenshaftlecher Institut," in Zamelbuch, (New York 1935) ed. Yefim Yeshurin, p. 327-328. Der alveltlecher Tzuzamenfor fun Yiddishen Visenshaftlechen Institut (Vilna 1936), p. 56 ff. Zydowski Instytut Naukowy, YIWO (Vilna 1937). Yivo noch draytsen yor arbet (Vilna 1938). Yedies fun Yiddishen Visenshaftlechen Institut, nos. 1-86 (Vilna 1925-1939), passim. Minerva, 1937.


250. Biblioteka Gminy Wyznaniowej Izraelickiej in LWÓW (Library of the Jewish Community).
In 1930 : 16,479 vols.; 1,012 vols. of periodicals; 17 mss., among which those of Rabbi Abraham Cohn, Solomon J. Rappoport); 4 fascicles of the beginning of the 19th century; 3 pinkassim of the Jewish Community of the 17th and 18th centuries. The library, founded in 1901 by Salomon Buber, had a rich collection of Judaica and Hebraica and contained the archives of the Jewish Community since 1925.
Sources : Wschód, 1901, p.15. Buzek, Karol, "Archiwa Polskie," in Nauka Polska, vol. 7, 1927, p. 45. Demby, Stefan, 2 Biblioteki," loc. Cit., vol. 12, 1930, p. 158. M. Balaban, Zabytki, p. 37-38. idem, Yidn in Poilen, p. 288. Edward Chwalewik, Zbiory Polskie ( 2 vols., Warsaw 1926-1927) vol. 1, p. 380.


251. Muzeum Gminy Wyznaniowej Zydowskiej im. Mathiasa Bersohna in WARSAW (The M. Bersohn Museum of the Jewish Community).
The Museum, founded in 1905 by M. Bersohn, included 83 paintings, 23 chandeliers and about 600 other ritual objects. (94 signets, rings, medallions, etc.); ark-curtains; ceramica with Hebrew legends; amulets; candlesticks from the 14th century on; picture and photographs of wooden synagogues. Among the 39 mss. and documents were the sermons of Jacob Frank; illuminated parchments of the 16th and 17th centuries; many illuminated ketubbot from Italy, 17th century. A pinax of the Hevra Kadisha of Praga (near Warsaw) from 1785-1870. Some pinkas-books and a coll. of banners form other communities. A small book collection of about 2,000 vols. included many old prints.
Sources : E. Chwalewik, op. cit., vol. 2, p. 340. M. Balaban, Zabytki, p. 27. Nauka Polska, vol. 7, 1927, p. 155. Chawa Warszawska, "Der Muzei ofn nomen fun M. Bersohn," in Yunger Historiker, vol. 1 (1926) p. 99-101. Hillel Seidman, "Museum im. Bersohna, in Glos Gminy Zydowskiej, vol. 3, 1937, p. 57-59.


252.* Mieczyslaw Zagajski formerly in WARSAW (now in New York).
Private collection housed in 1939 in 6 rooms. About 7,200 objects including 1,180 silver pieces from the 14th to the 18th century; 140 ark-curtains of which I was embroidered by the daughter of Hakam Zebi Ashkenazi, 3 were from the Vilna Gaon Synagogue, 1 from the synagogue of Rabbi Mendel of Kock, 16 from the synagogue in Sandomierz; about 100 Torah-mantles; about 100 Torah-ribbons; Torah-scroll from Spain, 15th century; several hundred Torah-indices (yad); about 100 megillot; 70 silver goblets, 100 silver covers for books; coll. of all ceremonial objects needed from birth to death; 100 circumcision-knives from the 14th to the 18th century; 160 Hanukkah-lamps from the 16th to the 18th century; 300 spice-cases of the same period; 40 menorot; 8 vessels for Levite washing; several hundred Hebrew coins; circumcision-fauteuil of Kurnik (Posen) of the 16th century, as well as all objects of the liquidated synagogue of the same town; garments of Jewish personalities such as Disraeli, Montefiore and of Jewish women in the 16th and 17th centuries. Included 15 very rare synagogue brocades, 14th-16th centuries. Coll. of paintings : 120 by M. Gotlieb, 7 by Joseph Israel, 5 by Liebermann, several by Pissaro, 2 by Markovicz, Rembrandt's (esquise) Christ's Circumcision. 150 illuminated mss. (13th to 17th century), including illuminated Haggodoth; 30 incunables; several hundred rare books of the 16th century. 40 Bibles in silver bindings.
Sources : Arkady (periodical), Nov. 1935. Black Book of Polish Jewry (1943), p. 310. R. Feldschuh, Yiddisher Gezelshaftlecher Lexikon (Warsaw 1939), p. 223. Information from Mr. Zagajski, New York; photographs in his possession.


253. Muzeum Towarzystwa Historyczno-Etnograficznego im. Sz. Anskiego in VILNA ( S. Anski Museum of the Historical-Ethnographical Society).
The Museum and the Archives were founded in 1913 together with a small book-collection of about 2,000 vols. and mss. The Museum included a coll. of Jewish painters and sculptors, such as Antokolski, Aronson, Ginsburg, Treger, Lejbowicz,


[p. 47.]


and others; coll. of photographs of famous rabbis and of synagogues; folklore; coll. of ceremonial objects; portraits of the Goan of Vilna and of Antokolski by Ryepin. The Archives included the correspondence and archives of S. Anski, letters of Mendele, Sholem Aleichem, Perez, Bialik, etc.; documents and press-archives; the following pinkassim : 7 of Jewish communities and communal organizations (including Society Bedek ha-bayit, Vilna, 1650-1830; Old Beth-Ha-Midrash, Vilna, 1758-1875; of the Communities of Szaki [1776-1848], Wrzesnia, [1823-1869], Burial Society of Musnik [1734-1826], Community of Krywlany [1810-1908], Society Zedaka Gedoleh, Vilna [1859-1931], 8 pinkassim of Synagogues and Study-societies of the 18th and 19th centuries, 10 pinkassim of Gemilut-hesed Societies of Vilna of the 19th and 20th centuries.
Sources : S. Herbst, in Nauka Polska, vol. 12, 1930, p. 135. M. Szalit, "Der Anski-Archiv," in Literarishe Bleter (1929 no. 16. A. J. Goldszmidt, "Di Pinkassim fun dem Hist. Etnogr. Gezellsh. Archiv," in Fun noenten Ovar, vol.1 (1937) no. 1 p.21-23. Ch. Lunsky, Pinkos (Vilna 1922), p. 855-864.


254. Archiwum Gminy Wyznaniowej Zydowskiej in WARSAW ( Archives of the Jewish Community).
In 1927 : about 3,500 fascicles and loose documents; 14 folders. Included deeds and documents since the 16th century; very rich material on the first half of the 19th century; documents on finances, government-orders, Jewish schools; material on role of Jews in the Polish uprisings of 1831.
Sources : E. Chwalewik, op. cit., vol. 2, p. 280. M. Balaban, Zabytki, p. 42. idem, Yidn in Poilen, p. 297. Nauka Polska, vol. 7, 1927, p. 87. Hillel Seidman, "Archiwum Gminy Zydowskiej w Warszawie," in Almanach Gminy Zydowskiej, vol. 1, 1939.


255. Archiwum Gminy Zydowskiej in CRACOW ( Jewish Community Archives).
Founded in 1908, the archives contain 12 original royal charters, privileges, decrees, protocols, documents of the community dating back to the 16th century; 5 kinkassim (1 of the Jewish Community, 1603-1780, 4 of the Jewish Court, 1644-1782); statutes of 1595. Several mss. on parchment including a commentary on Maimonides, an illuminated Bible mss. of the 14th century from Regensburg; rare prints of the 16th and 17th centuries from Cracow.
Sources : M. Schorr, in Evreiskaya Starina, 1909, p. 247. Majer Balaban, Przewodnik po zydowskich zabytkach Krakowa (Cracow 1935) p. 109-110. idem, in JJLG, vol. 10-11, 1913, 1916. Zofja Ameisenowa, Biblja hebrajska z XIV wieku (Cracow 1929).






256.* Edward Reicher.
Collection of paintings by S. Hirszenberg, M. Gotlieb, and others.
Source : Chwalewik, op. cit., vol. 1, p. 2.




257. Biblioteka im. Szolem Aleichema (Scholem Aleichem Library).
In 1938 : 41,834 vols. of which 13,930 were in Yiddish, and 12,292 in Polish. This library of the Jewish Community was a popular collection with books in all languages.
Sources : Yiddishe Ekonomik, vol. 2 (1938) p. 191. Biuletin fun der Bibliotek "Szolem Aleichem," 3 issues, 1933-1937.


258. Biblioteka Gminy Zydowskiej ( Library of the Jewish Community).
Coll. of more than 5,000 vols., Judaica and Rabbinica.


[p. 48]


Source : Herszberg, History of the Jews in Bialystok ( unpublished ms. in the possession of Yivo).


259.* Abraham Samuel Herszberg.
Large private coll. on archaeology of the Talmud. 1,800 vols.
Sources : See above. Bialistoker Yorbuch, 1931-1932.


260.* Rabbi Salomon Heilprin.
Rabbinic collection of about 1,500 vols.
Source : Information from J. Heilprin, Jerusalem.




261. Jewish Community Archives.
Several pinkassim; rich documentary material.
Sources : N. M. Gelber, " Aus dem Pinax des alten Judenfriedhofes in Brody (1699-1837)," in JJLG, vol. 13, p. 119-141. Wurm, D., Zdziejów zydowstwa brodzkigo (Brody 1935).


BYDGOSZCZ (Bromberg)


262. Archives of the Jewish Community.
Documents relating to the history of Jews in Bydgoszcz.
Sources : "Akteninventar der Synagogen-Gemeinde in Bromberg," in Mitt., vol. 2, 1910. Chwalewik, op. cit., vol. 1, p. 39. Mitt., vol. 6, 1926, p. 116.




263. Biblioteka judaistyczna "Ezra" ( Library of Judaism "Ezra").
About 6,000 vols. Special coll. of rabbinica; German-Jewish periodicals; rare Hebrew and Yiddish periodicals from Galicia.
Sources : E. Chwalewik, op. cit., vol. 1, p. 211. M. Balaban, Przewodnik po zydowskich zabytkach Krakowa (Cracow 1935) p. 108. idem, Yidn in Poilen, p. 289.


264. Museum Zydowskie w Starej Boznicy (Jewish Museum in the Old Synagogue).
Coll. of 31 Torah-curtains, 27 Torah-mantles of the 17th and 18th centuries. Memorbuch of the 17th century.
Source : M. Balaban, Przewodnik, p. 92-94, 99, 72, 55-56, 37-38.




265. Jewish People's Library.
In 1936 : Over 10,000 vols. One of the best public Jewish libraries in Eastern Galicia, supplied with books and funds chiefly by Jews in America who had emigrated from that town.
Source : Reports of the Library.




266. Biblioteka Domu Zzdowskiego ( Library of the Jewish Community).
Good popular library with books in Hebrew, Yiddish, Polish and German.
Catalogue : Katalog biblioteki domu zydowskiego w Drohobyczu (1928).


[p. 49]


267. Archives of the Jewish Community.
Pinkassim and other archival material.
Source : Schipper, I., Przyczynki do dziejów Zydow w Drohobyczu do konca XVIII w. (Drohobycz 1936) idem, MGWJ, vol. 56, 1912, p. 461.


INOWROCLAW (Hohensalza)


268. Jewish Community Archives.
Coll. of documents.
Source : St. Simon, Zydzi Inowroclawscy za czasów Ksiestwa Warszawskiego 1807-1815 (1939).




269. Archives of the Jewish Community.
Valuable documentary material for Jewish history in that city.
Source : Nauka Polska, vol. 7, 1927, p. 22.




270. Archives of the Jewish Community.
Valuable documentary material for Jewish history.
Sources : "Akteninventar der Synagogengemeinde Krotoschin," in Mitt., vol. 2, no. 1, 1910. Nauka Polska, vol. 7, 1927, p. 33. Mitt., vol. 6, 1926, p. 118.




271. Bibljoteka Bnej Brith ( Library of the Bnai Brith Lodge).
Collection of Judaica in all languages.


272. Biblioteka "Ivriah."
Several thousand vols. of Zionist and Hebrew literature. Coll. of the Tarbuth Association.


273. Biblioteka "Borochow."
Several thousand vols., mostly in Yiddish.
Source : Black Book of Polish Jewry (1943) p. 300.


274. Biblioteka "A. D. Gordon."
Several thousand vols. of Judaica and Hebrew literature.


275.* Dr. Markus Braude.
Private scientific library; Judaism, philosophy, education.


276.* Dr. A. Tartakower (now in New York).
Private library : economics, Jewish and general sociology.


277.* Michael Brandstaetter.
Private coll.; fiction and education.


278. Zydowskie Towarzystwo Krzewienia Sztuk Pieknych ( Jewish Art Society).
The gallery, a branch of the Art Society in Warsaw ( see no. 322), had a collection of modern Jewish painters and sculptors.
Source : Information from Jacob Apenszlak, New York, founder of the Jewish Art Society.


[p. 50]


279. * Maurycy Poznanski.
Coll. of paintings including pictures by S. Hirszenberg, L. Pilichowski, P. Rozen, M. Trebacz.
Source : Chwalewik, op. cit., vol. 1, p. 442.




280. Sifriat Yeshivat Hakme Lublin ( Library of the Yeshiva "Sages of Lublin").
Great rabbinic collection of 12,000 vols., many editions of the 16th century.
Source : J. Shatzky, Der Polisher Yid (New York 1945) p. 12.


281. Bibljoteka gminy izraelickiej (Library of the Jewish Community).
Good coll. of Judaica, Hebrew and Yiddish literature.
Source : Chwalewik, op. cit., vol. 1, p. 354.


282. Beth ha-Midrash.
Rich collection of Rabbinica dating back to the 16th century.
Source : Information from Dr. Raphael Mahler, New York.


283. Archives of the Jewish Community.
Coll.Of Pinkassim, 1 of the Maharshal Synagogue, dating back to 1799; 1 of the Maharam Synagogue, dating back to 1778.
Sources : Dubnow, S. in Voskhod, 1895, 1-2. Nisenbaum, S. B., "Un Manuscrit de la gueniza de Lublin," in REJ, vol. 50, p. 84-89.




284. Biblioteka Gminy Wyznaniowej Izraelickiej ( Library of the Jewish Community).
The coll. includes minute-books of the 17th and 18th centuries.
Catalogue : Katalog wystawy ksiazki Iwowskiej hebrajskiej i zabytków sztuki zydowskiej. Maj -Czerwiec (Lwów 1928).
Other sources : M. Balaban, Yidn in Poilen, p. 288. Chwalewik, op. cit., vol. 1, p. 381. Jósef Grabowski, "Wystawa heb. Ksiazki Iwowskiej i zabytków sztuki zyd," in Gazeta Lwowska, 1928, no. 130.


286. Bibljoteka "Bnej Brith" (Bnai Brith Library).
A good popular library pertaining to Jewish history, with a gallery of paintings by Jewish artists.
Source : Yidisher Gezelshaftlecher Lexikon (Warsaw, 1939) vol. 1.


287. Jewish Community.
Rich coll. of ceremonial objects.
Catalogues : Katalog Wystawy zabytków starozytnich we Lwowie, 1894. (Exhibition of 1894). (Numbers 217-242, 245-293 were borrowed from synagogues in Galicia. Among them were 56 parochot, of which 11 were of the 16th and 21 of the 17th century.)
Other sources : Katalog..., 1928. M. Balaban, Yidn in Poilen (Vilna 1930) p. 281. J. Grabowski, loc. cit.


288. Old Synagogues of Lwów.
In several of them were collected very precious old ritual objects.
Catalogue : Katalog wystawy zabytków starozytnych we Lwowie (Lwów 1894); nos. 42-217, 245-293. Other sources : Balaban, Zabytki, p. 30. Jacób Schall, Przewodnik po zabytkach zydowskich m. Lwowa (Lwów 1935).


289. Synagoga Postepowa (The Progressive Temple).
Rich archives pertaining to the history of the Temple.
Source : M. Balaban, Historja Lwowskej Synagogi Postepowej (Lwow 1937); with many facsimiles and reproductions.


[p. 51]


290.* Maksymiljan Goldstein.
Large coll. of graphics and Jewish folklore.
Source : M. Goldstein-Karol Dresdner, Kultura i sztuka ludu zydowskiego na ziemiach polskich (Lwów 1935).




291. Jewish Popular Library.
Large collection.
Source : Information from Dr. Raphael Mahler, New York.




292. Synagogue.
About 50 old ark-curtains, 2 silver shields of 1739 and 1784.
Source : M. Balaban, Zabytki, p. 87, 91.




293. Synagogue.
Coll. of about 50 old and valuable ark-curtains.
Source : M. Balaban, Zabytki, p. 91.


294.* Rabbi Rapoport.
In 1918 : 3 pinkassim, miscellaneous documents from the Pinczow Community archives, privileges, and other official documents of the 17th century. Also a prayer-book on parchment from 1764. Copies in the Balaban collection (see no. 324).
Source : M. Balaban, Yidn in Poilen, 1930, p. 293-294.




295. Archiwum Gminy Wyznaniowej Zydowskiej (Archives of the Jewish Community).
1 fascicle of documents of the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th centuries (Old Poland, Prussian occupation, Dutchy of Warsaw); document of 1617 : agreement between the Jewish community and the municipal authorities; report of 1754 on a ritual murder trial in Plock.
Sources : Karczmarczyk, K., "Dzialalno'sc niemieckiego zarzadu archiwow w Warszawie 1915-1918,” in Archiwum Komisji Historycznej Polskiej Akademji Umiejetno sci, series 2, vol. 1, (1923) p. 120. Dubnow, S., in Voskod, 1894, no. 4. M. Balaban, Zabytki, p. 40. idem, Yidn in Poilen, p. 294-295.




296. Biblioteka "Beth Shlomoh."
Included about 6,000 vols.; rabbinic collection, a coll. of Judaica and a teachers’ library of the Hevrat Lashon Lemorim.
Catalogue; Ms. catalogue of the rabbinica in the hands of Dr. A. Ch. Freimann, Jerusalem.

297. Library of the Jewish Community.
Included the coll. of Judaica of the "Juedische Lesehalle" and the coll. of Rabbi W. Feilchenfeld, rich in rabbinic literature, rare prints, and general literature in many languages.
Catalogue : Katalog der juedischen Lesehalle Posen (date unknown). Typewritten catalogue of the Feilchenfeld coll. in the hands of Dr. A. Ch. Freimann, Jerusalem.


