Restitution Reports :

Restitution Report 2002/2003: Fifth Report from the Federal Minister for Education, Science and Culture to the National Council regarding the Restitution of Works of Art from Austrian Federal Museums and Collections (Restitutionsbericht 2002/2003: Bericht der Bundesministerin für Unterricht und kulturelle Angelegenheiten an den Nationalrat über die Rückgabe von Kunstgegenständen aus den Österreichischen Bundesmuseen und Sammlungen)

According to the 1998 Federal State Act on the Return of Cultural Objects from Austrian Federal Museums and Collections, the Federal Minister for Education, Science and Culture is required to issue a yearly report to inform the National Council (i.e. Lower Chamber of the Austrian Parliament) on the restitution of works of art.

The fifth Restitution Report covering the period 2002/2003 has been published in German.  It is available here and from the website of the Commission for Provenance Research.

The report documents decisions to return cultural property to the heirs of the following:

Wally Kulka
Luise Simon
Emilio von Hofmannsthal
Emil Stiassny
Dr Valentin Viktor Rosenfeld
Moritz Rothberger
Heinrich Rothberger
Bernhard Altmann
Dr Richard Abeles
Alfred Werner Grünewald
Stefan von Auspitz/ Dr Harald Reininghaus
Dr Gottfried Bermann-Fischer
Dr Wilhelm Ellenbogen
Dr Hans Fischl
Grand Lodge of Vienna
Alexander Friedrich Rosenfeld
Dr Gert Ladner and Dr Oskar Ladner
Carl Zuckmayer