[p. 52]


298. Bóznica Domu Starców (Synagogue of the Old Men's Home, Latz Foundation). Rich coll. of rabbinica, gathered from Bate hamidrash of the province.
Source : M. Balaban, Zabytki, p. 100.


299. Museum of the Jewish Community.
Important coll. of ceremonial objects, gathered from liquidated communities in the province.
Source : Information from Jacob Apenszlak, New York.


300. Archiwum Gminy Zydowskiej ( Archives of the Jewish Community).
5 record-books of the local Jewish Community : 1. 1621-1793; 2. 1689; 3. 19th century; 4. 1607-1813; 5. Protocols of the rabbinic court, 1806-1808. Many fascicles uncatalogued. The main material had been transferred to the Central Archives in Berlin before 1920 (see no. 8).
Sources : Nauka Polska, vol. 7, 1927, p. 64. Mitt. vol. 6, 1926, p. 119.


301. Archiwum Panstwowe m. Poznania (State-Archives in Poznan).
Documents were deposited in the State Archives by the Jewish Community for safekeeping. Among them were originals of the privileges by the Polish kings to the Jewish Community.
Sources : Balaban, Zabytki, p. 43. A. Warschauer, Die staedtischen Archive in der Provinz Posen (Leipzig 1901).




302. Zydowskie Towarzystwo Krzewienia Sztuk Pieknych (Jewish Art Society).
The gallery, a branch of the Warsaw Art Society (see no. 322), had a collection of modern Jewish painters and sculptors.
Source : Information from Jacob Apenszlak, founder of the Society, New York.




303. Gezelshaft Yiddishe Kunstbibliotek, Jewish Art Library (Association).
Housed by the Jewish Community.
In 1926 : About 8,000 vols. Special art collection.
Source : Zum 25 jerigem Yubilieum fun der bibliotek bei der "Gezelshaft Yiddishe Kunst in Siedlce" (Siedlce 1926).




304. Biblioteka Izraelickiej Gminy Wyznaniowej (Jewish Community Library).
The library had a collection of mss. and documents with 1 pinax (1693-1815).
Source : Leon Streit, Dzieje Wielkiej Miejskiej Synagogi Stanislawów (1936) p. 9.


305. Abraham Goldfaden Society.
A library rich in Jewish plays and music. 1,600 vols., including many mss.
Source : Information from Dr. J. Shatzy, New York.


306.* Leon Streit.
A rich coll. of Judaica pertaining to Stanislawów, including local Yiddish, Hebrew, and Polish newspapers. A coll. of photographs of tombstones of the old Jewish cemetery and of ritual antiquities.
Source : Information from Dr. J. Shatzy, New York.


[p. 53]




307. Biblioteka Izraelickiej Gminy Wyznaniowej (Jewish Community Library).
The library included a coll. of mss.


308. Biblioteka szkoly zydowskiej im. J. Perla (Library of the Joseph Perl Jewish School).
Founded in 1815 by Joseph Perl coll. of Hebraica and Judaica, including many valuable mss., the archives of Joseph Perl, letters and mss. of Maskilim, etc.
Sources : Chwalewik, op. cit., vol. 2, p. 236. I. Weinloes, "Yoseph Perl, zain lebn un shafn," in Yoseph Perls Yiddishe ksovim, publ. by Yivo (Vilna 1937) p. XXX. S. Katz, "Naye materialen fun dem Perl Archiv," in Yivo Bleter, vol. 13, 1938, p. 7-8, 557. Ph. Friedman, "Di ershte kamfn tsvishn Haskole un Hasidizm," in Fun noenten ovar, no. 4, 1938, p. 259.




309. Zydowska Biblioteka Ludowa (Jewish Community Library)
Good popular collection.
Catalogue : Zydowska biblioteka ludowa, Katalog (Tarnow 1924) ; 3 supplements, 1926-1930.




310. Biblioteka Towarzystwa Szerzenia Oswiaty -"Mefitse Haskalah" (Library of the Association to spread Enlightenment).
About 50,000 vols. (in 1915 : 15,000 vols.). Huge popular library with many rare books.
Sources : M. Szalit, in Vilner Zamlbicher, vol. 1, 1916, p. 38-50. Information from Samuel Bernholc, New York; and Hirsh Abramovicz, Brooklyn, N. Y.


311. Biblioteka Zydowskiego Centralnego Komitetu Oswiaty (Library of the Association "Zentraler Bildungs-Komitet," Central Committee for Education). About 40,000 vols., mostly popular, in Yiddish, Hebrew, Polish, Russian, Children's library.
Sources : M. Szalit, Vilner Zamelbicher, vol. 1, 1916, p. 50-52. Pinkos of the An-ski Society (Vilna 1922) p. 767-772.

312. Zydowskie Towarzystwo Krzewienia Sztuk Pieknych (Jewish Art Society).
The gallery, a branch of the Art Society in Warsaw (see no. 322), had a collection of Jewish painters and sculptors.
Source : Information from Jacob Apenszlak, New York.


313.* Max Weinreich.
Coll. of about 7,000 vols. chiefly concerning Yiddish and general linguistics ; about 1,500 relating to the early history of Yiddish and Hebrew literature; dictionaries; books on history and sociology.
Source : Information from Max Weinreich, Research Director of the Yivo, New York.


314.* Pinchas Kon.
A collection of 1,200 vols. of Judaica; rare documents and printed material pertaining to the history of Jews in Lithuania; Hebrew and Yiddish books printed in Vilna. Rare dissertations of Vilna Jewish physicians of the 17th and 18th centuries.
Source : Information from Dr. J. Shatzky, New York.



315.* Mosze Szalit.
A rich collection of tracts, pamphlets, reports, and periodicals, pertaining to Jewish social service. A wealth of material relating to the activities of the Joint Distribution Committee in Eastern Europe. An exceptionally complete collection of books on Vilna.
Source : Information from Dr. J. Shatzky, New York.


316.* Drukarnia Romm.
Archives and warehouse of the publishing firm, owned by widow and brothers Romm.




317. Biblioteka im. B. Grossera (Grosser Library of the Kultur-Liga).
In 1936 : 29,799 vols., chiefly in Yiddish and Polish. Periodicals in 14 languages. The best organized social science library in Warsaw.
Sources : Black Book of Polish Jewry (1943) p. 300. H. Kruk, in Yiddisher Gezelshaftlecher Lexikon, vol. 1, (1939) p. 571-573.


318. Stowarzysnenie pracownikow handlowych w. m. (Society of commercial employes of Jewish faith).
About 8,000 vols. on social and economic problems, with a large section on Jewish problems. Archives include minute-books and correspondence since 1858.
Sources : N. Szwalbe, "A History of the Union of the Commercial Employes [sic]," (Polish) in Przeglad, Codzienny, 1913, no. 32-46. Freid, J. M., Yomim Veshanim (Tel Aviv 1938) vol. 2.


319. Beth Hasefarim "Hefetz Hayyim" (Hefetz Hayyim Library).
Library of the Agudat Israel, with 5,000 vols. of rabbinic literature, among them a complete Talmud printed in Italy in the 16th century (uncensored copy). Rich coll. of Kabbalistic literature, of Italian and oriental provenience.
Source : Yidisher Gezelshaftlecher Lexikon, vol. 1 (1939), p. 573.


320. Bibliteka "Zycie" (Library of the "Life" Society).
In 1934 : 12,900 vols. in Yiddish; Labor library.
Source : B. Temkin, "Yidishe Bibliotekn in Varshe," in Dos Virtshaftliche Lebn, 1934, no. 6-7, p. 22.


321. Zwiazek Literatów i Dziennikarzy Zydowskich (Union of Jewish Writers and Journalists).
Coll. of object pertaining to the J. L. Peretz. Coll. of letters from eminent Hebrew and Yiddish writers.
Source : M. Balaban, Zabytki, p. 125.


322. Zydowskie Towarzystwo Krzewienia Sztuk Pieknych (Jewish Art Society).
The Society, founded in 1920, had a gallery of paintings and sculptures of modern Jewish artists and organized 120 exhibits between 1920 and 1939.
Sources : Printed catalogues of the exhibits. Information from Jacob Apenszlak, New York, founder of the Society.


323. Towarzystwo przyjaciól uniwersytetu hebrajskiego (Friends of the Hebrew University).
In 1939 : more 10,000 vols. ready to be shipped to the University Library in Jerusalem.
Sources : Minerva, 1937. Information from Edward Poznanski, Jerusalem.


324.* Majer Balaban.
6,000 vols. of Judaica and Hebraica. Remnants of Community Archives of many towns in Galicia, family-papers (18th

[p. 55]


and 19th centuries) of Salomon Rapoport, Nachman Krochmal, Abram Kohn; documents relating to the political role of the Galician Jewry in the revolution of 1848. Many Hebrew unica.
Sources : M. Balaban, Judeo-Polonica (Lamus 1911). idem, Yidn in Poilen, p. 297. idem, "Fun majn archiv," in Yivo Historishe Shriften vol. 1, 1929, p. 737-750. idem, in Jewish Studies in Memory of George A. Kohut, (New York 1935) p. 47-48. idem, in Jubilee Volume in Honor of Braude (Warsaw 1932) (Hebrew), p. 31. idem, Zydzi w Galicyi (Lwow 1914) p. 218, 221, 223, 224.


325.* Jesaiah Ratnehmer.
Collection of 26,000 vols. The most important private coll. of Hebraica; sets of periodicals.
Sources : Balaban, Zabytki, p.33. J. Shatzky, Poilisher Yid (1945) p.13.


326.* Professor Moses Schorr.
Private collection, housed in the building on Tlomackie Street (see no. 247). About 3,000 vols. on Jewish history in Poland; Semitica.


327.* Samuel Adalberg.
Clippings pertaining to Jewish affairs from Polish newspapers and collected for over 50 years. Perhaps donated to the Synagogue Library in Warsaw (see no. 247). Archives of the Jewish educational organization "Daath." Archives of the Wawilberg Foundation to promote Jewish historical research at the University of Lwów. Private correspondence. Books and pamphlets on Jewish history (2,000 vols.). Collection of Jewish folklore.
Sources : Chwalewik op. cit., vol. 2, p. 377. Information from Dr. J. Shatzky, New York.


328.* Joseph Lipski.
2,500 Bibles in several languages.
Source : Information from Dr. J. Shatzky, New York.


329.* Joel Lifschitz.
Over 40 pinkassim from small Jewish communities.
Source : Shatzky, in Der Poilisher Yid (1945). Balaban, Yidn in Poilen, p. 296.


330.* Noah Prylucki
About 25,000 vols. with many rare old Yiddish books; 45 mss; coll. of documents on Jewish folklore, and private letters (about 15,000).


331.* Emanuel Ringelblum.
Coll. of about 2,000 vols. relating to Jewish history in Poland.


332.* Benjamin Minc.
Private coll. of the art-dealer. Rich coll. of Bezalel pieces, also many valuable old pieces. The part of the coll. shown at the World's Fair in 1939 is still in the U. S. in the possession of Mrs. B. Minc.
Source : Information from Mrs. Minc, New York.


333.* Tadeusz Reicher-Sosnowski.
Included in his private gallery paintings of the brothers Maurice and Leopold Gotlieb.
Source : Nauka Polska, vol. 12, 1930, p. 129.


334.* Maurycy Prezeworski.
Private collection of paintings, including M. Trebacz's Jankiel Cymbalista.
Source : Chwalewik, op. cit., vol. 2, p. 382.


[p. 56]


335.* P. Pawe.
Coll. of synagogal art and ritual objects, such as candlesticks, ark-curtains, spice-boxes, circumcision-knives, etc. Paintings and etchings of Jewish artists.
Source : Yidisher gezelshaftlecher Lexikon, vol. 1, (contains many reproductions from this coll.).


336.* Abraham Manes Gliksohn.
Coll. of rare Hebrew books, including the older and modern literature.
Source : loc. cit., p. 695.


337.* Abraham Mordecai Alter, Rabbi of Góra Kalwarja (Gerer Rebe).
Coll. of rare Hebrew books and mss.
Source : loc. cit., p. 484.


338.* M. Bassis.
Private coll. of documentary material, such as documents and letters of Filip Lubelski, physician in Napoleon's army.
Sources : Schipper, I., Zydzi w 1831 (Warsaw 1932) p. 204-206. M. Balaban, Zabytki, p. 140.




339. Biblioteka im. J. L. Pereca (J. L. Peretz Library).
About 6,000 vols. in Yiddish, Hebrew, and other languages.
Source : Chwalewik, op. cit., vol. 2, p. 535.


Only a few of the valuable collections of rabbinic literature of the Bate-ha-midrash have been listed above. All Jewish communities in large cities as well as in small towns had such collections with precious Talmudica, rabbinica, and old Hebrew uprints. All three synagogues of MIELEC for instance, possessed book-collections, among them the Wooden Synagogue with some 3,000 vols. The total contents of the libraries of the synagogues and the Bate-ha-midrash in BRZEZANY was estimated at about 20,000 vols.




Jewish libraries existed in every Polish city and town. They had been established by various organizations such as youth associations, labor unions, cultural societies, and the like. Widespread were the libraries of the "Kultur-Liga," the "Borochow-Libraries," the libraries named after Wladimir Medem, J. L. Peretz, S. Anski, etc., and libraries of the Hashomer Hatzair, and other Zionist youth organizations. Only a fraction of them are listed below. According to a tabulation by Dr. J. Shatzky, Poland possessed in 1939 251 Jewish libraries with a total of 1,650,000 books.
Sources : J. Shatzky, Poilisher Yid, p. 13. Majer David, "yiddishe bibliotekn in Poilen," in Bicher Welt (Warsaw 1922) p. 467-475. M. Weisberg, in Literarishe Bleter, vol. 2, 1926, p. 603-605. B. Temkin, "Jewish Libraries in Warsaw in the light of statistical data," (Yiddish) in Dos Virtshaftliche Lebn, vol. 6-7, 1933, p. 20-27.




340. Biblioteka "Hazomir."
About 1,500 vols. of popular literature, founded in 1905, subsidized by the Jewish Community.
Source : Information from the World Jewish Congress.




341. Beth Ha-Midrash
Coll.of Rabbi Rokeach; rabbinica.
Source : See above.


[p. 57]



342. Biblioteka Zydowskich Zwiazkow Zawodowych (Library of Jewish Labor Unions).
About 2,000 vols. of popular literature.
Source : See above.




343. Biblioteka im. J. L. Pereca.
About 2,000 vols.
Source : Black Book of Polish Jewry (1943) p. 301.


344. Library of the Jewish High Schools.
Coll. of Jewish Primary and High School Association with about 4-5,000 vols.
Source : Information from the World Jewish Congress.




345. Powszechna Biblioteka Robotnicza (General Workers' Library).
Several thousand vols. in Yiddish and Polish; popular library.
Source : Information from Raphael Federman, New York.


346. Biblioteka Zwiazku Rzemieslnikow zydowskich (Library of the Jewish Artisan Association).
Popular coll. with about 2,000 vols.
Source : Information from the World Jewish Congress.




347. Biblioteka Gminy zydowskiej (Library of the Jewish Community).




348. Biblioteka im. J. L. Pereca.
Popular coll. of about 3,000 vols.
Source : Information from the World Jewish Congress.




349. Towarzystwo Zydowskich Szkól Srednich (Jewish High School Association).




350. Biblioteka Zydowskiego Towarzystwa Oswiatowego Robotników (Library of the Cultural Society of Jewish workers).
Several thousand vols.; popular coll.
Source : Information from Benjamin Bursztyn, New York.




351. Bnai Brith Library.
About 2,000 vols. in Yiddish, Hebrew, German, and Polish.
Source : Information from the World Jewish Congress.




352. Zydowska Biblioteka Ludowa im. J. L. Pereca (J. L. Peretz Library Society).
Coll. of about 3,000 vols. in Yiddish and Hebrew and Judaica.
Source : Information from Dr. Raphael Mahler, New York.


[p. 58]




353. Biblioteka Zydowska (Jewish Library).
Popular coll. of about 3,000 vols.
Source : Chwalewik, op. cit., vol. 2, p. 19.




354. Biblioteka "Hazomir."
About 6,000 vols., mainly in Yiddish and Polish.
Source : Plock Bletlech Geshichte (Buenos Aires 1945) p. 192 (picture of the library), 219.




355. Zydowska Biblioteka Ludowa (Jewish People's Library).
Source : Information from the World Jewish Congress.




356. Biblioteka Borochow.
In 1934 : about 5,000 vols. in Yiddish and Hebrew.
Sources : Black Book of Polish Jewry (1943) p. 300. B. Temkin, "Yidishe Bibliotekn in Varshe," in Dos Virtshaftliche Lebn (1934) no. 6-7.

357. Biblioteka Zwiazku Zawodowego Drukarzy Zydowskich (Library of the Jewish Printers Union).
About 4,000 vols. in Yiddish and Polish.
Source : B. Temkin, op. cit.


358. Library of the Jewish Travelling Salesmen.
In 1934 : 6,500 vols.
Source : B. Temkin, op. cit.


359. Biblioteka "Hazomir".
In 1934 : 5,000 vols.
Source : See above.


360. Seminary for Teachers of Jewish Religion.
Coll. of 4,476 vols. (1,595 in Hebrew); students' library.
Source : See above.


361. Takhkemoni (Seminary).
Coll. of 1,200 vols. (400 in Hebrew); students' library.
Source : See above.


362. High School "Askola."
Coll. of 3,921 vols. (1,228 in Hebrew); school library.
Source : See above.


363. High School M. Krinski.
Coll. of 3,550 vols. (650 in Hebrew); school library.
Source : See above.


364. Hinuk High School.
Coll. of 1,600 vols. (696 in Hebrew); school library.
Source : See above.




365. Laor High School.
Coll. of 2,011 vols. (500 in Hebrew); school library.
Source : See above.


366. Jehudiah High School.
Coll. of 1,597 vols. (660 in Hebrew); school library.
Source : See above.






Collections of ark-curtains.
Source : M. Balaban, Przewodnik, p. 92-95, 99, 72, 55-56, 37-38.


368. Wysoka Bóznica (High Synagogue).
Collection of ark-curtains.
Source : See above.


369. Boznica Remu (Remu Synagogue).
Coll. of ark-curtains; 1 ms. Bible; 1 Memorbuch; 1 Seder Haftarot, 1666.
Source : See above.


370. Bòznica Izaka ( Synagogue of Isaac).
Coll. of ark-curtains; 1 ms. Siddur on parchment; 1 Seder Haftarot, illuminated and illustrated, 1646.
Source : See above.


JANOWIEC (District of Lublin)



371. Synagogue.
Siddur, illuminated, on parchment, 18th century.
Source : Information from Dr. Raphael Mahler, New York.





372. Synagogue.
4 precious art-curtains, the oldest of the 18th century.
Source : Chwalewik, op. cit., vol. 1, p. 142.


KAZIMIREZ (on the Vistula)


373. Old Jewish town with many interesting pieces of Jewish folklore in private
households. 1 illuminated ms. prayerbook on parchment, 18th century (in 1917 in the possession of Rabbi Silberminz.).
Sources : M. Balaban, Zabytki, p. 39. idem, Yidn in Poilen, p. 293.
Information from Jacob Apenszlak, New York.





374. Gmina wyznaniowa zydowska (Jewish Community).
1 silver ladle for the Hevra Kadisha of 1707; menorah light-reflectors, and other precious ceremonial objects were in the Maharam Synagogue, and in the Maharshal Synagogue.
Source : M. Balaban, Die Judenstadt von Lublin (Berlin 1919).


[p. 60]




375. Israelicka Gmina wyznaniowa (Jewish Community).
1 pinax of the rabbinic court of the 17th century.
Source : M. Schorr, Zydzi w Przemyslu (Lwów 1903) p. 280.


376. * L. Lichtbach.
Pinax of the Jewish tailors' guild dating back to the 17th century.
Source : Schorr, op. cit., p. 274.




377. Synagogue.
A very rare prayerbook ms.
Source : R. Wischnitzer-Bernstein, "Der Siddur der Altstaedtischen Synagogue in Rzeszów," in Festschrift fuer Aaron Freimann Berlin (Berlin 1935).




378. *Zimmels Family.
Remnants of the archives of the Jewish Community.
Source : Enc. Jud., vol. 3, p. 278.




Organized Jewish archives existed only in the larger Polish cities and a few communities in the the district of Poznan listed above. In most of the smaller cities and towns, valuable pinkassim were in the hands of private persons, the rabbis, the chairmen of various societies, and the like. Some of those listed below have been donated to the YIVO (Yiddish Scientific Institute, see no. 249.), the Anski-Society in Vilna (see no. 253), and other libraries. The Historical Commission of the Warsaw branch of the YIVO, under the direction of the late Dr. Ignacy Schipper, the late Dr. Emanuel Ringelblum, Dr. Raphael Mahler (now in New York), and Isaiah Trunk (now in the Soviet Union), started during the years 1936-1939 an extensive investigation of the extant pinkassim. The results were first published in Yedies (Bulletin of the YIVO), 1939, no. 3-4, p. 6-10.
Other sources : Izak Lewin, "Protokoly kahalne z XVIII I XIX wieku w Malopolsce Srodkowej," in Przewodnik Historyczno-Prawny (Lwów), 1931, p. 1-6.
M. Hendel, "Mezritsher Pinkassim," in Yivo Bleter, vol. 8 1935, p.61-67.
Sh. Winter, Pinkossim fun Chevres," loc. cit., vol.12, 1938, p. 77-94.
idem, "A Kuntres mit cheshboines fun Librontser Kohol," loc. cit., vol. 8, 1935.
Additional information supplied by Dr. R. Mahler, New York, from his notes.
The following information on pinkassim until 1875 is given below : 1. Name of the Community ; 2. Organisation to which the Protocols refer ; 3. Year or century of the first entry ; 4. Special source wherever available.
The following abbreviations are employed :
BS Burial Society (Hevra Kadisha)
CHS Charitable Society
d.u. date unknown
GU Guild
JC Jewish Community
Rabb. Court Rabbinic Court
RS Religious or study-association
Synagogue Synagogue or Beth ha-Midrash
ANTOPOL : JC 1804 ; BS d.u. ; RS 1826, d.u. AUGUSTÓW : BS beginning of the 19th century. BELZ : BS 1861. BEREZA KARTUSKA : RS 1781, 1800, 1881. BERESTECZKO : JC 1792. BIALA PODLASKA : BS 1802. BIALYSTOK : RS 1850. BIELICA (near Lida) : JC 1794; BS 1712 ; RS 1861. BILGORAJ : BS 1745 ; GU 1769.
Source : Perla Kramer, in Miesiecznik Zydowski, 1932, p. 262. BIRZE : JC 1782, 1792. BRODNICA : BS 1805; RS 1865; Synagogue 1852. BRODY : BS 1699; RS 1822.
Source : N. M. Gelber, in JJLG, vol. 13, 1920. BROK : BS 18th century. BRZESC KUJAWSKI : BS 1848 ; RS 1862. BRZESC N.B. (Brest Litovsk) : RS 1824, 1850. BRZEZANY : JC


[p. 61]


1699 ; Synagogue 1861. CHODZIEZ : BS 1840. CHRZANÓW : JC 1863 and 2 of the 19th century. CIESZYN : JC 1823. CZORTKÓW : JC 1728 : GU 1721, 1738. DOBRZYN : JC 17th to 18th century. DROHOBYCZ : JC 1734. DROHICZYN : BS 1830 ; RS 1868. DUBNO : JC 18th century ; BS 1746. Source : M. Balaban, Zabatytki, p. 41. GOLINA : JC 1852 ; GU 1818. GRODNO : BS 1636 ; GU 1767, 1773. GRYBOW : BS 1771. HRUBIESZÓW : GU 1849, d.u. IZBICA KUJ : GU 1821, 1867. JAROSLAW : BS d.u. KALUSZYN : BS 1628. KAMIONKA : BS 1815 : GU 1825. KANCZUGA : Synagogue end of 18th century; Ch.S 18th century. KIEJDANY : GU 1875.
Source : M. Wischnitzer in Bleter far yiddisher Demografie, Statistik un Ekonomik, no. 5. KLODAWA : BS 1778, 1838, 1865. KOJDANOW : BS 1826 ; GU 1806. KONSKIE : JC 1793. KOSÓW POLESKI : GU 1781. KOSTOPOL : BS d.u.; GU d.u. KOWEL : BS 1732. KRASNICZYN : BS 1870. KRYNKI : 2 BS end of the 18th century. KUTNO : BS 1808; GU 1862. LANCUT : JC 1730 LYNTUPY : BS 1811. LÓDZ : RS 1830, 1836, 1866. LOMZA : ChS 1853. LUBOMIL : BS 1720; GU 1720. LUBRANIEC : JC 1818; GU 1843; RS 1832. LUCK : GU 1721.
Source : Measef (St. Petersburg), 1902. LUNNA : BS 1749. LUNNA WOLA : BS 1775. LUTOMIERSK : BS 1849. MACIEJOWICE : BS 1826. MARKOWA : RS d.u. MERECZ : RS 1873. MIEDZYRZEC PODLASKI : JC 1747; Rabb. Court 18th century; BS 1767; GU 1834, 1836; ChS 1852; RS 1839, 1843, 1844, 1857. MIKULINCE : BS 18th century. MLAWA : RS 1831. MUSZ : BS 1750. NOWEMIASTO : ChS 1860, 1861. NOWOGRÓDEK : BS 1828, d. u.; Chs 1849, 1862; rs 1757. OLKIENIKI : JC 1781. OPATÓW : JC 1601. OSTROWIEC : BS 1742. OSTRYNA : BS 1848. OSZMIANA : BS 1835. PAJECZNO : JC 1845. PIASKI : BS 1768; ChS 1816. PINCZÓW : JC 1647; Rabb. Court 1785; BS 1648; RS 1802. PINSK : BS 1836; RS d.u. PIOTRKÓW TRYBUNALSKI : BS 1736, 1744, 1825; ChS 1840; Synagogue around 1765. PLOCK : GU 1798. Source : E. Ringelblum, in Yivo, Ekonomishe Shriften, vol. 2, 1932. p. 20. POZNAN : BS 1760; RS d.u. PRZEMYSL : 2 BS d.u.; ChS 1797; RS 1817. PRZEWORSK : JC 1759. PULAWY : BS 1846. PULTUSK : BS 1815; GU 1861; RS 1852, d.u. RADZIEJÓW : Synagogue 1837. RADZYN : BS 1869. RAKÓW : RS 1809. RATNO : RS 1800. REJOWIEC : BS 1779. ROPCZYCE : BS 1800; Synagogue 1801. RYMANÓW : JC 1810. RZESZÓW : JC 1702. SANOK : BS 1812. SARNAKI : BS 1832. SIDRA : BS 1749; RS 1805, 1806. SIEDCLE : RS 1858, 1875. SKIDEL : GU 1757. SLONIM : JC 1818; BS 1760; GU 1785; ChS 1795; RS 1803. SNIADÓW : Synagogue 1786. SOKÓLKA : ChS 1863. SOKOLÓW PODLASKI : RS 1810. STANISLAWÓW : BS 1692. STOLIN : BS 1723; RS 1823, 1828. STOLPCE : BS 1725; RS d.u. SWIERZE : BS d.u. SZARKOWSZCZYZNA : BS 1854. SZCZUCZYN : RS 1800. SZRENSK : BS end of the 18th century. TARCZYN : BS 1844. TARNOGRÓD : ChS 1814. TURKA : BS d.u. TURZYSK : BS 1720. TYKOCIN : RS 1766. TYSMIENICA : BS 1760. TYSZOWCE : GU 1816. VILNA : Rabb. Court 1760; BS 1748; GU 1859, 1849, 1873; ChS 1859, 1869, 1871; RS 1776, 1798, 1812, 1875; Synagogue 1750, 1758. WEGRÓW : BS 18th century. WIELUN : BS 1773, 1859, 1873, 1874; ChS 1817, 1857, 1871, 1873, and 3 d.u. WISNIOWIEC : BS 1788; Synagogue 1860. WLOCLAWEK : BS 1783; ChS 1862. WODZISLAW : JC 1699. WOJNILÓW : ChS 1818. WOJSLAWICE : GU 1845. WOLPA : BS 1771. ZAMOSC : BS 1695. ZAREMBY KOSCIELNE : BS 1757. ZARNÓW : BS 1840; RS 1851. ZMIGRÓD : Rabbi. Court d.u. ZOLUDEK; BS 1825; ChS 1862.





379. Biblioteca, Muzeul si Archiva a Templului Coral (Library, Museum and Archives of the Choir Temple).
Collection of about 10,000 vols. with many Rumanian Judaica. Pinkas of the Community in the Archives.
Sources : Templul Coral : Buletinul bibliotecii, Muzeului si archivei istorice, vol. 1, 1935. M. A. Halevy, Monografia istorica a Templului Coral din Bucuresti (1935). Idem, in Sinai, vol. 2, 1929. idem, Templul "Unirea-Sfânta" din Bucuresti (1937). Idem, “Pinkassim hadashim gam yeshanim mekehillot Bukarest," in Sinai, vol. 5, 1932. Information from Dr. Edward Herbert, New York.




380. Biblioteca Mauriciu Singer.
Coll. of about 8,000 vols., mostly Zionistica and Judaica.
Source : Information from Dr. Edward Herbert, New York, and Dr. Solomon Bickel, New York.


381. Public Library of the Sephardic Community.
Over 5,000 vols., mostly Hebraica.
Source : Information from Dr. Edward Herbert, New York.


382.* Moses Schwarzfeld.
Large collection, including 13 pinkassim (18th and 19th centuries) of the Iuliu Barasch Historical Society; record-books of Jewish guilds of shoemakers, tailors of Bacau (Moldavia), Iasi and other Moldavian towns. Documents dealing with Jews in Galicia; source material for the biography of Barasch (1815-1863).
Sources : Izik Schwarz, "Pinkassim in Rumania," in Yedies fun Yivo, no. 83-84 (March-April 1939), p. 11-12. Analele Societatii istorice Iuliu Barasch, vol. 1-3, (1886-1889). Annuar pentru Israeliti, vol. 18 (1896), p. 49. M. Scharzfeld, Dr. J. Barasch (1919).


383. Societatea Istorica Iuliu Barasch.
See above no. 382.


384.* Barbu Lazareanu.
Private collection of copies of documents.
Source : Information from Dr. Solomon Bickel, New York.


385.* Isidor Goldberg.
Private collection Jewish theater archives.
Source : See above.




386. Cercul Cultural.
Coll. of about 10,000 vols.


CERNAUTI (Czernowitz)


387. Biblioteca Wladimir Medem al Societatii cultural Morgenroit.
Coll. of about 10,000 vols. of Judaica, mostly in Yiddish.
Sources : Sh. A. Soifer, Das juedische Wohlfahrtswesen in Czernowitz, (Cernauti 1925), p. 96-98. Information from Dr. Joseph Kissman, Jewish Labor Committee, New York.


388. Historians' Circle.
The library possesses several original pinkassim of Iasi ( of the Jewish musicians' guild, 1888), of Sadagora, Briceni, and other towns.
Source : Schwarz, op. cit.


389. Great Synagogue
Archives, since 1877.
Source : Comunitatea evreeasca. Editia festiva inchinata jubileului de 60 ani de la inaugurarea Templului (1937).


390.* Izik Schwarz.
Coll. including several pinkassim, originals and copies.
Source : Schwarz, op. cit.


391.* Dr. Alfred Ramler (Director of the Psychiatric Hospital).
Private collection of art objects, including a large collection Jewish music.
Source : Information from Bernhard Reder, New York.


[p. 63]




392. Jewish Communal Archives.
Archives of the Zionist organization "Ahabat Zion."
Source : M. A. Halevy, in Almanahul evreesc ilustrat pentru Romania, ed. A. Mibashan (Bucharest 1932).




393. Jewish Community.
Archival material.
Source : M.A. Halevy, in Sinai, vol. 3, 1931.


394.* J. Kaufmann (historian).
Collection which included many pinkassim in original and copies.
Source : Schwarz, op. cit.


395.* Chaim Robinson.
Coll. of documents relating to Jewish history in Rumania.
Source : Yedies fun Yivo, no. 5 (March 1935) p. 5.




396. Jewish Community
Pinax (18th-19th century).
Source : J. Reicher, in Sinai, vol. 3, 1931.




397. Jewish Commumity.
Source : J. Singer, in Sinai, vol. 3. 1931.






398. Biblioteca Barasheum.


399. Biblioteca Scoala : Jacob si Carolina Loebel.


400. Biblioteca Dr. Isidor Bauberger.


401. Biblioteca Institutului.


402. Biblioteca Elias Marcus, founded in 1906.


403. Biblioteca pentru Studii Judaice, founded in 1927.
Source : Information from Dr. Edward Herbert, New York, and Dr. Solomon Bickel, New York.


404. Scoala Progresul Culturi, high school library.


405. Scoala Focsaneanu, hich school library, founded in 1889.
Source : Comunitatea Evreilor din Bucuresti; Activitatea si Gestiunea Financiara, 1920-1923, p. 105.


406. Biblioteca Eliezer Steinberg.
Library of the Kultur-Liga.; coll. of Yiddish books.
Source : Information from Dr. Solomon Bickel, New York. Other libraries of the Kultur-Liga were located in BRICENI, CHISINAU (Kishinev) and IASI.


[p. 64]


CERNAUTI (Czernowitz)

407. Biblioteca Societatii Scoala Evreasca.
Hebrew coll. of about 3,000 vols.
Source : Sh. A. Soifer. op. cit.


408. Biblioteca Ber Borochow.
Coll. of Zionistica and socialist literature.
Source : Sh. A. Soifer, op. cit.


CHISINAU (Kishinev)


409.* Rabbi Leib Zirelson.
Good coll. of Rabbinica.
Source : Information from Dr. Solomon Bickel, New York.



410. Biblioteca "Hametivi."


411. Temple Jacob.
Small collection.




412. Biblioteca Yehuda Steinberg.
Coll. of about 4,000 vols.
Source : Information from Dr. Solomon Bickel.




413. Library Society.
Coll. of about 2,000 vols.
Source : idem.


ORADEA MARE (Grosswardein)


414. Jewish Community Library.
About 1,600 vols.
Source : MZL, p. 638.






Note: All the larger Jewish libraries in the U. S.S.R. are state property. Those listed below were all outstanding collections organized to serve as centers of research. Many smaller libraries were transferred to them. In addition to these principal collections, there existed both in the Ukraine and White Russia many smaller Jewish libraries maintained by unions, by clubs and other societies as well as many Jewish divisions in city libraries, consisting mainly of Yiddish books. In 1925-1926 there were in the Soviet Ukraine 225 libraries with a total of 111,906 Yiddish and Hebrew vols., and in White Russia 87 libraries with a total of 49,430 Yiddish and Hebrew vols.
Source : A. Buchman and J. Zshiv, Yidn in F.S.S.R. (atlas of diagrams) (Moscow 1930), p. XLVI.




415. Kharkivska Dyerzhavna Biblioteka im. V. G. Korolenko (Kharkov State Library named in honor of V. G. Korolenko, Jewish Division).




Founded in 1904, with about 4,500 vols. in 1925; in 1929 : about 10,000 vols., including 4,596 in Yiddish, 2,000 Judaica, and 800 in Hebrew.
Source : Ch. Nadel, "Der Yiddisher Opteil ba der Kharkover Meluche Bibliotek ofn nomen V. G. Korolenko," in BZ, vol. 1, 1930, p. 297-299.




416. Bibliotek un Presse-Archiv funem Institut far Yiddisher Kultur (Library and Press-Archives of the Institute for Jewish Culture).
In 1930 : 110,000 vols. 1,200 Hebrew and Arabic mss. 350 current periodicals. Established in 1929 as the central Jewish research library in the Ukraine. Most of the Hebraica and Judaica of smaller collections in Ukrainian provincial towns were transferred to by decree of the government. Included the collection of liquidated Hevrat Meffitze Haskala (Obstchestvo Prosviestchenia Mezhdu Evreyem v Rossyi) of Leningrad with its 50,000 vols. of Hebraica and Judaica and about a thousand Hebrew and Arabic mss.; periodicals; the archives of Abraham Harkavy and the letters of J. L. Gordon; the collection of the liquidated Jewish Historical-Ethnographical Society in Leningrad with about 4,000 valuable books, 200 mss., 43 original pinkassim, and 70 copies of pinkassim.
Sources : J. Liberberg, " Di Bibliotek un der Presse-arkhiv funem Institut far yiddisher Kultur," in BZ, vol. 3, p. 280, 287. Enc. Jud., vol 3, p. 280,287.


417. Kiever Tsentrale Yiddishe Meluche-Bibliotek ofn Nomen fun Wintshevsky (Jewish Central State Library named in honor of M. Wintshevsky).
In 1929 : 47,616 vols., of which 17,700 were in Yiddish, 14,454 in Russian, and Ukrainian, 11,445 in Hebrew, and 4,007 Judaica in other languages. The library was founded in 1919 as the library of the Kultur-Liga and renamed and reorganized in 1924. Included the collections of O.P.E. (Society for Promotion of Education among Jews); of the Kiev Chor-Synagogue; of the Tarbuth Association; and the private collections of the scholars, Ch. I. Gurland and Dr. I. Israelson.
Source : L. Borvarnik, in BZ, vol. 1, 1930, p. 272-280.


418. Vsyenarodna Biblioteka Ukrainy pri U.V.A.N., Evreyski vidil (Ukraine national People's Library of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Jewish Division).
In 1930 : 4,000 vols., with many obligatory copies, and rabbinica; 25 mss. including a work of Maimonides on parchment, copied in 1336. Included Russian Judaica which were part of the coll. of Ikonnikov; and the Naumenko coll. on Jews in Ukrainian folklore. Good coll. of Hebraica and Judaica gathered from monestaries.
Sources : J. Mitlman, in BZ vol. 1, 1930, p. 268. Biblolohiczni Visti, 2 vols. (Kiev 1928-1929). J. Kvitni, "Oifgabes fun Institut far yiddishe Kultur fun die Alukrainisher Visenshaftlicher Akademie," in Visenshaft un Revolutsie, no. 1-2, 1934, p. 159 ff. L. Pasternak, Vsenarodna biblioteka Ukrainy (Kiev 1923). I. Galant, Report of the Judaica (pamphlet), 1924.




419. Veisruslendishe Meluche-Bibliotek, Yiddisher Opteil (White Russian State Library, Jewish Division).
In 1930 : 13,500 catalogued vols., of which 3,700 were in Yiddish, and 1,700 Judaica. Many thousands of uncatalogued items. Founded in 1923, the library took over the coll. of the Moscow Chor-Synagogue with about 7,500 vols. of Rabbinica and Hebrew Haskala-literature (the collections of Vysotzky, Gavronski, and others); the collection of the J. L. Peretz Library in Minsk.
Source : N. Rubinstein, in BZ, vol. 1, 1930, p. 281-290.






420. Alukrainisher Bibliotek un Muzey far Yiddisher Kultur ofn Nomen fun Mendele Moicher Sforim (Ukrainian National Library and Museum for Jewish Culture named in honor of Mendele Moicher Sforim).
The library was organized in 1918: 40,000 vols., some incunables and mss. A coll. of Hebrew prints from the 16th and 17th centuries, rare East-European publications in Hebrew and Yiddish of the 19th century. The most complete collection of Russian Judaica in the country; Hebrew and Yiddish periodicals. Includes the collections of the former Odessa Yeschiva, of the Jewish Commercial Workers, of the Palestine Society, of the Mefitze Haskala, and some great private collections, such as David Kahane, Rabbi S. Schwabacher, Simha Asaf, Odessa Talmud Torah, etc.
The Museum consists of several rooms with exhibitions in addition to collections in stock. Rich coll. of Jewish ritual objects such as Torah-curtains, menoroth, amulets, etc.; outstanding are the golden crown of the false messiah Jacob Frank and a silver belt worn by a famous Hassidic rabbi. Coll. of modern Jewish artists. Includes a reconstructed cabinet used by Mendele Moicher Sforim, his library, mss. and various relics.
The Archives have a rich coll. of documents on the history of Jews in Russia, a large number of pinkassim, a special coll. of documents relating to the Jewish labor movement in Russia, the mss. of the writer Joel Linetzky, and Hassidiana of the Kahane coll.
Sources : Kalman Marmor, "Yidn in Odess unter der Soventn-Macht," (a report of the author's visit to Odessa in 1934), in Yiddishe Kultur, vol. 5, no. 4, April 1944, p. 31. A. Vorobyeitshik, "Der Mendele Arkiv," in Mendele un zany Tsait (Moscow 1940) p. 58-60. S. Borovoy, Biblolohiczni Visty, 1926, no. 4. L. Kahan, Bibliotechna zhizn Odessy Krasny Bibliotekar, 1927, no. 9-10.


421. Tsentralna Naukova Biblioteka (The Central Scientific Library, Jewish Division).
Coll. of Jewish periodicals published in Russia, including the years of revolution and civil war (1917-1921).
Source : S. Rubinstein, Odeska periodichna pressa (Odessa 1929).






422. Biblioteka Jewrejske Opstine (Jewish Community Library).
Coll. of books and archives.
Source : Information from Dr. Paul Neuberger, New York.


423. Cerkveno-Skolska Jewrejske Opstine (Rabbinic Yeshiva).
About 600 vols. of Talmudica, responsa, Judaica.
Source : Information from Dr. Alcalay, New York, former Chief Rabbi of Yugoslavia.


424. Bne Brith Omladinske Drustvo (Bnai Brith Youth Organization).
About 600 vols. of general literature and Judaica.
Source : See above.


425. Hevra Kadisha.
Set of silver utensils for Rehiza gedola in the hands of the President of the Society.
Source : See above.




426. Jewish Community Archives.
Large coll. of documents, among them the pinax of the Jewish Community.
Source : Schlang, Ignatius, Jevrei u Beogradu (Belgrade 1926).





427. Biblioteka Jewrejske Opstine (Jewish Community Library).
Coll. of more than 1,000 vols. of Hebraica and Judaica.
Source : See above.


428. Jewish Community Archives.
Pinax of the Community (2 vols., 1720-1810, 1838-88) and many old documents of the 16th century on the migration of Spanish Jews to Bosnia.
Sources : Moritz Levy, Die Sephardim in Bosnien (Sarajevo 1911), p. iv-v. Information from Dr. Paul Neuberger, New York.




429. Biblioteka Jewrejska Opstine (Jewish community Library and Archives).
Coll. of about 4,000 vols. of Judaica and Hebraica.
Sources : Godisnjak izdaje Izraelska bogoslovna opcina, 1927-1928. Information from Dr. I. Alcalay, New York, and Dr. Moric-Levy, Switzerland.


430.* Dr. Lav Arje Schick.
About 15,000 vols. Judaica, especially on Jewish history in Balkan countries. Coll. of old newspapers pertaining to Jewish life in Croatia and Slovenia. Mss. and documents on local history. This was the most valuable coll. in Yugoslavia.
Source : Information from Dr. Moric Levy, Switzerland , formerly connected with Museum in Sarajevo.
Smaller Jewish Community Libraries were located in the following towns : NOVI SAD, OSIJEK, SKOPLJE, SUBOTICA.









431. Preussische Staatsbibliothek in BERLIN, owned by the Prussian State.
15,000 vols. of Hebraica. 330 mss. 40 incunables. Special collection of Jewish liturgical and folk music. Varnhagen Archive with many jewish letters.
A very large and comprehensive collection of Judaica and Hebraica.
Catalogues : Moritz Steinschneider, "Verzeichnis der hebraeischen Handschriften," in Handschriften-Verzeichnis der Koeniglichen Bibliothek, vol. 2 (Berlin 1878-1898) : 259 entries. E. Vouillème, Die Inkunabeln der oeniglichen Bibliothek und der anderen Berliner Sammlungen (Berlin 1906-1922). A. Spanier, Ueber Umfang und Herkunft der Sammlung der hebraeischen Handschriften in der kurfuerstlichen Bibliothek zu Berlin (Berlin 1928). Katalog der Handbibliotheken der Orientalischen Abteilung (Berlin 1928).
Other sources : G. D. Weil, "Die Orientalische Abteilung der Preussischen Staatsbibliothek," in Juedisches Jahrbuch fuer Gross-Berlin, 1926, p. 155.


432. Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, in MUNICH, owned by the Bavarian State. Precious collection of Hebraica founded on the collections of Hartmann Schedel, Albert Widmanstetter, and Joh. Jakob Fugger. 432 Hebrew mss., many of which are illuminated, and 4 incunables. A very valuable collection of old Hebrew prints of the 16th and 17th centuries




from Bavaria and Wuertemberg. Of special importance is cod. hebr. 95, a complete copy of the Babylonian Talmud, 1342, the so-called Pfersee ms.
Catalogue : None.
Other sources : Emil Gratzl, "Die Hebraica in der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek," in Bayerisch-Israelitische Gemeinde-Zeitung, vol. 8, 1932, no. 20. Joseph Perles, "Bibliographische Mitteilungen aus Muenchen. I. Seltene hebraeische Drucke. II. Hebraeische Handschriften," in MGWJ, 1876,
p. 350-375. G. Scholem, in Kirjath Sepher, vol. 1.


433. Stadtbibliothek, in FRANKFURT/MAIN, owned by the City.
The Jewish division was largely supported and enlarged through Jewish donations. Endowments : Charles Hallgarten, Baronin Mathilde von Rothschild, Baronesse Edmond de Rothschild, Rabbi Marcus Horovitz, and others.
About 400 ms. 59 incunables. 10,000 Genizah fragments. 29 editions on parchment. Many old prints. Very comprehensive and large collection of Judaica and Hebraica. The Jewish division included the following collections : Hiob Ludolf, Dr. Jost, Merzbacher-Muenchen, Nehemia Bruell, Abraham Berliner, A. Fuld, Rothschild library.
In the archives : Landgemeindebuch for the Jews of Bamberg, 1675.
Catalogues : A Freimann, Stadtbibliothek Frankfurt a.M. Katalog der Judaica and Hebraica (Frankfurt/M 1932), vol. 1 : Judaica. idem, "Die hebraeischen Inkunabeln der Stadtbibliothek zu Frankfurt a.M.," in Festschrift fuer F.C. Ebrard (1920) : 59 entries. idem, Katalog der Ausstellung hebraeischer Druckwerke (1902). idem, "Hebraeische Pergamentdrucke," in ZHB, vol. 15, 1911, p. 46-57, 82-92. N. R. Rabbinowitz Ohel Abraham, Reshimat hasefarim asher asaf Abraham Merzbacher (Munich 1888). D. Kaufmann, "Pinkas Bamberg," in Kobez al yad, vol. 7, 1896-1897.
Other sources : A Richel, 400 Jahre Stadtbibliothek (1929). A. Berliner, Aus meiner Bibliothek (1898). Bruell’s Populaerwissenschaftliche Monatsblaetter zur Belehrung weber das Judentum (1905), p. 138, 231. A. Freimann and I. Kracauer, Frankfort (Philadelphia 1929).


434. Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek, in HAMBURG (= Bibliothek der Hansestadt), owned by the State.
Several hundred important Hebrew mss. 5 editions on parchment. 13 incunables. The rich Jewish collection, formerly belonging to the Municipal Library, included the library of H.B. Levy, and, since 1938, the important collection of the Sephardic Communtiy with all its manuscripts.
Catalogues : Moritz Steinschneider, Katalog der hebraeischen Handschriften in der Stadtbibliothek zu Hamburg (1878) : 355 entries. Wolf, Bibliotheca Hebraica (Hamburg 1733), vol. 4. Sal. Goldschmidt, Verzeichnis der Judaica aus der Bibliothek des Dr. H. B. Levy in Hamburg (1900). Mitteilungen aus der Hamburger Stadtbibliothek, vol. 1-11 (1884-1894). Jahrbuch der Hamburgischen Wissenschaftlichen Anstalten.
Other sources : Minerva, 1937. Mitt. der Soncino-Ges., no. 7-10, p. 45. Juedische Lexikon, vol. 3, p. 15-17.






435. Stadtarchiv, owned by the City.
Documents on Jews in Schleswig-Holstein.
Source : Jahrbuch der juedischen Gemeinden Schleswig-Holsteins, no. 1, 1929-1930, p. 131-134.


[p. 69]




436. Bayrisches Kreisarchiv der Oberpfalz, owned by the Bavarian State.
Documents relating to Jewish history.
Source : M. Weinberg, in Mitt., vol. 3, 1912, p. 87-114.




437. Maximilian-Museum, owned by the City.
Ceremonial objects of the early 18th century.




438. Staedtische Gemaelde-Gallerie, owned by the city.
Wall and ceiling paintings of the synagogue at Horb. Housed in the Museum since 1914.
Source : R. Wischnitzer-Bernstein, in Chicago Jewish Forum, vol. 4, 1945, no. 1, p. 49-50. E. Toeplitz in Menorah vol. 6 (Vienna 1928) 690 ff.




439. Universitaetsbibliothek, owned by the University.
5,000 vols. of Judaica.
Sources : H. Loewe, Fuehrer durch den Lesesaal. Judentum und Orientalia in der Berliner Universitaetsbibliothek (Berlin 1914). Juedisches Jahrbuch fuer Gross-Berlin, 1928, p. 156.


440. Universitaets-Institut fuer nachbiblisches Judentum. Institutum Judaicum, owned by the University.
Large collection of Judaica and Hebraica.
Source : Minerva, 1937.


441. Geheimes Staatsarchiv, owned by the State.
Very important documents for Jewish history in Prussia, such as the emancipation edict of 1812, etc.
Source : Enc. Jud., vol. 3, p. 249.


442. Stadt-Archiv, owned by the City.
Oldest document, 1295. List of Jewish citizens in Berlin, 1808.
Source : Enc. Jud., vol. 3, p. 249.


442a. National-Galerie, owned by the State.
Coll. of Liebermanns and many portraits of German Jews of the 18th and 19th centuries.
Source : J. B., "Juedische Kunst in Berlin," in C.-V. Kalender, 1931.




443. Birsteinisches Archiv.
Documents relating to the Jews in Offenbach and on Jacob Frank.
Sources : Guggenheim, Aus der Vergangenheit der Israelitischen Gemeinde zu Offenbach am Main (1915). A. Kraushar, Frank i Frankisci polscy. 2 vols. (Cracow 1895).




444. Stadarchiv.
Many documents of the 18th century relating to Jews.
Source : A. Levy, Aus Bonner Archiven. 1929.


[p. 70]




445. Stadtbibliothek, owned by the City.
Jewish division with Hebraica and Judaica. mss. Mahzorim. Codices Roedigeriani.
Catalogues : Brockelmann, Verzeichnis der arabischen, persischen, tuerkischen und hebraeischen Handschriften der Stadtbibliothek Breslau (1903) : 4 mss. Philipp de Haas, Beschreibung der Breslauer deutschen Machsor-Handschriften (Breslau 1906).


446. Schlesische Gesellschaft fuer Vaterlaendische Kultur, owned by the Society.
Material for Jewish history in Silesia.
Source : Minerva, 1937.


447. Universitaets-Museum, owned by the University.
Special division on Palestine : archeological collection with library.


448. Provinzial und Stadt-Archiv, owned by the City and the Province.
Material on Jewish history in Silesia.
Sources : M. Brann, "Geschichte der Juden in Schlesien," in Jahresberichte des Juedisch-Theologischen Seminars, 1896-1917. Bernhard Brilling, in JGJC, vol. 7, 1935, p. 387.




449. Oeffentliche Bibliothek, owned by the City.
Statutes of the Jewry in Kurhessen.
Source : Enc. Jud., vol. 3, p. 250.




450. Staatsarchiv, owned by the State.
Memorbuch of Coblentz; property of the Jewish community placed in the Archives for safekeeping. Documents concerning the history of the Jews in the Rhineland; name-lists; personal registry, since 1808.
Sources : Kober-Moses, in Rheinischer Verein fuer Denkmalspflege, 1931. G. Liebe, " Die rechtlichen und wirtschaftlichen Zustaende der Juden im Erzstift Trier," in Westdeutsche Zeitschrift fuer Geschichte und Kunst, vol. 12, 1893, p. 311-374.




451. Rheinisches Museum, owned by the City.
Collection of Jewish ceremonial objects.
Source : Kober-Moses, in Rheinischer Verein fuer Denkmalspflege, 1931, passim.


452. Historisches Archiv der Stadt Koeln, owned by the City.
Hebrew documents on pigskin, 1236-1347; minutes of the City Council from the 16th to the 18th century; papal bulls of the 13th century; imperial privileges, 13th to 15th century.
Source : Adolf Kober, Cologne (Philadelphia 1940) p. 343 f.




453. Hessische Landesbibliothek, owned by the State.
Valuable collection of Hebrew manuscripts, including the famous Haggadah. Correspondence of the Dukes of Darmstadt with dealers in Hebrew books in the 17th and 18th centuries.
Catalogue : M. Mannheimer, "Inhaltsverzeichnis des im Jahre1878 aufgefundenen




codex manuscripts (Nr. 13 der orientalischen Handschriften)," in Jued. Literaturblatt, vol. 7, no. 24, 27, 30.
Other sources : Erich Toeplitz, "Die Darmstaedter Haggadah," in Menorah, Vienna 1925, p. 27 ff. Aron Freimann, "Die Darmstaedter Pessach-Haggadah," in B. Italiener, ed., Die Darmstaedter Pessach-Haggadah (Leipzig 1927).

454. Hessisches Landesmuseum, owned by the State.
Arts and crafts and collection of important historical Jewish material.


455. Staatsarchiv, owned by the State.
Documents and material on Jewish history in Hessen.
Source : Enc. Jud., vol. 3, p. 231.




455a. Anhaltische Landesbibliothek, owned by the State.
Extensive collection of Mendelssohniana. Bible ms. on parchment in 2 vols.
Sources : Mitteilungen der Socino-Gesellschaft, no. 7-10 (March 1931) p. 46. J. Jacobson, in Socino Blaetter, vol. 1, 83.




456. Saechsische Landesbibliothek, owned by the State.
Collection of Judaica and 6 Hebrew mss. 1 ed. on parchment.
Catalogue : H.L. Fleischer, Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum orientalium Bibliothecae Reg. Dresdensis. . . .(Leipzig 1831).


457. Saechsisches Hauptstaatsarchiv, owned by the State.
Register of visitors to the fair in Leipzig.
Source : Max Freudenthal, Leipziger Messgaeste (Frankfurt/M, 1928).




458. Kunstgewerbe-Museum, owned by the City.
Jewish arts and crafts.
Catalogue : "Katalog der Ausstellung von juedischen Bauten und Kulturgegenstaenden fuer Synagoge und Huas in Duesseldorf," in Mitt. d. Gesellschaft zur Erforschung juedischer Kunstdenkmaeler, 1908.


459. Staatsarchiv, owned by the State.
Documents and material on Jewish history in the Rhineland.
Source : See no. 450.




460. Stadtarchiv, owned by the City.
Jewish material in Manuscript Division, II, no. 1. Erfurter Judenbuch.
Source : A. Suessmann, "Das Erfurter Judenbuch," in Mitt., vol. 5, 1914.




461. Universitaetsbibliothek, owned by the University.
Coll. of 18 Hebrew mss.
Catalogues : J. C. Irmischer, Handschriften-Katalog. . . (Frankfurt/M.-Erlangen, 1852). Aron Freimann, in ZHB, vol. 9, p. 128.


[p. 72]




462. Freiherrlich Carl v. Rothschild'sche Bibliothek, owned by feste Stiftungen, supervised by the municipality. Founded by a donation from Freiin Luise von Rothschild in 1887.
Collection of music and modern languages. 113,000 vols. ; 318 mss.
Sources : JDB, 1931, p. 63. Bericht ueber die Verwaltung, 1891 ff. Dresslers Kunsthandbuch, vol. 1, 1923, p. 361.


463. Staedtisch-historisches Museum, owned by the City.
Important collection of ceremonial objects and very valuable documents for Jewish history in the Archives.
Catalogue : Aron Freimann, "Die Abteilung der Israelitischen Ritualgegenstaende im Staedt.-Hist. Museum zu Frankfurt/Main," in Die Sammlungen des Staedt-Hist. Museums. . .(1900).


464. Stadtarchiv, owned by the City.
Very valuable and rich material on the history of the Jews in Frankfort from the end of the 13th century until our times.
Source : I. Kracauer, Urkundenbuch zur Geschichte der Juden in Frankfurt (1914) : Vorrede.




465. Landesbibliothek, owned by the State.
Collection of 18 Hebrew manuscripts bought in the 18th century.
Catalogue : M. Weinberg, "Die hebraeischen Handschriften der Landesbibliothek Fulda," in JJLG, vol. 20, 1929, p. 273-296 : 18 entries.
Other sources : J. Theele, Zur Geschichte der Landesbibliothek Fulda (1928). B. Horowitz, in Israelit, vol. 69, no. 5.




466. Stadtarchiv, owned by the City.
Material on Jewish history in Glogau.
Sources : "Uebersicht der Judenakten des Staatsarchivs in Glogau," in Inventare der nicht-staatlichen Archive Schlesiens (1915), vol. 2, no. 28. Enc. Jud., vol. 3, p. 253.



467. Stadtarchiv, owned by the City.
Documents of the 14th century pertaining to relations between Jews and the guilds, between Jewry and the Dukes of Saxonia.
Source : R. Lehmann, in Niederlausitzer Mitteilungen, vol. 27, 1927-1928, p. 14 ff.




468. Bibliothek der Deutschen Morgenlaendischen Gesellschaft, owned by the Association, and administered by the University Library.
Many Judaica and Hebraica, forming part of the large collection of Orientalia. Many mss.
Catalogues : Katalog der Deutschen Morgenlaendischen Gesellschaft (1880-1911), 2 vols. Supplements, in Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlaendischen Gesellschaft, 1911 ff.
Other sources : Minerva, 1937. JDB, 1936, p. 73.


[p. 73]


469. Stadtarchiv, owned by the City.
Documents of the beginning of the 19th century pertaining to Jews. (a) general : 1817; (b) establishment and reception : 1808.
Source : Guido Kisch, in ZGJD, vol. 2, 1930, p. 166-168.




470. Staats-Archiv, owned by the State.
Valuable material on the history of Jews in Hamburg, Vienna, and Prague.
Source : M. Grunwald, Aus dem Hamburger Staatsarchiv (Berlin 1902).




471. Staatsarchiv, owned by the State.
Material for Jewish history.
Catalogue : M. Zuckermnn, in Mitt., vol. 2, 1910, p. 65-136.




472. Badische Landesbibliothek, owned by the State.
Collection of Hebraica, includes the collection of Joh. Reuchlin. Manuscripts. 2 incunables.
Catalogues : S. Landauer, "Orientalische Handschriften," in Die Hss. der Gross-herzoglichen Badensischen Hof-und Landes-bibliothek in Karlsruhe (1892), vol. 2 : 18 entries. Juedisches Lexikon, vol. 3, p. 15-17 (incunables).


473. General Landesarchiv, owned by the State.
2 important documents : the privileges of 1090 by Heinrich IV for the Jews in Speyer in copy of 1282 (Kopialbuch 262), and the privilege for Jews in Worms of 1157, in a copy of 1360.
Source : Sara Schiffmann, in ZGJD, 1930, p.28 ff.




474. Stadtbibliothek, owned by the City.
Coll. of very valuable Hebraica. 2 Bible mss.
Catalogues : I. C. Lilienthal, Commentatio Critica (1770). F. Perles, in Catalog der Handschriften der Stadt-biblithek zu Koenigsberg/Pr. August Pfeiffer, Catalogus Bibliothecae Rabbinicae ... (1699) : 262 entries A. M., in ZHB, vol. 3, p. 11-13.




475. Universitaets-Bibliothek, owned by the University.
Rich collection of Judaica and Hebraica. Part of Bernard Beer collection; see no. 1.
Catalogues : K. Vollers, "Katalog der islamischen, christlich-orientalischen, juedischen und samaritanischen Handschriften," in Katalog der Handschriften der Univ. Bibliothek zu Leipzig (Leipzig 1906), nos. 1099-1119. Katalog der Handbibliothek der Orientalischen Abteilung (1929). G. Wolf, Catalog der Bibliothek des Herrn Bernhard Beer in Dresden (Berlin 1863).


476. Stadtbibliothek, owned by the City.
Includes the Ratsbibliothek (Bibl. Senatoria), with valuable Hebrew mss.
Catalogue : H. L. Fleischer et F. Delitzsch, " Codices orient. ling., in Catalogus librorum manuscr. qui in bibliotheca senatoria civitatis Lipsiensis (Grimma 1838).




477. Deutscher Verien zur Erforschung Palaestinas, owned by the Association.
Museum and about 10,000 vols., on Palestine.
Source : Minerva, 1937.




478. Stadtarchive, owned by the City.
Important Jewish documents of the 13th, 17th, 18th and 19th centuries.
Source : Sali Levi, "Magenza," in Menorah, 1927, p. 101-107.




478a. Universitaet : Semitisches Seminar, owned by the University.
The library of the Semitics department, including Judaica, was maintained and enlarged with the aid of annual grants from James Loeb.
Source : Information from Dr. Joseph Prijs, Switzerland, formerly professor of the Jewish history at the University.

479. Bayrisches Nationalmuseum, owned by the State.
Coll. of Jewish ceremonial art objects and tombstones from Regensburg of the 14th century, etc.
Sources : Adolf Kober, "Jewish Monuments of the Middle Ages in Germany," in Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research, vol. 14, 1944, p. 176. S. Weissenberg, in Mitteilungen zur juedischen Volkskunde, vol. 22, 1907, p. 85-86.


480. Alte Pinakothek, owned by the Bavarian State.
Collection of Jewish ceremonial objects.


481. Stadtarchiv, owned by the City.
Rich documentary material on Jews in the 18th century.
Source : Arthur Cohen, in ZGJD, 1930, p. 262.


482. Haupt-Staatsarchiv, owned by the State.
Rich material on Jews in Bavaria.
Sources : Adolf Altmann, Geschichte der Juden in Stadt und Land Salzburg, 2 vols. (Berlin 1913; Frankfurt/M 1930). Moritz Stern, in JJLG, vol. 22, 1931-1932.




483. Museum, owned by the City.
Coll. of Jewish ceremonial objects.
Source : Rahel Wischnitzer, in Chicago Jewish Forum, vol. 4, 1945, no. 1, p. 49 f.




484. Germanisches Museum, owned by a corporation and maintained by the State and City.
Large collection of Hebrew mss., including the Mahzor Nuernberg and illuminated Haggadot (cod. 7121 and 2107).
Sources : B. Ziemlich, "Das Machsor Nuernberg," in Magazin f. die Wiss. des Judentums, 1886. Die Kunst- und kulturgeschichtlichen Sammlungen des Germanischen Museums. Wegweiser (Nuremberg 1906), p. 224. J. A. M. Nagel, Dissertatio de duobus mss. (1749). Aron Freimann, in ZHB, vol. 9, p. 128.


[p. 75]




485. Reichs-Archiv.
Important documents on modern Jewish social and economic history in Germany.
Source : Enc. Jud., vol. 3, p. 249.




486. St. Ulrich’s Provincial Museum in der Oberpfalz, owned by the Province.
Collection of Hebrew tombstones.
Source : F. A. Endres, Fuehrer durch die mittelalterlichen Sammlungen von Regensburg, vol. 30, 1920, p. 253-271.




487. Universitaets-Bibliothek, owned by the University.
O. G. Tychsen collection with many Hebrew mss. and prints.
Catalogues : A. Th. Hartmann, Catalogus Bibliothecae Olai Gerhardi Tychsen qua continentur libri tam typis expressi quam manuscripti (Rostock 1817). L. Donath, "Ueber die hebraeischen Mss. in der Universitaetsbibliothek zu Rostsock," in Mag. fuer jued. Gesch. u. Lit., 1874.


ROTHENBURG ob der Tauber


488. Museum, owned by the City.
Hebrew documents of the 15th century.
Coll. of 40 tombstones.
Source : Max Grunwald, "Aus Rothenburg ob der Tauber," in MGWJ, vol. 72, p. 204-212.




489. Historisches Museum, owned by the City.
Murals of the synagogue of Hall Unter-Limpurg of the 18th century.
Source : Gotteshaeuser und Friedhoefe in Wuertemberg, publ. by the "Oberrat der Israelitischen Religionsgemeinschaft Wuertembergs," Stuttgart 1932, p. 28.




490. Historisches Museum der Pfalz, owned by the Province.
Coll. of tombstones and two windows of the former synagogue.
Source : A. Kober, "Jewish Monuments of the Middle Ages in Germany," in Proc. of the Am. Academy for Jewish Research, vol. 14, p. 187.


491. Stadt-Archiv, owned by the City.
Hebrew document of 1338.
Sources : Alfred Hilgard, Die Urkunde der Stadt Speyer (Strassbourg 1885). David Kaufmann, in MGWJ, vol. 35, 1886, p. 517-520.


492. Staatsarchiv, owned by the State.
Documents on Jewish history in Rheinpfalz during the 18th and 19th centuries.
Source : Notes in the possession of Dr. A. Kober, New York.




493. Stadtbibliothek, owned by the City.
Coll. of Bible mss.
Catalogue : M. Keufter, Die Bibel-Handschriften der Stadtbibliothek zu Trier. Nos 1-112 (Trier 1888).




494. Stadt-Archiv, owned by the City.
Jewish documents on the history of Jews in Trier since the 17th century.
Sources : G. Kentenich, Geschichte der Stadt Trier (Trier 1915). G. Liebe, "Die rechtlichen und wirtschaftlichen Zustaende der Juden im Erzstift Trier," in Westdeutsche Zeitschrift f. Geschichte und Kunst, vol. 12, 1893. A. Kober, "Rheinische Judendoktoren, " in Festschrift des Juedisch-Theologischen Seminars, vol. 2, 1929.




495. Stadtarchiv, owned by the City.
Rich material of the 14th and 15th centuries on Jews in Ulm.
Sources : Enc. Jud., vol. 12, p. 340-342. Jes. Strassburger, in Festschrift. . . Dr. Kroner (Stuttgart 1917), p. 225-226. Hermann Dieker, Die Geschichte der Juden in Ulm (1937), p.116.




496. Herzog-August-Bibliothek, owned by the Province or State.
Coll. of 13 Hebrew mss.
Catalogue : O. von Heinemann, Die Handschriften der herzoglichen Bibliothek zu Wolfenbuettel, 8 vols. (1884-1903).
Other sources : Kurt Wilhelm in MGWJ, vol. 75, 1931, p. 135-143.




497. Stadt-Archiv, owned by the City.
Complete documentation on negotiation between the town and its Jewry since 1628.
Source : H. Booos, Urkundenbuch der Stadt Worms (Berlin 1886-1890).




498. Fraenkisches Luitpold-Museum, owned by the City.
Important collection of Jewish art-objects. The synagogue of Kirchheim (1700), gift of the Kommerzienrat H. Reiss, a Jew from Kirchheim, in 1912.
Catalogue : The published catalogue of the museum.
Sources : Alfred Grotte, Deutsche, boehmische und polnische Synagogentypen (Berlin 1915), p. 63 and passim. Maz Grunwald, in MGWJ, vol. 72, p. 205. E. Toeplitz, Beitraege zur juedischen Kulturgeschichte (Frankfurt/ M, 1929). F. Kreuter, "Die Synagogue von Kirchheim b. Wuerzburg," in Mitt. des Central-Vereins, 1926 (or 1927). R. M. Eschwege, Die Synagoge von Kirchheim (typewritten mss. in possession of the Museum).


499. Fraenkisches Kreisarchiv, owned by the City.
Rich material on Jewish history in the records of the archbishopric of Mayence.
Source : J. Kracauer, Urkundenbuch zur Geschichte der Juden in Frankfurt (Frankfurt/M, 1914) p. VI.




Hebrew mss. were found in almost all of the state and municipal libraries, as well as in a large number of castles, particularly in Southern Germany. The list presented below is far from complete because of the great difficulty in tracing such widely scattered items.


[p. 77]




500. Universitaets-Bibliothek, owned by the University.
Some Hebrew mss.
Catalogue : J. Gildemeister, Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum orientalium in Bibliotheca Academica Bonnensi servatorum (Bonn 1864-1876).




501. Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek, owned by the State.
Some Hebrew mss.
Catalogue : G. Richter, Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften der Breslauer Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek, 1933.




502. Landesbibliothek, owned by the State.
Bible mss, of the J. D. Michaelis Coll.
Catalogue : Leopold Zunz, "Das Alter der Cassel'schen Bibelhandschriften," in Gesammelte Schriften (1875-1876), vol. 2, p. 77-80.


EHINGEN (Wurtemberg)


503. Museum, owned by the City.
Hebrew tombstones of 1370 and 1482.
Source : Juedische Gotteshaeuser und Friedhoefe in Wuertemberg (1932), p. 38-39.




504. Universitaets-Bibliothek, owned by the University.
A few Hebrew manuscripts.
Catalogues : Die Handschriften in Goettingen, vol. 3 : Universitaetsbibliothek, Orientalische Handschriften (Berlin 1894). L. Techen, Zwei Goettinger Machsor-Handschriften (Goettingen 1884).




505. Landes-Bibliothek, owned by the State.
Hebrew mss.
Catalogue : W. Pertsch, Die orientalischen Handschriften der Herzoglichen Bibliothek zu Gotha. Anhang : Die orientalischen Handschriften mit Ausnahme der persischen, tuerkischen und arabischen (Vienna-Gotha 1893).




506. Haupt-Bibliothek der Franckeschen Stiftungen, owned by the University.
Some Hebrew manuscripts.
Catalogue : F. A. Arnold und A. Mueller, Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften der Bibliothek des Hallischen Waisenhauses (Halle 1876).




507. Museum fuer Kunst und Gewerbe, owned by the City.
A few very valuable and beautiful items.
Source : Erich Toeplitz, "Juedische Museen," in Der Jude, 1924, p. 339 ff.


[p. 78]




508. Museum, owned by the City.
Hebrew tombstones, 15th century.
Source : Juedische Gotteshaeuser, p. 8, 9, 36, ff.





509. Univeristaets-Bibliothek, owned by the University.
2 Bible mss.
Catalogue : Joh. Christopf Wolf, Bibliotheca Hebraea (1721), vol. 2, p. 299, 313 ff.




510. Universitaets-Bibliothek, owned by the University.
A few mss.
Catalogue : I. C. Lilienthal, Commentatio Critica (1770).
Other sources : Information from Prof. Alexander Marx (Jewish Theological Seminary).




511. Landesbibliothek, owned by the State.
1 ms.
Catalogue : Delitzsch, in Serapeum, vol. 20, 1859, p. 369-372.




511a. Stadtbibliothek, owned by the City.
1 Rashi ms.
Source : D. S. Blondheim, in REJ, vol. 91, p. 95.




512. Museum der Kunstgewerbeschule, owned by the School.
Coll. of Jewish rings from the Jeidels coll.
Source : Erich Toeplitz, in Der Jude, 1924.




513. Wuertembergische Landesbibliothek, owned by the State.
1 Bible ms.
Catalogue : J. Fr. Schelling, Descriptio cod manuscriptorum hebr. . . . Stuttgardiae in Bibliotheca (Stuttgart 1775).






514. Nationalbibliothek in VIENNA, owned by the State.
The important Jewish division had several hundred mss. which were never completely catalogued. Catalogues : A. Kraft and S. Deutsch, Die handschriftlichen hebraeischen Werke der K. und K. Hofbibliothek zu Wien (1847) : 195 entries. J. Goldenthal, Die neuerworbenen handschriftlichen hebraeischen Werke samt Ergaenzungen zum Kraft'schen Katalog (1851) : 40 entries. A. Z. Schwarz, Die hebraeischen Handschriften der K.K. Hofbibliothek zu Wien (1914) : 84 new acquistions since 1851. idem, Die hebraeischen Handschriften der Nationalbibliothek in Wien (1925) : 80 entries.
Other sources : Information from Dr. Rudolf Glanz, New York.








515. Universitaetsbibliothek, owned by the University.
Lareg Jewish Division : Jewish history, some folklore, some Hebrew mss.
Source : Information from Dr. Rudolf Glanz, New York.

516. Jesuiten-Kollegium, in Vienna-Lainz.
Illuminated Hebrew mss.
Catalogue : A. Z. Schwarz, "Die illuminierten hebraeischen Handschriften des Jesuitenkollegiums in Wien-Lainz," in Freie Juedische Lehrstimme, vol. 2, 1913, no. 3.


517. Rathaus-Bibliothek und - Archiv, owned by the City.
Valuable coll. of about 1,500 vols. and documents, such as deeds, real estate records, etc., since 1400.
Source : Enc. Jud., vol. 3, p. 256.


518. Staatsarchiv, owned by the State.
Private letters, since 1619, diplomatic correspondence, and other Jewish documents.
Sources : Enc. Jud., vol. 3, p. 254. Alfred Landau and B. Wachstein, Juedische Privatbriefe aus dem Jahre 1619 (Vienna 1911). Max Grunwald, "Les Archives d'une famille juive au Moyen-âge," in REJ, vol. 96, p. 199-204.


519. Archiv des Ministeriums fuer Inneres, owned by the State.
Important Jewish documents arranged according to Austrian provinces.
Sources : Enc. Jud., vol. 3, p. 254. Information from Dr. Rudolf Glanz, New York.




FRIESACH (near Salzburg)


520. Museum und Verschoenerungsverein, owned by the Verschoenerungsverein zu Friesach.
Coll. of Hebrew tombstones of the 13th and 14th centuries.
Source : Adolf Altmann, Geschichte der Juden in Stadt und Land Salzburg (Berlin 1913), vol. 1, p. 75 ff.




521. Landesregierungsarchiv, owned by the State.
Material on Jewish history in Austria.
Sources : idem, vol. 1, p. X, 123 ff.; vol. 2, p. 140. Enc. Jud., vol. 3, p. 257 ff.


522. Archiv der Benediktinerabtei des Stiftes St. Peter.
Parchment-fragments of old Hebrew mss.
Sources : Adolf Altmann, op. cit., vol. 2, p. 254-257.


523. Stift Salzburg.
Some Hebrew mss.
Source : Infromation from Chaim Bloch, New York.




524. Kloster Heiliges Kreuz.
Many old documents on Jewish history in Austria.
Source : Information from Chaim Bloch, New York.


[p. 80]






525. Musée Plantin Moretus.
Collection of old prints, esp. Bible prints of the 17th century.
Source : Numar Torcziner, New York.





526. Archives Générales du Royaume.
A few documents relating to Jewish history in Belgium, including one of the 14th century of special importance.
Source : S. Ullmann, Histoire des juifs en Belgique jusqu'au 18e siècle (Anvers 1909), p. 86 ff.






527. University Library.
Jewish division with many Pressburger Drucke.


528. Municipal Library.
Contains material on Jewish history in Slovakia.


529. Muzeum mesta Bratislava.
Collection of Jewish ceremonial objects, 17th and 18th centuries.
Sources : Hugo Gold. Die Juden und die Judengemeinde Bratislava in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart (Brno 1932), p. 156 ff. Vystava stare umeni v Praze (Catalogue of the Prague Exhibition) (1937).




530. Zemsky Archiv v Brné (Archives of the Province of Moravia).
Material on the history of Jews in Moravia.
Sources : Enc. Jud., vol. 3, p. 266. B. Bretholz, Das maehrische Landesarchiv; seine Geschichte und Sammlungen (Bruenn 1908).




531.* Berchtold Archives.
Documents relating to Jews since 1650.
Source : Enc. Jud., vol. 3, p. 267.


CHUMOTOV (Komotau)


532. City Archives.
Rich material on Jews in the province for the 16th and 17th centuries.
Source : Rudolf Wenisch, in JGJC, vol. 7, 1935, p. 37.


533. Real Estate Archives.
Protocol-books of the Jewish council, 17th century.
Source : ibid, p. 176.

KANICE (Kanitz)


534.* Herberstein Archives.
Privileges granted to Jews in Kanice; list of Jewish houses between 1676 and 1820.
Source : Enc. Jud., vol. 3, p. 267.


[p. 81]




535. Archiv mesta Olomuc (City Archives).
Register of Jews, 1413-1420; official documents relating to Jews from 1500 to the end of the 18th century.
Source : Enc. Jud., vol. 3, p. 267.




535a. Museum of Czechoslovak Folklore.
Jewish division opened in 1929
Source : Mitteilungen der Socino-Gesellschaft, no. 7-10, p. 48.




536. City Archives.
Liber judaeorum albus (1577-1851), 93 vols. Liber testamentorum judaeorum (1681-1850), 6 vols. Liber sententiarum jud. (1718-1771). Liber inventiariorum [sic] jud. (1773-1784), 2 vols. Several more vols. with various documents. 1 ms. on parchment : statutes on Jews of the 13th and 14th centuries. Bull of Pope Innocent IV, 1253, on behalf of Jews.
Source : Enc. Jud., vol. 3, p. 263.


537. Archives of the Ministry of Interior.
Outstanding Jewish division, includes documents bearing on Jews under the jurisdiction of the Bohemian Chamber of Finances, 1527-1748. Records of the Jewish Commission, 1708-1783.
Sources : B. Matous, "Die Staatsarchive in der Tschecho-Slovakei," in "Prager Rundschau, vol. 5, 1935, p. 185-202. J. Bergel, Das Archiv des Ministeriums des Inneren in Prag. Enc. Jud., vol. 3, p. 260 ff.

538. Narodni a universitni knihovna (National and University Library).
Hebrew mss., and rich coll. of Hebraica.


539. Narodni Museum (National Museum).
Archival material relating to Jews.
Source : Enc. Jud., vol. 3., p. 260 ff.


540. Museum umelecko-prumyslove (Museum of Arts and Crafts).
Coll. of objects of Jewish art.


VITUNEVES (Wittingau)


541. Schwarzenbergisches Archiv.
Material relating to Jewish history in Southern Bohemia.






542. Konelige Bibliothek.
Simonsen division, a rich Jewish collection, including the Simonsen coll. About 40,000 vols. Many mss., including Maimonides' responsa. Large coll. of Haggadot.
Catalogue : Codices hebraici et arabici Bibliothecae regiae Hafniensis. [Cod. Orient. Bibl. regiae Hafniensis, vol. 2] (Copenhagen 1851): 46 entries.
Other sources : Information from Rabbi Dr. Simon Federbusch, New York.


[p. 82]




TARTU (Dorpat)


543. Tartu Ulikooli Junditeaduse Seminar (Library of the Seminary for Jewish Studies at the University of Tartu).
Coll. of Judaica.
Sources : Nosson Genss, Bibliograafija judaica Eestis (Tallinn 1937), p. 48-49.






544. Bibliothèque Nationale, in PARIS.
1,600 Hebrew mss. Many incunables. Many official documents pertaining to Jews. Large collection of Judaica and Hebraica founded on collections of Christian scholars.
Catalogues : S. Munk, J. Derenbourg, and H. Zotenberg, Manuscrits Orientaux. Catalogue des manuscrits hébreux dans la Bibliothèque Impériale (1866) : 1311 11 [sic] entries. M. Steinschneider, Supplément aux catalogues des manuscrits hébreux et samaritains de la Bibliothèque Impériale (Frankfurt/M. 1903). M. Schwab, Suppléments, 1898, 1911. S. Munk, Manuscrits hébreux de l'Oratoire à la Bibliothèque Nationale (Frankfurt/M. 1911). U. Robert, in REJ, vol. 3, (96 documents).


545. Musée Cluny, in PARIS.
Jewish division founded on the coll. of M. Strauss (Paris Exposition, 1878).
Very rich coll. of great historical and artistic value. Some Hebrew documents.
Catalogues : Description des objets d'art religieux hébraiques (Poissy 1878). Musée de Cluny, Collection hébraique (17 illustrations). Moise Schwab, "Manuscrits hébreux du Musée de Cluny," in REJ, vol. 50, p. 136-139; vol. 61, p. 294-296. idem, "Les médailles de la collection Strauss," in REJ, vol. 23, p.136-138.






546. Baqui-Musée.
Special division for Jewish relics.




547. Synagogue Ancienne.
Serves as a museum for a collection of Jewish antiquities.


548. Musée de la Ville.
Coll. of tombstones.
Source : M. Neubauer, in Archives des Missions scientifiques et littéraires, ser. 3, vol. 1, 1873.




549. Bibliothèque Publique.
Coll. of 26 Hebrew mss., given by Marx-Cahen.
Catalogue : M. Schwab, "Les manuscrits hébreux de la Bibliothèque du Havre," in REJ, vol. 68.


[p. 83]




550. Bibliothèque Municipale.
Coll. of 20 Hebrew mss. including fragments of a Maimonides ms. Some valuable Hebrew prints. Catalogue : Joseph Simon, "Les Manuscrits hébreux de la bibliothèque de la ville de Nimes," in REJ, vol. 3, p. 225-227; vol. 20, p. 147. M. Neubauer, op. cit., ser. 3, vol. 5.




551. Bibliothèque Ste. Geneviève.
Good collection of Judaica, mostly in French.


552. Bibliothèque Mazarin.
Good collection of Judaica.


553. Musée Carnavalet. Bibliothèque de la Ville de Paris.
Special collection of about 1,000 documents on the Dreyfus affair.


554. Musée du Louvre.
Collection of Jewish and Palestinian monuments, forming part of the Département des Antiquités Orientales.
Source : REJ, vol. 68, p. 278.


555. Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Langues Vivantes.
Good material on Palestine.




556. Archives de la Ville.
Some important documents of the 14th and 16th centuries.
Source : H. Breslau, "Aus Strassburger Judenakten," ZGJD, vol. 5, 1891, p. 116 ff.,




For the scattered documentary material found in the archives of almost all localities inhabited by Jews during the Middle Ages and more recently, which is not listed below, see Enc. Jud., vol. 3, p. 290 ff., and Anchel, Napoléon et les juifs, p. XIII-XIV.




557. Bibliothèque Municipale.
Jewish documents in the archives.
Source : Cat. Général, vol. 35, 44.




558. Bibliothèque Municipale.
A few Hebrew mss.
Source : M. Schwab, in REJ, vol. 42, p. 111 ff.




559. Bibliothèque Municipale.
Some Hebrew mss.
Source : M. Schwab, "Manuscrits hébreux en France," in REJ, vol. 60, p. 98 ff.


[p. 84]




560. Bibliothèque Municipale.
A few Hebrew mss.
Source : M. Schwab, in REJ, vol. 25, p. 250 ff.




561. Bibliothèque Municipale.
Jewish documents in the archives; 2 fragments of a Torah-scroll.
Sources : Cat. Général, vol. 35, 44. M. Neubauer, in Arch. des Missions Scient. et Litéraires, Sér. 3, vol. 5, 1873.




562. Archives Cote d'Or.
Coll. of Hebrew documents with two registers.
Source : Enc. Jud., vol. 3, p. 656.




563. Bibliothèque Publique.
2 Hebrew fragments, some mss.
Sources : M. Schwab, in REJ, vol. 60, p. 98 ff. Neubauer, op. cit., p. 564-568.




564. Bibliothèque Municipale.
Bible from Algeria in 2 vols.
Source : Neubauer, op. cit.



565. Bibliothèque Municipale.
Some Hebrew mss.
Source : M. Schwab, in REJ, vol. 13, p. 295-300.




566. Bibliothèque Publique.
Some Hebrew mss.
Source : M. Schwab, in REJ, vol. 60, p. 98 f.




567. Bibliothèque Municipale.
1 Hebrew ms.
Source : Neubauer, op. cit.




568. Bibliothèque Publique.
A few Hebrew mss.
Source : M. Schwab, in REJ, vol. 42, p. 111 ff.


[p. 85]




569. Bibliothèque Publique.
A few Hebrew mss.
Source : M. Schwab, in REJ, vol. 13, p. 295-300.




570. Musée de Ville.
Some inscriptions from Narbonne. A bilingual seal in Hebrew and langue-d’oc.
Source : Neubauer, op. cit.






571. Magyar tudomanyos akademia (Hungarian Academy of Sciences), in BUDAPEST.
Rich collection, including the David Kaufman collection. 594 Hebrew mss. 5 editions on parchment. 1,066 Hebraica. 575 Judaica.
Catalogues : M. Weisz, Katalog der hebraeischen Handschriften und Buecher des Prof. Dr. David Kaufman (Frankfurt/ M. 1906). Aron Freimann, "Hebraeische Pergamentdrucke," in ZHB, vol. 15.








572. Nemzeti Muzeum (National Museum).
Coll. of Hebrew mss.
Catalogues : Samuel Kohn, Die hebraeischen Handschriften des Ungarischen Nationalmuseums zu Budapest (Berlin 1877) : 5 entries. idem, A Magyar Nemzeti muzeum Konyvtaranak heber keziratai (Budapest 1877) : 12 entries.


573. Arpad Muzeum.
Jewish material included in the collection on Old Buda.


574. Magyar Töténeti Muzeum (Historical Museum).
Coll. of ceremonial objects, coins, documents, pictures. Rich collection of old Jewish religious objects.






575. Biblioteca Palatina, in PARMA.
1,765 Hebrew mss. 29 ed. on parchment. Includes collections of Rossi, Foa, Bernardo, and others.
Catalogues : G.B. de Rossi, Apparatus hebraeo-bilicus seu mss. editique codices sacri Textus. . . (Parma 1782). idem, Mss. codices hebraici Bibliothecae J. B. de Rossi (Parma 1803), 3 vols. idem, Libri stampati di letteratura sacra ebraico e orientale della biblioteca del dottore G. Bernardo (Parma 1812). P. Perreau, Cat dei codici ebraici della biblioteca di Parma non descritti dal Rossi [Cat. cod. orient.] (Florence 1880), vol. 2; entries : 55 (Rossi) + 111 (Foa) + 9. idem, "Descrizione dei 111 codici rabbinici della Nuova Coll. della Parmese [sic]," in ZHB, vol. 7, 8. idem, "Correzioni ed aggiunte al Catalogo Derossiano," in Boll. ital. studior., vol.1, 1896.


[p. 86]


idem, "Descrizione dei codici ebreo-rabbinici dell'antica coll. Parmense," in ZHB, vol. 7, 1864. M. Steinschneider, "Hebraeische Handschriften in Parma nach Mitteilungen des Herrn P. Perreau," in ZHB, vol. 4, 7, 8, 10, 12; Jessurun, vol. 6.
Other sources : Giuseppe Gabrieli, Manoscritti e carte orientali nelle Biblioteche e negli Archivi d'Italia (1930). Aron Freimann, "Hebraeische Pergamentdrucke," in ZHB, vol. 15.


576. Biblioteca Vaticana, in ROME.
747 mss. Great collection of printed Hebrew books; 1 ed. on parchment.
Catalogues : Assemani, Bibliotecae apostolicae Vaticanae. . . vol. 1, Codices hebraici (Rome 1756) : 453 + 59 + 2 entries. Mai, Appendix (Rome 1831), nos. 45-351. Mariano Ugolini, Libri ebraici [Inventario dei libri stampati Palatino Vaticani] (Rome 1886) : 35 + 2 entries. Umberto Cassuto, I manoscritti palatini ebraici della Biblioteca apostolica vaticana (1935).
Other sources : Giuseppe Gabrieli, Manoscritti, etc., op. cit., F. Lebrecht, "Zur Geschichte der Heidelberger Handschriften in Rom," in Neuer Anzeiger fuer Bibliographie, no. 856 (1862) : 287 mss.


577. Biblioteca Casanatense, in ROME.
Coll. of 231 Hebrew mss.
Catalogue : G. Sacerdote, Catalogo dei codici ebraici della biblioteca Casanatense [Cat. Cod. Orient., I, 6] (Florence 1897).
Other sources : Giuseppe Gabrieli, Manoscritti, etc., op. cit.


578. Biblioteca Ambrosiana, in MILAN.
Coll. of 200 Hebrew mss.
Catalogues : Carolus Bernheimer, Codices hebraici Bibliothecae Ambrosianae descripti (Florence 1933) : 121 + 1 entries. "Mss. di Mosè Lattes nel Ambrosiana," in Jewish Quarterly Review, vol. 6, 1894, p. 403-404.
Other Sources : Guiseppe Gabrieli, op. cit. A. Berliner, "Hebraeische Handschriften in Mailand," in Gesammelte Schriften (Frankfurt/M. 1913), p. 110 ff.


579. Biblioteca Laurentiana, in FLORE.NCE.
Coll. of 200 mss. and many incunables.
Catalogues : Umberto Cassuto, "Gl'incunaboli ebraici della collezione Delciana nella Bibl. Mediceo-Laurentiana," in Riv. Isr., vol. 5, 1909 : 11 entries. A. M. Biscioni, Bibl. ebraicae graecae Florentinae sive Bibl. Mediceo-Laurentiana, vol. 2 (Florence 1752, 1757).
Other sources : Giuseppe Gabrieli, op. cit. Umberto Cassuto, "Manoscritti ebraici della R. Bibliotéca laurenziana in Firenze,” in Festschrifi f. Aron Freimann (Berlin 1935).


580. Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, in TURIN.
After the great fire of 1904 about 140 mss. and 29 incunables survived; coll. of tombstone-inscriptions among the mass. Coll. of old Hebrew prints on parchment.
Catalogues : Elias Artom, "Gli incunaboli ebraici della Biblioteca nazionale universitaria di Torino," in Soncino-Blaetter, vol. 1, 1925-1926, p. 47-69 : 29 entries. B. Peyron, Codices hebr. Taurinensis
Bibl. . . . (1878). idem, Codices hebraici manuscripti. . . R. Bibl. . . . (Turin 1880) : 274 entries. Aron Freimann, in Abraham Berliner, Ges. Schriften, vol. 1, p. 231 : in 1908, of 274 mss., 43 had been destroyed by fire in 1904, and 100 had disappeared.






581. Biblioteca Universitaria.
Incunables and old prints. 2 ed. on parchment.


[p. 87]


Catalogues : L. Modona, Catalogo dei codici ebraici della biblioteca della R. Università di Bologna. [Cat. cod. orient., vol. 4] (Florence 1882) : 28 entries. idem, "Del'incunaboli e di alcune edizioni ebraiche rare o pregevole [sic] nella biblioteca della R. Università di Bologna," in Bibliofilo, vol. 1890, no. 7-9; vol. 11, no. 7-9. Aron Freimann, "Hebraeische Pergamentdrucke," in ZHB, vol. 15.
Other sources : Giuseppe Gabrieli, op. cit.


582. Bibloteca del Archiginnasio.
Coll. of incunables and old Hebrew prints.
Catalogue : A. Bongiovanni, " Le rare e poco note edizioni ebraiche nei secoli XV e XVI ... nell Bibl. dell'Archiginnasio," in L’Archignnasio, vol. 2, 1908.




583. Biblioteca Nazionale.
Coll. of 35 mass. 31 incunables and 1 ed. on parchment.
Catalogues : Umberto Cassuto, "Nuovi manoscritti ebraici della Biblioteca Nazionale di Firenze, "in GSAI, vol. 21-22, 1908-1909. idem, "Alcuni incunaboli ebraici conservati nella R. Bibl. Nazionale di Firenze," in Riv. Isr., vol.5 1908 : 10 entries. idem, Incunaboli ebraici a Firenze (1912) : 43 entries (31 incunables). D. Castelli, "Catal. dei codici ebr. magliabechiani e riccardiani di Firenze," in GSAI, vol 15, 1902, p. 169 : 14 + 3 entries.


584. Boblioteca Universitaria.
Collection of Hebrew mass.
Catalogue : Kalman Friedmann, "I manoscritti ebraici della R. Università di Firenze," in GSAI, nuova serie, vol. 2, fasc. 5, 1932 : 8 entries.


585. Archivio Municipali.
Jewish division containing part of the archives of the Jewish Community with documents since the 17th century.
Source : Enc. Jud., vol. 3, p. 293.


586. R. Archivo Fiorentino.
Rich material on Jews in Florence.
Source : Umberto Cassuto, Gli Ebrei a Firenze nell'Età del Renascimento [sic] (Florence 1918), p. V-VII, 361 ff.




587. Archivio Gonzaga di Mantova.
Jewish Division (folder 3389-3391) : (a) Edicts of toleration and privileges, since 1401; (b) Edicts and regulations; 1515-1786; (c) Various documents relating to Jews of the city and the State, 1454-1780. (d) Various documents on foreign Jews, beginning 1499.
Source : Pietro Torelli, L'  Archivo Gonzaga di Montova, vol. 1, Università degli ebrei (Ostiglia 1920), 3389-3391.




588. R. Archivio di Stato.
Jewish Division containing important documents on Jews in Milan.
Sources : Nicolà [sic] Ferorelli, Gli ebrei nell'Italia meridonale (Turin 1915), p. XI-XIII.




589. R. Biblioteca Estense.
Coll. of 50 mss.

[p. 88]


Catalogue : S. Jona, Katalog der hebraeischen Handschriften der koeniglichen Bibliothek in Modena (Belovar 1883).
Other sources : Gabrieli, op. cit. A. Berliner, Gesammelte Schriften, p. 107-109.




590. Biblioteca Vittorio Emmanuele III.
12 Hebrew mss.
Catalogues : A. Monaco, "Les Manuscrits orientaux de la Bibliothèque de Naples," in Le Museum, vol. 1, 1882. Berliner, Gesammelte Schriften, p. 120-124.
Other sources : Gabrieli, op.cit.


591. R. Archivio di Stato.
Important documents on Jews in Naples.
Source : Ferorelli, op. cit.



592. Biblioteca Universitaria.
Good collection of Judaica. Some editions on parchment. 7 mss.
Catalogue : Raccoltà [sic] Morpurgo, Biblioteca di letteratura e storia di popoli semiti. Catalogo generale (Padua 1924) : 1,158 entries.
Other sources : Gabrieli, op. cit.


593. Archivio Civico.
Material on Jewish history in Padua.
Source : E. Morpurgo, "Bibliografia della storia degli ebrei nel Veneto,"in Riv. Isr., vol. 7-9, 1910-1912.


594. Biblioteca del Seminario vescovile.
7 Hebrew mss.
Catalogue : E. Morpurgo, Inchiesta sui monumenti e documenti del Veneto interessanti la storia religiosa, civile et letteraria degli ebrei (Udine 1912), p. 23-25.




595. Boblioteca Angelica.
Coll. of 64 Hebrew mss.
Catalogue : A. di Capua, Catalogo dei codici ebraici della Bibl. Angelica [Cat. cod. orient., vol. 5] (Florence 1878) : 54 entries.
Other sources : Gabrieli, op. cit.


596. Biblioteca Vittorio Emmanuele.
Coll. of 28 mss.
Catalogue : A. di Capua, op. cit. (28 entries).


597. Biblioteca della Pica [sic] Casa dei Neofiti di Roma.
Many Hebrew mss.
Catalogue : G. Sacerdote, I codici ebraici della Pia casa... (Rome 1893) : 39 entries.


598. Archivi Municipali.
Collection of Jewish documents since 1536.
Source : Enc. Jud., vol. 3, p. 293.


599. Archivio di Stato.
Rich material on Jewish history in Italy.
Source : Attilio Milano, Ricerche sulle condizioni economiche degli ebrei a Roma durante la clausura del Ghetto. 1555-1848 (Città di Castello 1931), p. 3, note.


600. Archivio Storico Capitolino.
Copies of deeds since the end of the 16th century.
Source : Milano, op. cit.


[p. 89]




601. Archivio di Stato.
Material on Jews in Siena.
Source : I. Zoller, "Nuove fonti per la storia del 28 giugno 1799 a Siena, "in Riv. Isr., vol. 7, p. 191 ff, 240 ff.




602. Biblioteca Marciana.
Coll. of 19 mss.
Catalogue : M. Lattes, Catalogo dei codici ebraici della Biblioteca Marciana [Cat. cod. orient., vol 3, 1] (Florence 1886) : 19 entries.
Other sources : F. Morpurgo, Inchiesta sui Monumenti, p. 23-25.


603. Archivio di Stato.
Rich material on Jewish history in Venice.
Source : Cecil Roth, History of Jews in Venice (Philadelphia 1930), p. 371.






604. Biblioteca Civica.
2 mss.
Source : Gabrieli, op. cit.




605. Museo Municipale.
Contains some Jewish tombstones with 16th-century inscriptions.




606. Biblioteca Ventimilliana.
1 hebrew ms.
Source : Gabrieli, op. cit.




607. Biblioteca dell'Abbazia.
1 Hebrew ms.
Source : idem.




608. Biblioteca Communale [sic].
A few mss.
Source : idem.




609. Biblioteca Riccardiana.
3 mss.
Source : idem.


610. Biblioteca Marucelliana.
1 ms.
Source : idem.


[p. 90]


611. R. Archivio di Stato.
5 Talmudic fragments. ms. on parchment.
Catalogue : Umberto Cassuto, "Frammenti ebraici in archivi notarili," in Bibliofilia, vol. 12.




612. Civica Berio.
1 Bible ms. in 7 vols.
Source : Gabrieli, op. cit.




613. Biblioteca Chelliana.
3 Hebrew mss.
Source : idem.




614. Biblioteca dell'Abbazia.
3 Hebrew mss.
Source : idem.




615. Biblioteca Comunale.
3 Hebrew mss.
Source : idem.




616. Biblioteca Civica.
2 mss.
Source : idem


617. Biblioteca Braidense.
2 mss.
Source : idem.




617a. Library of the Episcopal Seminary.
A number of Hebrew mss., including an almost complete mahzor.
Source : O. Thomas Aq. Weikert, in ZHB, vol. 5 (1901) p. 23-28.




618. Biblioteca Nazionale.
2 mss.
Source : idem.




619. Biblioteca Universitaria.
2 mss.
Source : idem.


[p. 91]



620. Archivio notarile.
Some mss.
Source : Umberto Cassuto, "Manoscritti ed incunaboli ebraici nelle biblioteche italiane," in Congr. Mondiale delle Bibl. e di Bibliografia, vol. 3, 1931, p.73.




621. Biblioteca.
Fragments of old mss.
Source : G. Sabatini, Frammenti di antichi codici ebraici in pergamena conservati in Pescostanzo (Rome 1928).




622. Biblioteca Comunale.
2 mss.
Source : Gabrieli, op. cit.




623. Biblioteca Municipale.
7 mss.
Source : idem.




624. Biblioteca Archivio Notarile.
2 mss. on parchment.
Source : idem.




625. Biblioteca Lincei.
4 Hebrew mss.
Source : idem.


626. Biblioteca P. Istituto Biblico.
4 Hebrew mss.
Source : idem.




627. Academia dei Concordi.
8 mss.
Source : E. Morpurgo, Inchiesta sui monumenti, p. 23-25.




628. Biblioteca Archivescovile.
6 mss.
Source : idem.




629. Seminario Patriarcale.
1 ms.
Source : Gabrieli, op. cit.


[p. 92]


630. Biblioteca Querini Stampalia.
2 mss.
Source : idem.




631. Biblioteca Comunale.
1 Hebrew ms.
Source : idem.




632. Biblioteca Capitolare.
5 mss.
Catalogue : A. Berliner, " Hebraeische Handschriften in Verona," in ZHB, vol. 17, 1914, p. 17-18.




633. Biblioteca Bartoliniana.
1 ms.
Source : Gabrieli, op. cit.






634. City-Library.
Coll. of Judaica and documentary material.
Source : Information from Dr. Max Laserson, New York.


635. State Library.
Coll. of Judaica and documentary material.
Source : See above.




636. Kurland Provincial Museum.
Coll. of Jewish ceremonial objects and documentary material.
Source : Sitzungsberichte der Kurlaendischen Gesellschaft fuer Literatur und Kunst, vol. 13-14, 1901 ff., passim.






637. Central State Library.
Rich coll. of Judaica, including all printed material dealing with Jews in Lithuania.
Source : Information from A. Skema, Washington (former librarian).


638. University Library.
Coll. of Hebrew and Yiddish publications printed in Lithuania since the 16th century.
Source : W. Birzyszko, Report (in Lithuanian), 1936.




639. *Château de Clairvaux.
Many documents on money transaction between Jews and the aristocracy.
Source : Enc. Jud., vol. 3, p. 656.


[p. 93]






640. Bibliotheek der Universiteit, in AMSTERDAM.
Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana, donated bv G. Rosenthal, son of the collector. About 20,000 vols. 300 ms. 5 ed. on parchment. Some incunables. Very important collection of old Hebrew literature and of Judaica. Files of 81 current Jewish periodicals.
In the Archives : the death registers and mohel-books of the Jews in Amsterdam.
Catalogues : L. Hirschel and M. S. Hillesum, Systematischer Catalogus van de Judaica der Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana (1936-1939) , vols. 1-4. Jeremias M. Hillesum, Een keur uit de handschriften en boeken (Amsterdam 1919). "Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana (Hebraica en Judaica)," in Cataloog van de Tentoonstelling der Universiteitsbibliothek (1932) : nos. 158-225. C. P. Burger, jr., "Hebreuwsche boeken. . . ," in De Incuabeln en de Nederlandsche uitgaven tot 1540 in der Bibliotheek der Universiteit van Amsterdam ('s Gravenhagen 1923). M. Roest, Catalog der Hebraica und Judaica aus der Rosenthalschen Bibliothek (Amsterdam 1875), 2 vols.
Other sources : Louis Lamm, Die Rosenthaliana in Amsterdam (Berlin 1930).
Lijst van de loopende tijdschrifte der Biblioteca Rosenthaliana (Amsterdam 1930).


641. Rijksuniversiteit Bibliotheek, in LEIDEN.
15,000 vols. of Hebraica. Many mss. Very valuable and rich collection ; special material on Judaism and the East. Very important mss.
Catalogues : Bibliotheca Academica Lugduno Bataviae.
Catalogus, Deel XIV, XXII, XXVI : Inventaris van de Handschriften (Leiden 1932, 1934, 1935).
Steinschneider, Catalogus codicum hebraeorum Bibliothecae academicae Lugduno Bataviae (Leiden 1858).



Material pertaining to the history of the Jews in Holland was to be found in all local archives.




642. Rijksmuseum.
Interesting Jewish material, such as portraits and engravings of rabbis and community leaders, pictures of Jewish cemeteries and synagogues.


643. Stedelijk Museum.
Has a special Jewish division.




644. Archief der Stad Rotterdam.
Source : Zwarts, Hoofdstukken uit de Geschiedenis der Joden in Nederland (1929).




645. Museum Meermanno Westreenianum.
Coll. of Hebrew mss. and incunables.


[p. 94]




646. Archief der Bisschoppen van Utrecht.
A few important documents.
Source : Zwarts, op. cit.


647. Rijks-Archief Utrecht.
Many Hebrew documents.
Source : Zwarts, op. cit.






648. Polska Akademja Umiejetnosci (Polish Academy of Science).
Remnants of archives from liquidated Jewish communities in Galicia. Galician Judaica.
Collection of literature pertaining to proverbs, donated by Ignac Bernstein (1836-1908), consisting of 5,000 vols.
Sources : J. Czubek, Katalog Rekopisow (1900-1906). Bernstein, Katalog, 2 vols. (Warsaw 1903). Balaban, Zydzi w Galicji (Lemberg 1914) p. 213.


649. Biblioteka Jagiellonska (University Library).
Rich material on Jewish history, including a New Testment in Yiddish, printed in Cracow in 1540 : coll. of engravings illustrating Jewish life.
Sources : The monographs by Rygiel, Bar, and Piekarski. M. Balaban, Zabytki historyczne zydow w Polsce (Warsaw 1929), p. 127. idem, Prezwodnik pe zydowskich zabytkach Krakowa (Cracow 1935), p. 24.


650. Muzeum Narodowe (National Museum).
Coll. of Jewish museum objects, donated by the heirs of Adolf S. Sternschuss of Lwow and M. Goldstein. The division entitled : Muzeum im. Erazma Baracza includes a coll. of Jewish women's hoods. The division entitled : Muzeum Czapskich includes a coll. of Polish coins with Hebrew legends of the 12th century, and a rich collection of etchings depicting Jewish types.
Sources : Edward Chwalewik, Zbiory Polskie, vol. 1 (Warsaw 1926), p. 242, 225, 227. M. Balaban, Zabytki, p. 26.


651. Museum Czartoryskich (Museum of the Czartoryski family).
Its library includes material on Jewish history. The Archives contain documents relating to Jews in Poland including the acts of the Komitet Starozakonnych in Warsaw during the first half of the 19th century ; collections of Polish newspaper-clippings relating to Jews. Unpublished letters of eminent Polish Jews.
Sources : J. Korzeniowski, and St. Kutczeba, Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum, 2 vol. (1908-1913). C. Piotrowicz , Index nominorum et rerum. 2 vol. (1928-1931). M. Balaban, Zabytki, p. 33. Jacob Shatzky, Yiddishe Bildungspolitik in Poilen 1806-1866 (New York 1943) p. 8. idem, "Yiddishe Bibliotekn [sic] in Poilen," in Der poilishe Yid (New York 1945) no. 28.


652. Archiwum Akt Dawnych m. Krakowa (Archives of old documents of the city of Cracow).
2 pinkassim of the Jewish Community in Cracow of the end of the 16th century.
Source : M. Balaban, Przewodnik, p. 110.


[p. 95]


GUMNISKA (near Tarnow)


653.* Family-Archives of the princes Sanguszko.
Fascicles 168-177 contain material on Jews, partly printed in Archiwum Sanguszkoi, 5 vol., 1887-1897.
Source : Chawalewik, op. cit., vol. 1, p.118.




654. Biblioteka Miejska (City Library).
Jewish division with several thousand books in Yiddish and Hebrew.
Source : Information from Samuel Bernholc, New York.




655. Bibljoteka Publiczna im. Lopacinskiego (The Lopacinski Public Library).
Rich collection of books and documents relating to history of Jews in Lublin. A complete index of loose material pertaining to Lublin, including newspaper items of the 17th and 18th centuries.
Sources : A. Jawrowski, Katalog rekopisow (Lublin 1913) ; Supplement, 1917. Rocznik Lubelski (Lublin Yearbook). 3 vols. (1936-1938).


656. Muzeum Lubelskie.
Coll. of brass menorot and brass Hannukah-lamps, donated by the Jewish Community in 1917.
Sources : Chawalewik, op. cit., vol. 1, p. 363. M. Balaban, Zabytki, p. 26, 145.


657. Archiwum Panstwowe w Lublinie (State Archives in Lublin).
City record-books relating the excesses against Jews in the 17th and 18th centuries ; administrative acts refering to Jewish communities in Lublin and the province (Chelm, Hrubieszow, Kazimierz, Kranik, Miedzyrzec, Szczebrzeszym, Zamosc, Lubartow, etc., 1837-1914. Very valuable are the decrees regulating Jewish dress as well as documents relating to the Rabbinic school in Warsaw. Full records of Jewish schools in Lublin and vicinity.
Catalogue : Bialkowski, L., Archiwum Panstwowe w Lublinie. Inwentarz (Warsaw 1931).
Other sources : Jan Riabinin, Archiwum Panstwowe w Lublinie (Warsaw 1926), p. 27-29, 31, 35, 53, 57, 74, 77.




658. Biblioteka Uniwersytetu im. Jana Kazimierza (University Library).
Large coll. of Judaica.
Source : Ludwig Finkiel, Katalog rekopisow (Lwow 1910).


659. Biblioteka Zakladu narod-im. Ossolinskich (Library of the National Institution named in honor of Ossolinski).
Large coll. of Judaica and documents pertaining to Jews in the revolution of 1848.
Catalogue : W. Ketrzynski, Katalog rekopisow (Lwow 1889-1894), 3 vols. I. Schipper, in MGWJ, 1912.


660. Biblioteka Pawlikowskich (Library of the Pawlikowski family).
A Hebrew Bible of the 13th century. Literature on the Jewish question ; coll. of engravings relating to Jews.
Catalogue : M. Gerbarowicz, Katalog rekopisow (1929).
Other sources : Z. Ameisen, Bestiariusz w Bibli Hebrajskiej z 13 wieku (Warsaw 1933) (illustrated).


661. Biblioteka fundacji W. Baworowskich (Library of the Baworowski Foundation).
Coll. of Judaica and Jewish Iconography.


[p. 96]


662. Archiwum Ziemskie we Lwowie (Province Archives in Lwow).
6 vols. of juridical acts of the province-courts for Jews, from 1740-1742.
Sources : Enc. Jud., vol. 3, p. 275-276. M. Balaban, Zabytki. Z. Pazdro, Organizacja i praktyka zydowskich sadow podwojewodzinskich (Lwow 1903).


663. Archiwum Panstwowe we Lwowie (State Archives in Lwow).
Many documents relating to Jewish taxes (on kosher meat and candles), to Jewish agricultural colonization in Galicia ; documents on the emigration of Russian Jews and their stay in Brody ; a fascicle on the Hassidim (1814-1838), etc.
Sources : M. Balaban, op. cit. Enc. Jud., vol. 3, p. 275-276. Information from Dr Raphael Mahler, New York.


663a. Szewczenko Scientific Society.
Founded 1894. Complete coll. of printed material pertaining to Jews in the Ukraine. Rich coll. of unpublished letters, memoirs, etc. Coll. of paintings, prints and photographs depicting Jewish life in the Ukraine.
Source : L. Biernacki, Publiczne bibljoteki Iwowskie (Lwow 1926).




664. Towarzystow Naukowe Plockie (The Plock Scientific Society).
Documents and pictures pertaining to Jewish participation in the upheavals of 1831 and of 1863. Judaica related to the Prussian occupation of Plock (1794-1805).
Sources : A. Maciesza, Przewodnik po Muzeum T-wa Naukowego. (Plock 1906). Sprawozdanie Biblioteki (1936).




665. Bibljoteka Universytetu (University Library). (See Introduction, no. o. [sic])
Rich material on Jewish modern history, especially for recent times, includes the Kronthal Collection.
Source : Kronika miasto Poznania, 1926, passim.


666. Towarzystow Przyjaciol Nauk (Association of Friends of Science).
Rich coll. of Judaica.
Source : Biblioteki wielkopolskie i pomorskie (Poznan 1929).


667. Muzeum Wielkopolskie (Museum of the province of Great Poland).
Founded in 1894 under German rule, reopened in 1920. Rich coll. of Jewish ritual objects in silver, donated by Gustav and Arthur Kronthal.
Sources : Amtlicher Fuehrer fuer das Kaiser Friedrich Museum zu Posen (Posen 1911), p.13. Chwalewik, op. cit., vol 2, p. 114. Balaban, Zabytki, op. cit., p. 90.


668. Muzeum Mielzynskich.
Coll. of ceremonial objects gathered from synagogues throughout Poland.
Source : Chawalewik, op. cit., vol. 2, p. 101.


668a. Archiwum Panstwowe m. Pozania (State Archive of Poznan).
Rich collection of documentary material on local Jewish history ; cf. no. 301.
Sources : Balaban, Zabytki, p. 43. A. Warschauer, Die staedtischen Archive in der Provinz Posen (Leipzig 1901).




669. Archiwum Akt Dawnych (City Archives).
Important documents relating to the history of Jews.


[p. 97]


Catalogues : Jan Smolka, Katalog archiwum miejskiego (Przemysl 1921). idem, Katalog. . . 1927, p. 190-198.


670. Towarzystwo Przyjaciol nauk (Society of the Friends of Science).
Documents, newspaper clippings, pamphlets and tracts related to Jews.
Sources : See above. Rocznik (yearbook) published by the Society, 7 vols.





671. Municipal Archives.
Rich in Judaica.
Source : Borzemski Archiwa w Sanoku. Sanok 1905.




672. Municipal Archives.
Rich Jewish material.
Sources : Leniek-Herzig, Dzieje miasta Tarnowa (Tarnow 1911). Schipper, I., in Kwartalnik historyczny, 1905.




673. Bibljoteka publiczna i uniwersytecka (Public and University Library).
Some Hebrew mss. Coll.of material pertaining to Jewish history in Lithuania from the 16th to the 19th century. A unique collection of several thousand Hebrew and Yiddish books approved by the local censorship.
Sources : Kirjath Sepher, vol. 8, p. 130 ; vol. 11, p. 110 ; vol. 14, p. 118. Pinkhas Kon, in Yivo-Bleter, passim.


674. Bibljoteka Publiczna im. Wroblewskiego (The Wroblewski Public Library).
Lithuanian Judaica. Complete sets of Hebrew and Yiddish periodicals printed in Lithuania.
Source : J. Shatzky, in Yivo-Bleter, vol. 3, p. 65.


675. Towarzystwo Przyjaciol Nauk (Society of the Friends of Science).
Archivalia pertaining to the Jewish problem (1801-1846) ; private archives of Eliza Orzeszko (1842-1910), with about 800 letters and documents on Jewish topics. Coll. of books and pamphlets on Jews (2,400 vols.).
Source : Information from Dr. J. Shatzky, New York.


676. Archiwum Akt Dawnych w Wilnie (State Archives Vilna).
Several vols. on Jewish central autonomy in Duchy of Lithuania ; scores of vols. of the census of Jews in the Duchy of Lithuania in 1765 ; 29 vols. which are part of the Jewish community archives in Vilna, under the class-mark "Archiwum Kahalne" 1808-1838.
Sources : Kon, Pinkas, "Di gefunene teiln fun Vilner Kohelshn Archiv, " in Historishe Shriften (YIVO), vol. 2, 1937, p. 538-548. Mienicki, R., Archiwum Akt dawnych w Wilnie (Vilno 1923).


677. Archiwum Miejskie (City Archives).
44 vols. part of the Archives of the Jewish Community in Vilna for the years 1809-1845 ; many vols. not catalogued.
Source : Kon, Pinkas, in Ateneum Wilenskie, vol. 15, 1928, p. 151-166.




678. Bibljoteka Narodowa (National Library).
Includes the great collection of the Polish Emigre Archives in Rappersville




(Switzerland). Rich material on Jewish participation in Polish national movements (1794-1863).
Sources : Adam, Lewak, Katalog rekopisow Bibljoteki Narodowej. vol. 1. Zbiory Bibljoteki Rapperswilskiej (Warsaw 1929. M. Balaban, in Miesiecznik Zydowski (1933).


679. Biblioteka Publiczna (Public Library).
Several hundred rare Hebrew prints from the 16th to the 19th century. Includes the Library of Stainislaw Mendelson, with a coll. of letters leafflets, and pamphlets on Jewish participation in the Polish Labor movement ; the private archives of Jean Bloch with their rich material on the economic and social status of Jews in Poland during the second half of the 19th century ; and remnants of the official Jewish Committee in Poland (1825-1860).
Source : Information from Dr. J. Shatzky, New York.


680. Bibljoteka Universytetu im. J. Pilsudskiego (University Library).
Coll. of Hebrew mss. and Judaica.
Sources : J. Bielinski, Bibljoteka Krolewskiego Universytetu Warssawskiego (1817-1831) (1907-13). Przeglad biblioteczny, vol. 1, 1908, p. 37-54.


681. Bibljoteka Ordynacji Krasinskich (The Krasinski Library).
Documents pertaining to blood-libel trials in Poland, archive material on the history of Jewish education in Poland. A rich collection of Polish antisemitica.
Sources : F. Pulaski, Opis 815 rekopisoew Bibljoteki Krasinskich. (Warsaw 1915).
M. Hornowska, Rekopisy. . . do dziejow szkolnictwa polskiego (Warsaw 1930).


682. Bibljoteka Ordynacji Zamojskich (the Zamojski Library).
Material pertaining to Jews in agriculture, education, trade and commerce. Archives of the Zamojski family. Important archivalia on Zamosc and Jews, as well as on Jewish physicians in Poland.
Source : Information from Dr. Shatzky, New York.


683. Biblioteka Hr. Przezdzieckich (The Przezdiecki Library).
Contains documentary material relating to the history of the Jews in Poland in the 18th and the 19th centuries, among which the documents of Jacob Frank are the most important.
Source : A. Kraushar, Frank i frankisci, 2 vols. (1890). Chmiel, A., Zbior dokumentow. . . (Cracow 1890).


684. Muzeum Nardowe (National Museum).
Coll. of paintings by M. Gotlieb ; coll. of Jewish museum objects, donated by Leopold Meyer ; Jewish glass and other objects from several donors.
Source : Chwalewik, op. cit., vol. 2, p. 346.


685. Muzeum Przemyslu i Rolnictwa (Museum of Industry and Agriculture).
Coll. of Jewish ceremonial objects donated by H. Lew, B. Wysokinski, Dr. J. Geliebter, Ignaz Bernstein, and Regina Lilienthal. A rich library on Jewish folklore and etnology.
Source : Chwalewik, ibid.


686. Politechnika (School of Technology).
600 drawings by Prof. Noakowski of old synagogue in Poland.
Source : Katalog wystawy Noakowskiego (Warsaw [date illegible]).


687. Muzeum Spoleczne (Social Museum).
Coll. of printed material on the history of the Jewish Labor and Socialist movements in Poland.
Source : Yearly reports, 1926-1938.



688. Muzeum Pedagogiczne (Pedagogical Museum).
Coll. of primers, textbooks, grammars, and other publications in Hebrew, Yiddish, German and Polish, used in schools for Jews in Poland.
Source : Information from Dr. J. Shatzky, New York.


689. Archiwum Glówne Akt Dawnych (Central State Archives).
An outstanding coll. of Jewish documents since the 14th century. In addition to single documents, 95 bound vols. on the Jewish census in 1764-1795, and on Jewish central and provincial autonomy in ancient Poland ; a census of Jews in Poland in 1550 ; Hebrew documents, including 5 on parchment with ornaments of the 15th and 16th centuries ; many Hebrew letters and Hebrew records of the Jewish central autonomy authorities.
Sources : Chawlewik, op. cit., vol. 2, p. 275. T. Wierzbowski, Opisanie diel v varsz. glavnom archivie driewnich aktov (Warsaw 1912). M. Balaban in Enc. Jud., vol. 3, p. 273. E. Ringelblum, Zydzi w Warszawie (Warsaw 1932), p. 123-126. Information from Dr. Raphael Mahler, New York.


690. Archiwum Akt Dawnych (Archives of Old Documents).
Many vols. and fascicles relating to Jews in the Kingdom of Poland during the first half of the 19th century.
Source : Information from Dr. Raphael Mahler, New York.


691. Archiwum Skarbowe (Finance Archives).
25 vols. on registration and taxation of Jewish books in Poland during 1775-1793 ; scores of vols. on the kosher meat tax in the first half of the 19th century ; census of Jews during the first half of the 19th century ; material on Jewish occupations ; lists of cities and towns with "privilegia de non tolerandis Judaeis," etc.
Source : Chwalewik, op. cit., vol. 2, p. 284. A. Warschauer, Die Handschriften des Finanzarchivs zu Warschau (Warsaw 1917). Information from Dr. Raphael Mahler, New York.


692. Archiwum miejskie (Municipal Archives).
Coll. of Jewish documents since 1815, pertaining to the history of Jewsin Warsaw.
Sources : J. Warszawski, in Historishe Shriften (Yivo), vol. 2. idem, in Miesiecznik Zyd., vol. 1, 1930, p. 55-67. J. Shatzky, A History of Jews in Warsaw (manuscript).


693. Warszawskie Towarzystwo Naukowe (Warsaw Scientific Society).
Includes the private archives of Henryk Wohl, the Nussbaum and the Toeplitz families. Material on Jewish participation in the Polish Insurrection of 1863, and on Jewish cultural movements in Warsaw.
Source : Information from Dr. J. Shatzky, New York.


694. Archiwum Oswiecenia Publicznego (Archives of Public Instruction in the University).
Records of the Komitet Starozakonnych (Jewish Committee), 1825-1837 ; records of the Szkola Rabinow (Rabbinic Seminary) in Warsaw 1826-1863 ; fascicles of documents on the Hassidim in Poland in the first half of the 19th century ; census of Jewish books, etc.
Sources : M. Balaban, in Enc. Jud., vol. 3, p. 273. Jacob Shatzky, op. cit., p. 8. Information from Dr. Raphael Mahler, New York.


695. Archiwum Wojskowe Centralne (Central Military Archives).
Scores of complete sets of Yiddish periodicals and newspapers for the time of the German occupation, 1915-1918. Rich material on Jews in Polish military formations.
Source : Chawalewik, op. cit., vol. 2, p. 287. J. Konic, Zydzi w armji polskiej (Warsaw 1924).




For institutions designated by a letter see the introductory statement.


Aleksandrow Kujawski, 256
Altona, 9, 435
Amberg, 436
Amsterdam, 1, 230-240, 640, 642, 643
Antwerp, 131-133, 525
Augsburg, 10, 437
Avignon, 557

Bamberg, 438
Bayonne, 546
Bedzin, 340
Belgrade, 422-425, 701, 702
Belz, 341
Bergamo, 604
Berlin, c, 2-5, 8, 11-19, 77-80, 431, 439-442
Besancon, 558
Bialystok, 257-260
Birstein (Hessen), 443
Bologna, k, 581, 582, 605
Bonn, 20, 444, 500
Boskovice, 143
Botosani, 386
Bratislava, 144, 145, 527-529
Braunschweig, 21
Bremen, 81
Breslau, 1, 22-24, 445-448, 501
Brno, 146, 530
Brody, 261
Bromberg, see Bydogszcz
Bruchsal (Baden), 25
Brussels, g, 134, 135, 526
Buchau am Federsee, 26
Bucharest, 379-385, 398-406, 697, 698
Buchlau, 531
Budapest, i, j, 180-185, 571-574
Bydgoszcz (Bromberg), 262

Caen, 559
Cambrai, 560
Carpentras, 547, 548, 561
Cassel, 27-29, 82, 449, 502
Catania, 606
Cava Dei Tirreni, 607
Cernauti (Czernowitz), 387-391, 407, 408
Cesena, 608
Chelm, 342
Chisinau (Kishinev), 409
Chumotov (Komotau), 532, 533
Cluj (Klausenburg), 699, 700
Coblentz, 450
Colmar, 166
Cologne, 30, 31, 451, 452
Copenhagen, 154-156, 542
Cracow, m, 255, 263, 264, 343, 344, 367-370, 648-652
Crefeld, 32, 83, 84
Czernowitz, see Cernauti
Czestochowa, 345, 346
Czortkow, 265


Darmstadt, 33, 453-455
Daugapolis (Dvinsk, Dinaburg), 211
Dessau, 34, 455a
Dijon, 562
Dorpat, see Tartu
Dinaburg, see Daugapolis
Dresden, 35, 456, 457
Drohobycz, 266, 267
Dubrovnik (Ragusa), 426, 703
Dusseldorf, 36, 37, 458, 459
Dvinsk, see Daugapolis


Ehingen (Würtemberg), 503
Eisenach, e
Eisenstadt, 113, 114
Erfurt, 460
Erlangen, 461
Ferrara, 194, 207, 208
Florence, k, 195, 579, 583-586, 609-611
Focsani, 392
Frankfort-on-the-Main, b, 6, 38-43, 84a, 84b, 433, 462-464
Friedberg (Hessen), 85
Friesach (near Salzburg), 520
Fuerth, 44
Fulda, 465


Genoa, 612
Glogau (Silesia), 45, 466
Goch (Rhineland), 86
Goerz, 115
Goettingen, 46, 504
Gotha, 505
Grodno, 347
Grosseto, 613
Grosswardein, see Oradea Mare
Grottaferrata, 614
Gumniska (near Tarnow), 653
Guben, 467

Hague, 244, 245, 645
Halle, 468, 469, 506
Hamburg, 47-52, 87-90, 434, 470, 507
Hannover, 53, 91, 471
Havre, 549
Heidelberg, 54
Heilbronn, 508
Helsinki, 163


Iasi (Jassy), 393-395, 410, 411
Imola, 615
Ingerheim a.d. Saale, 92
Innsbruck, f
Inowroclaw (Hohensalza), 268
Ivanovice, 147
Ismail, 396
Janowiec (District of Lublin), 371
Jassy, see Iasi
Jena, 509


Kalisz, 269, 372
Kanice, 534
Karlsruhe, 55, 93, 472, 473
Kaunas (Kovno), 220-226, 637, 638
Kazimierz (on the Vistula), 373
Keszthely, 186
Kharkov, 415
Kiev, 416-418
Kishinev, see Chisinau
Klausenburg, see Cluj
Koenigsberg/Pr., 56, 57, 94, 474, 510
Kovno, see Kaunas
Komotau, see Chumutov
Krotoszyn, 270
Krynki, 348


Laizen, see Lucin
Leghorn (Livorno), 191, 196
Leiden, 241, 641
Leipzig, 95, 475-477
Libau, see Liepaya
Lida, 654
Liegnitz, 96
Liepaya (Libau), 212
Lipcani, 412
Lodz, n, 271-279, 349
Lomza, 350
Lublin, 280-283, 374, 655-657
Lucin (Laizen. province Letgalia), 213
Luxembourg, 639
Lwow, 250, 284-290, 351, 658-663
Lyon, 563


Mannheim, 58, 59, 97
Mantua, 192, 197, 587
Marseilles, 564
Mayence, 60-62, 98, 478
Meiningen, 511
Melun, 565
Metz, 167
Middelburg, 242
Mikulov (Nikolsburg), 141, 148
Milan, k, 198, 578, 588, 616, 617
Minsk, 419
Mir, 291
Mitau, see Yelgava
Modena, 589
Montefiascone, 617a
Muenster, 99
Munich, a, 63-66, 432, 478a-482

Naples, 590, 591
Neustadt a.d. Saale, 100
Nice, 566
Nikolsburg, see Mikulov
Nimes, 550
Noerdlingen, 483
Nowy Sacz, 352
Nowy Targ, 353
Nuremberg, 67, 101-103, 484, 511a


Obuda (Old Buda), 187
Odessa, 420, 421
Olmuc, 535
Opatow, 292
Oradea Mare (Grosswardein), 414
Oslo, 246

Padua, 199, 200, 209, 592-594
Palermo, 618
Panevezys, 229
Paris, h, 164, 165, 168-173, 544, 545, 551-555
Parma, 575
Pavia, 619
Perpignan, 567
Perugio [sic], 620
Pescostanzo, 621
Pforzheim, 512
Pilsen, 535a
Pinczow, 293, 294
Pisa, 201
Plock, 295, 354, 664
Ponieviez, see Panevezys
Poznan, o, 296-301, 665-668
Potsdam, 485
Prague, 139, 140, 142, 536-540
Prerov (Moravia), 150
Presov (Slovakia), 151
Panevezys (Ponieviez), 229
Prostejov (Moravia), 152
Przemysl, 375, 376, 669, 670


Radom, 302
Regensburg, 68, 486
Reggio Emilia, 202, 623
Reval, see Tallinn
Rhodes, p. 38, n.1
Rieti, 624Riga, 214-218, 634, 635
Rome, 190, 193, 203, 576, 577, 595-600, 625, 626
Rostock, 487
Rothenburg ob der Tauber, 488
Rotterdam, 243, 644
Rouen, 568
Rovigo, 204, 627
Ruse, 136
Rzeszow, 377


Saloniki, 178, 179
Salzburg, 521-523
Sambor, 355
Sanok, 671
Sarajewo, 427, 428, 704
Schwaebisch Hall, 489
Schwerin a.d Warthe, 69
Shavel, see Siauliai
Siauliai (Shavel), 228
Siedlce, 303
Siena, 205, 601
Sighet, 413
Sofia, 137, 138
Soissons, 569
Speyer, 70, 490-492



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